Give an explanation about working-tree,index, local-repo, and remote repo.
Explain what is HEAD in git
Head is a pointer to the currently checkout out branch or commit/ref, it gives answer to the important question - "where am i exactly currently in my repo?"a. Where is my HEAD - and How it gets updated
b. What is fast-forward merge and recursive 3-way merge.
c. What is a detached HEAD state and how to get out of this state(attached HEAD)
- Integrating changes - Rebase vs Merge
- Talk about use cases for starting repos and bring examples
- Talk about working in parallel on at least 2 branches and bring examples
- Discuss about ways to resolve merge and rebase conflicts
- Illustrate Several ways how to recover lost data/commits
- Discuss about Rebase use cases and when to use and when not to use, including demos
- Show variety of git commands and usages, some of them advanced, including demos.
git remote
git reset --hard --soft --mixed
git rm -rf --cached
git add [--intent-to-add] [-A] [-u - only tracked files]
git fetch [--prune] , [--all] , fetch remote/origin(update remote refs)
git pull -- dry-run , --rebase
git stash save, apply, pop,clear,show
git rebase -i(demo at the bottom)
git rebase change "forked from" branch - git rebase --onto=main oldForkBranch newForkBranch
git rebase insert a new commit in the middle of commits tree(all commits after new commit will be re-hashed, so it's only suitable for trees that their "right part/upper part" wasn't published to remote repo - optional.
git restore --staged --worktree
git revert - will be show how to use in the git bisect demo
common checkout usages(beside switching between branches in local repo):
git checkout specific file from ref
git checkout -b to start new branch
git checkout to resolve conflicts with ours/theirs
checkout from a commit from git log or HEAD~n from git reflog
git checkout --orphan to start a branch with new history,
git checkout HEAD . --no-overlay eliminate all indexed and not staged files from index and working tree(like git reset --hard)
git checkout -p , interactively select chunks of a ref/commit/ref+(directory/file), use after using git blame on the file
git push -u origin new-branch-name(along with git checkout -b new-branch-name).
git push -f(when you have no choice)
git push remote localbranch:remotebranch. \
git commit -a --amend --no-edit --signoff by user. git log branch_name/tag name
git diff HEAD, --cached(only comparing staged files with reference to HEAD/Commit ID.
git diff COMMIT_ID/REF/tag.
git diff REF1, REF2.
git merge --squash branch/ref/commit.
git merge git merge -s recursive -Xtheirs / -Xours /
git mergetool(show with meld in demo)
git show commit-id [--name-only] [--format=email/fuller]
git blame - git blame hello.there -l(long revisions)
git merge -s octopus HEAD@{1} HEAD@{6} / branchA BranchB BranchC...\
git cherry-pick (-n) commit_id
git rev-list --all --count
git rev-parse HEAD/ref
git submodule(optional)
git reflog HEAD/{branchName}
git whatchanged
(*)git request-pull -p start-commit, repo/url, end commit
Link to repo that show how to use git bisect with example can be found here