I am a Computer Science Student at Loughborough University
Skills: Python / React / Next JS / PHP / JavaScript / Java / GCP / Docker / SQL
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Kubernetes / Helm
- 📫 How to reach me: Email, LinkedIn
I am a Computer Science Student at Loughborough University
Skills: Python / React / Next JS / PHP / JavaScript / Java / GCP / Docker / SQL
Horse racing odds tracker using selenium and pandas to scrap data from oddschecker and compare at 2 different time intervals
Python 1
Forked from ryandougherty/Introduction-to-the-Theory-of-Computation-Solutions
Solutions to Michael Sipser's Introduction to the Theory of Computation Book (3rd Edition).
Forked from gaurangsaini/sipser-computation-3rd-solutions
Solutions to all questions of the book Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 3rd edition by Michael Sipser