#YMEmojiUtils Export iOS Emojis and Create the emoji images.
##Features run this ios app on your latest simulator. it will export all the emoji image files to a single data file and the related plist file to link the emoji symbol and image.
related article by Sougou Input (http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA4MzEwOTkyMQ==&mid=2667375867&idx=1&sn=4dc0e037124341145aea5fbf9716a3ab&scene=1&srcid=0905MS9frvfEiQ3LxxqJwZyO&from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0#wechat_redirect)。
- iOS 10+
- Xcode 8+
- iPhone/iPad
gemoji : script writen by Ruby, to export the emoji list from your mac. clone this repository and run script down here.
rake db/Category-Emoji.json
pngquant : a command tool to compress image, support batch process.
ImageOptim : opensource gui tool.
Released under MIT License.