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😈 What the heck?

aioGo is the tiny helper library that doing two simple thinks:

  • run your async code


  • correct terminate your async code

Default python asyncio have troubles with this: when you hit Ctrl+C asyncio just cancel all your coroutines.

This can lead to many race conditions and hanging your application at exit point.

📘 How to use?

Install from pypi:

pip install aiogo

or, if you prefer poetry:

poetry add aiogo

And just:

from asyncio import Future
from aiogo import go

async def main(termination: Future[None]) -> None:
    await termination

if __name__ == "__main__":

That's all. You just wait while termination future was resolved (when your application got SIGINT or SIGTERM).

When you will be use this library in real world, just:

from asyncio import Future, wait, FIRST_COMPLETED, get_running_loop

async def main(termination: Future[None]) -> None:
    your_awesome_read_task = get_running_loop().create_future()
    done, _ = wait((termination, your_awesome_read_task), return_when=FIRST_COMPLETED)

and check done set.

I want custom event loop (uvloop)!

That I have! Again, just:

from asyncio import Future

import uvloop  # noqa
from aiogo import go

async def main(termination: Future[None]) -> None:

go(main, event_loop_factory=uvloop.new_event_loop)

I want forced exit!

If you can't write correct exit behaviour, well... Do that:

from asyncio import Future

from aiogo import go

async def main(termination: Future[None]) -> None:

go(main, exit_timeout=10)

And all your coroutines will be got CancelledError, as doing old good

I want use threads inside my async application

If you needed, you can make your own pool executor to use it as default executor, like this:

from asyncio import Future
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

from aiogo import go

async def main(termination: Future[None]) -> None:

with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool_executor:
    go(main, default_executor=pool_executor)

Warning! Passed pool will be closed after main routine was has been terminated

I want pass additionally argument to my main coroutine

Just use functools.partial method to bind coroutine to arguments

from asyncio import Future
from functools import partial
from aiogo import go

async def main(terminate: Future[None], value: int) -> None:
    await terminate

go(partial(main, value=42))

BTW any value, that you return from main coroutine will be returned from go function.

🌎 Hot to contribute?

  • Make a repository fork
  • Apply your changes (don't forget install pre-commit before making commit)
  • Make a pull request


python asyncio code runner







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