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ComfoControl CAN/RMI Protocol

This document tries to outline the protocol as used by the newer "Q"-Models. Please note that some stuff might be version dependent, especially ranges. My findings are based on ~R1.6.2 Two basic assumptions:

  • Your airflow unit is m³/h
  • Your temperature is measured in °C

If your ventilation is set to something else you need to try it out

Quick Overview of the network:

Speed is 100kb/s, no CAN-FD but extended ID's are used (one exception: firmware uploading) Each device has an unique node-id smaller than 0x3F or 64. If a device detects that another device is writing using "his" id, the device will change its id

Nodes send a periodic message to 0x10000000 + Node-ID with DLC 0 or 4

All PDO's (= sensors, regular data to be transferred, PUSH-Model) are sent with the following ID: PDO-ID << 14 + 0x40 + Node-ID

Firmware-Updates are sent using 11-bit IDs or 1F800000

RMI-Commands are sent and received using extended-IDs:

    + SrcAddr        << 0 6 bits  source Node-Id
    + DstAddr        << 6 6 bits  destination Node-Id
    + AnotherCounter <<12 2 bits  we dont know what this is, set it to 0, everything else wont work
    + MultiMsg       <<14 1 bit   if this is a message composed of multiple CAN-frames
    + ErrorOccured   <<15 1 bit   When Response: If an error occured
    + IsRequest      <<16 1 bit   If the message is a request
    + SeqNr          <<17 2 bits, request counter (should be the same for each frame in a multimsg), copied over to the response

Some Examples:

1F015057: 11111 0000 0001 0101 00 0001 010111 multi-msg request with SeqNr = 0
1F011074: 11111 0000 0001 0001 00 0001 110100 single-msg request with SeqNr = 0
1F071074: 11111 0000 0111 0001 00 0001 110100 single-msg request with SeqNr = 3

1F005D01: 11111 0000 0000 0101 11 0100 000001 no-error multi-msg response, seqnr = 0
1F001D01: 11111 0000 0000 0001 11 0100 000001 no-error single-msg response, seqnr = 0
1F009D01: 11111 0000 0000 1001 11 0100 000001 error, seqnr = 0

Encoding an RMI command/message into CAN-Messages

There are two ways of messaging them:

  1. If the message is less or equal than 8 bytes, it will be sent unfragmented. CAN-Data = RMI-Data MultiMsg = 0

    Example: Request: 01 1D 01 10 0A (Get (0x01) from Unit 1D 01 (TEMPHUMCONTROL 01) exact value (10) variable 0A (Target Temperature Warm)) Response: E6 00 little-endian encoded, 0x00E6 = 230 = 23.0°C

        can1  1F011074   [5]  01 1D 01 10 0A
        can1  1F001D01   [2]  E6 00
  2. If the message is longer than 8 bytes, it will be fragmented into 7-byte blocks Each block is prepended with the index (starting at 0) of the block. If the block is the last to come, 0x80 is added to the first byte.

    Example: CMI-Request: 80 03 01, answer 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

        can1  1F011074   [3]  80 03 01  # I send
        can1  1F005D01   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  # Answer
        can1  1F005D01   [8]  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
        can1  1F005D01   [8]  02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
        can1  1F005D01   [8]  03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
        can1  1F005D01   [5]  84 00 00 00 00

Enums in the network

If an error occures the reason maybe one of the following:

Number Description
11 Unknown Command
12 Unknown Unit
13 Unknown SubUnit
15 Type can not have a range
30 Value given not in Range
32 Property not gettable or settable
40 Internal error
41 Internal error, maybe your command is wrong

Please note that this list is not complete.

For types please check


The Ventilation is seperated into multiple Units, and sometimes even SubUnits. Here is a list of some existing units:

ID Amount of SubUnits Name Responsible for
0x01 1 NODE Represents the general node with attributes like serial nr, etc.
0x02 1 COMFOBUS Unit responsible for comfobus-communication. Probably stores the ID's of connected devices.
0x03 1 ERROR Stores errors, allows errors to be reset
0x15 10 SCHEDULE Responsible for managing Timers, the schedule, etc. Check here for level, bypass etc.
0x16 2 VALVE ??? Bypass PreHeater and Extract
0x17 2 FAN Represents the two fans (supply, exhaust)
0x18 1 POWERSENSOR Counts the actual wattage of ventilation and accumulates to year and since factory reset
0x19 1 PREHEATER Represents the optional preheater
0x1A 1 HMI Represents the Display + Buttons
0x1B 1 RFCOMMUNICATION wireless-communication with attached devices
0x1C 1 FILTER Counts the days since last filter change
0x1D 1 TEMPHUMCONTROL Controls the target temperature, if its cooling or heating period and some settings
0x1E 1 VENTILATIONCONFIG Responsible for managing various configuration options of the ventilation
0x20 1 NODECONFIGURATION Manages also some options
0x21 6 TEMPERATURESENSOR Represents the 6 temperature sensors in the ventilation
0x22 6 HUMIDITYSENSOR Represents the 6 humidity sensors
0x23 2 PRESSURESENSOR Represents both pressure sensors
0x24 1 PERIPHERALS Stores the ID of the ComfoCool attached, can reset peripheral errors here
0x25 4 ANALOGINPUT Provides data and functionality for the analog inputs, also the scaling for the voltages
0x26 1 COOKERHOOD "Dummy" unit, probably represents the ComfoHood if attached
0x27 1 POSTHEATER Represents the optional post heater attached (temperature sens, config)
0x28 1 COMFOFOND "Dummy" unit, represents the optional comfofond

General commands

There are three commands which always exist on a given Unit:

  • 0x01: Read single property:

    This command reads a single property identified by the Unit, SubUnit and Property Id. Each writable property may have a definitionrange & recommended step size which are also accesible

    The syntax is: 01 UnitId SubUnitId GetType PropertyId The answer is depended on the type of the property and the GetType. If the value, range and step (everything) is requested, the answer is: Value, lower boundry of range, upper boundry of range, step size.

    Example: Get maintainer password: 01 20 01 10 03, answer: 34 32 31 30 00 (4210\0)
    Unit is NODECONFIGURATION, first SubUnit, PropertyId 03

  • 0x02: Read multiple property:

    This command allows to read multiple propertys within one request, given that the caller knows the type of each. As this command can be replaced by multiple calls to 0x01, we omit it here.

  • 0x03: Set a single property:

    This commands sets one property to the given value. The value needs to be in the range as identified within 0x01, otherwise an error of 30 is returned. The step size, however, is not checked.

    Syntax: 03 UnitId SubUnitId PropertyId Value

    Example: 03 1D 01 04 00
    Unit is TEMPHUMCONTROL, first SubUnit, PropertyId: 04
    Sets the Property "Sensor ventilation: Temperature passive" to off

All other commands are >= 0x80 and dependent on the SubUnit. One example for a custom, unit dependent command is 0x85 from Unit SCHEDULE (15). It disables a given Timer Entry for a timer, in the example it allows the bypass to be returning to its automatic position:
85 15 02 01

Please do not try to run command 0x80, 0x82 on NodeConfiguration (0x20), they will probably break your configuration, and even worse would be calling ANY >= 0x80 command on 0x01.
It can probably completely brick your ventilation. (it enters factory mode or tries to perform an update)

Some interesting properties:

Unit PropId Access Format Description
0x1E 0x03 rw UINT16 Ventilation speed in "Away" Level
0x1E 0x04 rw UINT16 Ventilation speed in "Low" Level
0x1E 0x05 rw UINT16 Ventilation speed in "Medium" Level
0x1E 0x06 rw UINT16 Ventilation speed in "High" Level
0x1E 0x18 rw INT16 Disbalance in percent
0x01 0x04 ro STRING Serial number
0x01 0x08 ro STRING Typenbezeichnung
0x01 0x0B ro STRING Article number
0x01 0x0D ro STRING Country (Manufacturing or Current?)
0x01 0x14 ro STRING "ComfoAirQ"
0x1D 0x02 rw INT16 RMOT for heating period
0x1D 0x03 rw INT16 RMOT for cooling period
0x1D 0x04 rw UINT8 Passive temperature control (off, autoonly, on)
0x1D 0x05 rw UINT8 unknown (off, autoonly, on)
0x1D 0x06 rw UINT8 Humidity comfort control (off, autoonly, on)
0x1D 0x07 rw UINT8 Humidity protection (off, autoonly, on)
0x1D 0x08 rw UINT8 unknown (off, autoonly, on)
0x1D 0x0A rw INT16 Target temperature for profile: Heating
0x1D 0x0B rw INT16 Target temperature for profile: Normal
0x1D 0x0C rw INT16 Target temperature for profile: Cooling

Basic list of commonly-used commands:

This is a list of known commands:

Command Description
8415 0101 0000 0000 0100 0000 00 Switch to fan speed away
8415 0101 0000 0000 0100 0000 01 Switch to fan speed 1
8415 0101 0000 0000 0100 0000 02 Switch to fan speed 2
8415 0101 0000 0000 0100 0000 03 Switch to fan speed 3
8415 0106 0000 0000 5802 0000 03 Boost mode: start for 10m (= 600 seconds = 0x0258)
8515 0106 Boost mode: end
8515 0801 Switch to auto mode
8415 0801 0000 0000 0100 0000 01 Switch to manual mode
8415 0601 00000000 100e0000 01 Set ventilation mode: supply only for 1 hour
8515 0601 Set ventilation mode: balance mode
8415 0301 00000000 ffffffff 00 Set temperature profile: normal
8415 0301 00000000 ffffffff 01 Set temperature profile: cool
8415 0301 00000000 ffffffff 02 Set temperature profile: warm
8415 0201 00000000 100e0000 01 Set bypass: activated for 1 hour
8415 0201 00000000 100e0000 02 Set bypass: deactivated for 1 hour
8515 0201 Set bypass: auto
031d 0104 00 Set sensor ventilation: temperature passive: off
031d 0104 01 Set sensor ventilation: temperature passive: auto only
031d 0104 02 Set sensor ventilation: temperature passive: on
031d 0106 00 Set sensor ventilation: humidity comfort: off
031d 0106 01 Set sensor ventilation: humidity comfort: auto only
031d 0106 02 Set sensor ventilation: humidity comfort: on
031d 0107 00 Set sensor ventilation: humidity protection: off
031d 0107 01 Set sensor ventilation: humidity protection: auto
031d 0107 02 Set sensor ventilation: humidity protection: on