layout | page_title | description |
zscaler |
Release Notes |
The Zscaler SDK GO Release Notes |
Track all Zscaler SDK GO releases. New resources, features, and bug fixes will be tracked here.
Last updated: v3.1.3
- Golang: v1.22
PR #301 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added POST /exportPolicies
Exports the rules configured for the specified policy types to JSON files.
PR #298 - Fixed ZCC ReadAllPages
pagination function due to panic related to incorrect method reference.
- Golang: v1.22
PR #297 - Fixed ZIA SSL Inspection Proxy Gateway attribute.
- Golang: v1.22
PR #296 - Fixed ZIA Rate limit override issue to prevent inadivertant panic.
- Golang: v1.22
PR #295 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added GET /sslInspectionRules
Retrieves all SSL inspection rules.
- Added GET /sslInspectionRules/{ruleId}
Retrieves the SSL inspection rule based on the specified ID
- Added POST /sslInspectionRules
Creates a new SSL inspection rule
- Added PUT /sslInspectionRules/{ruleId}
Updates the SSL inspection rule based on the specified ID
- Added DELETE /sslInspectionRules/{ruleId}
Deletes an existing SSL inspection rule based on the specified ID
- Golang: v1.23
PR #293: Added support for OneAPI Oauth2 authentication support through Zidentity.
- Starting at v3.0.0 version this SDK provides dual API client functionality and is backwards compatible with the legacy Zscaler API framework.
- The new OneAPI framework is compatible only with the following products
. - The following products
- Cloud Connector andZDX
and Zscaler Digital Experience, authentication methods remain unnaffected.
Refer to the README page for details on client instantiation, and authentication requirements on each individual product.
PR #293: All API clients now support Config Setter object ZCC/ZCON/ZDX/ZIA/ZPA
PR #293: Added Ability to pass context
to each method that is sent into the request.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZCC API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /downloadServiceStatus
to download service status for all devices. - Added
GET /getDeviceCleanupInfo
to retrieve device cleanup information. - Added
PUT /setDeviceCleanupInfo
to cleanup device information. - Added
GET /getDeviceDetails
to retrieve device detailed information. - Added
GET /getAdminUsers
to retrieve mobile portal admin user. - Added
PUT /editAdminUser
to update mobile portal admin user. - Added
GET /getAdminUsersSyncInfo
to retrieve mobile portal admin user sync information. - Added
POST /syncZiaZdxAdminUsers
to retrieve mobile portal admin users ZIA and ZDX sync information. - Added
POST /syncZpaAdminUsers
to retrieve mobile portal admin users ZPA sync information. - Added
GET /getAdminRoles
to retrieve mobile portal admin roles. - Added
GET /getCompanyInfo
to retrieve company information. - Added
GET /getZdxGroupEntitlements
to retrieve ZDX Group entitlement enablement. - Added
PUT /updateZdxGroupEntitlement
to retrieve ZDX Group entitlement enablement. - Added
GET /updateZpaGroupEntitlement
to retrieve ZPA Group entitlement enablement. - Added
GET /web/policy/listByCompany
to retrieve Web Policy By Company ID. - Added
PUT /web/policy/activate
to activate mobile portal web policy - Added
PUT /web/policy/edit
to update mobile portal web policy - Added
DELETE /web/policy/{policyId}/delete
to delete mobile portal web policy. - Added
GET /webAppService/listByCompany
to retrieve Web App Service information By Company ID. - Added
GET /webFailOpenPolicy/listByCompany
to retrieve web Fail Open Policy information By Company ID. - Added
PUT /webFailOpenPolicy/edit
to update mobile portal web Fail Open Policy. - Added
GET /webForwardingProfile/listByCompany
to retrieve Web Forwarding Profile information By Company ID. - Added
POST /webForwardingProfile/edit
to create a Web Forwarding Profile. - Added
DELETE /webForwardingProfile/{profileId}/delete
to delete Web Forwarding Profile. - Added
GET /webTrustedNetwork/listByCompany
to retrieve multiple Web Trusted Network information By Company ID. - Added
POST /webTrustedNetwork/edit
to create Web Trusted Network resource. - Added
PUT /webTrustedNetwork/edit
to update Web Trusted Network resource. - Added
DELETE /webTrustedNetwork/{networkId}/delete
to delete Web Trusted Network resource. - Added
GET /getWebPrivacyInfo
to retrieve Web Privacy Info. - Added
GET /setWebPrivacyInfo
to update Web Privacy Info.
PR #293 - Authentication to Zscaler Sandbox now use the following attributes during client instantiation.
- Can also be sourced from theZSCALER_SANDBOX_TOKEN
environment variable.sandboxCloud
- Can also be sourced from theZSCALER_SANDBOX_CLOUD
environment variable.
has been deprecated.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /sandboxRules
to retrieve the list of all Sandbox policy rules. - Added
GET /sandboxRules/{ruleId}
to retrieve the Sandbox policy rule information based on the specified ID. - Added
POST /sandboxRules
to add a Sandbox policy rule. - Added
PUT /sandboxRules/{ruleId}
to update the Sandbox policy rule configuration for the specified ID. - Added
DELETE /sandboxRules/{ruleId}
to delete the Sandbox policy rule based on the specified ID.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /firewallDnsRules
to retrieve the list of all DNS Control policy rules. - Added
GET /firewallDnsRules/{ruleId}
to retrieve the DNS Control policy rule information based on the specified ID. - Added
POST /firewallDnsRules
to add a DNS Control policy rules. - Added
PUT /firewallDnsRules/{ruleId}
to update the DNS Control policy rule configuration for the specified ID. - Added
DELETE /firewallDnsRules/{ruleId}
to delete the DNS Control policy rule based on the specified ID.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /firewallIpsRules
to retrieve the list of all IPS Control policy rules. - Added
GET /firewallIpsRules/{ruleId}
to retrieve the IPS Control policy rule information based on the specified ID. - Added
POST /firewallIpsRules
to add a IPS Control policy rule. - Added
PUT /firewallIpsRules/{ruleId}
to update the IPS Control policy rule configuration for the specified ID. - Added
DELETE /firewallIpsRules/{ruleId}
to delete the IPS Control policy rule based on the specified ID.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /fileTypeRules
to retrieve the list of all File Type Control policy rules. - Added
GET /fileTypeRules/lite
to retrieve the list of all File Type Control policy rules. - Added
GET /fileTypeRules/{ruleId}
to retrieve the File Type Control policy rule information based on the specified ID. - Added
POST /fileTypeRules
to add a File Type Control policy rule. - Added
PUT /fileTypeRules/{ruleId}
to update the File Type Control policy rule configuration for the specified ID. - Added
DELETE /fileTypeRules/{ruleId}
to delete the File Type Control policy rule based on the specified ID.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /proxyGateways
to retrieve the proxy gateway information. - Added
GET /proxyGateways/lite
to retrieve the name and ID of the proxy.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /nssFeeds
to retrieve the cloud NSS feeds. - Added
GET /nssFeeds/{feedId}
to retrieve information about cloud NSS feed based on the specified ID. - Added
POST /nssFeeds
to add a new cloud NSS feed. - Added
PUT /nssFeeds/{feedId}
to update cloud NSS feed configuration based on the specified ID. - Added
DELETE /nssFeeds/{feedId}
to delete cloud NSS feed configuration based on the specified ID. - Added
GET /nssFeeds/feedOutputDefaults
to retrieve the default cloud NSS feed output format for different log types. - Added
GET /nssFeeds/testConnectivity/{feedId}
to test the connectivity of cloud NSS feed based on the specified ID - Added
POST /nssFeeds/validateFeedFormat
to validates the cloud NSS feed format and returns the validation result
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /cyberThreatProtection/advancedThreatSettings
to retrieve the advanced threat configuration settings. - Added
PUT /cyberThreatProtection/advancedThreatSettings
to update the advanced threat configuration settings. - Added
GET /cyberThreatProtection/maliciousUrls
to retrieve the malicious URLs added to the denylist in the Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) policy - Added
PUT /cyberThreatProtection/maliciousUrls
to updates the malicious URLs added to the denylist in ATP policy - Added
GET /cyberThreatProtection/securityExceptions
to retrieves information about the security exceptions configured for the ATP policy - Added
PUT /cyberThreatProtection/securityExceptions
to update security exceptions for the ATP policy
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /cyberThreatProtection/atpMalwareInspection
to retrieve the traffic inspection configurations of Malware Protection policy - Added
PUT /cyberThreatProtection/atpMalwareInspection
to update the traffic inspection configurations of Malware Protection policy. - Added
GET /cyberThreatProtection/atpMalwareProtocols
to retrieve the protocol inspection configurations of Malware Protection policy - Added
PUT /cyberThreatProtection/atpMalwareProtocols
to update the protocol inspection configurations of Malware Protection policy. - Added
GET /cyberThreatProtection/malwareSettings
to retrieve the malware protection policy configuration details - Added
PUT /cyberThreatProtection/malwareSettings
to update the malware protection policy configuration details. - Added
GET /cyberThreatProtection/malwarePolicy
to retrieve information about the security exceptions configured for the Malware Protection policy - Added
PUT /cyberThreatProtection/malwarePolicy
to update security exceptions for the Malware Protection policy.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /advancedUrlFilterAndCloudAppSettings
to retrieve information about URL and Cloud App Control advanced policy settings - Added
PUT /advancedUrlFilterAndCloudAppSettings
to update the URL and Cloud App Control advanced policy settings
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /authSettings
to retrieve the organization's default authentication settings information, including authentication profile and Kerberos authentication information. - Added
GET /authSettings/lite
to retrieve organization's default authentication settings information. - Added
PUT /authSettings
to update the organization's default authentication settings information.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /advancedSettings
to retrieve information about the advanced settings. - Added
PUT /advancedSettings
to update the advanced settings configuration.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /cloudApplications/policy
Retrieves a list of Predefined and User Defined Cloud Applications associated with the DLP rules, Cloud App Control rules, Advanced Settings, Bandwidth Classes, and File Type Control rules. - Added
GET /cloudApplications/sslPolicy
Retrieves a list of Predefined and User Defined Cloud Applications associated with the SSL Inspection rules.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
PUT /cloudApplications/bulkUpdate
To Update application status and tag information for predefined or custom cloud applications based on the IDs specified - Added
GET /cloudApplications/lite
Gets the list of predefined and custom cloud applications - Added
GET /customTags
Gets the list of custom tags available to assign to cloud applications - Added
POST /shadowIT/applications/export
Export the Shadow IT Report (in CSV format) for the cloud applications recognized by Zscaler based on their usage in your organization. - Added
POST /shadowIT/applications/{entity}/exportCsv
Export the Shadow IT Report (in CSV format) for the list of users or known locations identified with using the cloud applications specified in the request.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /remoteAssistance
to retrieve information about the Remote Assistance option. - Added
PUT /remoteAssistance
to update information about the Remote Assistance option. Using this option, you can allow Zscaler Support to access your organization’s ZIA Admin Portal for a specified time period to troubleshoot issues.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /orgInformation
to retrieve detailed organization information, including headquarter location, geolocation, address, and contact details. - Added
GET /orgInformation/lite
to retrieve minimal organization information. - Added
GET /subscriptions
to retrieve information about the list of subscriptions enabled for your tenant. Subscriptions define the various features and levels of functionality that are available to your organization.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /eun
to retrieve information browser-based end user notification (EUN) configuration details. - Added
PUT /eun
to update the browser-based end user notification (EUN) configuration details.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /auditlogEntryReport
to retrieve the status of a request for an audit log report. - Added
POST /auditlogEntryReport
to create an audit log report for the specified time period and saves it as a CSV file. - Added
DELETE /auditlogEntryReport
to cancel the request to create an audit log report. - Added
GET /auditlogEntryReport/download
to download the most recently created audit log report.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /extranet
to retrieve the list of extranets configured for the organization - Added
GET /extranet/lite
Retrieves the name-ID pairs of all extranets configured for an organization - Added
GET /extranet/{Id}
Retrieves information about an extranet based on the specified ID. - Added
POST /extranet
Adds a new extranet for the organization. - Added
PUT /extranet/{Id}
Updates an extranet based on the specified ID - Added
DELETE /extranet/{Id}
Deletes an extranet based on the specified ID
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA IOT API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /iotDiscovery/deviceTypes
Retrieve the mapping between device type universally unique identifier (UUID) values and the device type names for all the device types supported by the Zscaler AI/ML. - Added
GET /iotDiscovery/categories
Retrieve the mapping between the device category universally unique identifier (UUID) values and the category names for all the device categories supported by the Zscaler AI/ML. The parent of device category is device type. - Added
GET /iotDiscovery/classifications
Retrieve the mapping between the device classification universally unique identifier (UUID) values and the classification names for all the device classifications supported by Zscaler AI/ML. The parent of device classification is device category. - Added
GET /iotDiscovery/deviceList
Retrieve a list of discovered devices with the following key contexts, IP address, location, ML auto-label, classification, category, and type.
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /apps/app
to search the 3rd-Party App Governance App Catalog by either app ID or URL. - Added
POST /apps/app
to submis an app for analysis in the 3rd-Party App Governance Sandbox. - Added
GET /apps/search
to search for an app by name. Any app whose name contains the search term (appName) is returned. - Added
GET /app_views/list
to retrieve the list of custom views that you have configured in the 3rd-Party App Governance. - Added
GET /app_views/{appViewId}/apps
to retrieves all assets (i.e., apps) that are related to a specified argument (i.e., custom view).
PR #293 - The ZPA SCIM API Client now supports instantiation via configSetter mode. See README
- Golang: v1.22
PR #293 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /pacFiles
to Retrieves the list of all PAC files which are in deployed state. - Added
GET /pacFiles/{pacId}/version
to Retrieves all versions of a PAC file based on the specified ID. - Added
GET /pacFiles/{pacId}/version/{pacVersion}
to Retrieves a specific version of a PAC file based on the specified ID. - Added
POST /pacFiles
to Adds a new custom PAC file. - Added
DELETE /pacFiles/{pacId}
to Deletes an existing PAC file including all of its versions based on the specified ID. - Added
PUT /pacFiles/{pacId}/version/{pacVersion}/action/{pacVersionAction}
to Performs the specified action on the PAC file version and updates the file status. - Added
POST /pacFiles/validate
to send the PAC file content for validation and returns the validation result. - Added
POST /pacFiles/{pacId}/version/{clonedPacVersion}
to Adds a new PAC file version by branching an existing version based on the specified ID.
The SDK now supports interaction with the dedicated SCIM API Endpoint as described in the Zscaler Help documentation. The SCIM Service Provider Endpoints and references to
To authenticate to the SCIM Service Provider Endpoint you can authenticate by providing the following information:
The ZPA Cloud is identified by several cloud name prefixes, which determines which API endpoint the requests should be sent to. The following cloud environments are supported:
You can provide credentials via the ZPA_SCIM_TOKEN
environment variables, representing your ZPA scimToken
, idpId
, and scimCloud
of your ZPA account, respectively.
environment variable is required, and is used to identify the correct API gateway where the API requests should be forwarded to.
~> NOTE 2 All SCIM APIs are rate limited.
Argument | Description | Environment variable |
scimToken |
(String) The ZPA SCIM Bearer token generated from the ZPA console. | ZPA_SCIM_TOKEN |
idpId |
(String) The ZPA IdP ID from the onboarded Identity Provider. | ZPA_IDP_ID |
scimCloud |
(String) The ZPA SCIM Cloud for your ZPA Tenant. | ZPA_SCIM_CLOUD |
PR #293 - Added the following ZPA SCIM API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /Groups
Fetch All Groups with pagination - Added
GET /Groups/{groupId}
Fetch a Group By ID - Added
POST /Groups
Create a new Group - Added
PUT /Groups/{groupId}
Update a new Group - Added
PATCH /Groups/{groupId}
Partially Update a Group
PR #293 - Added the following ZPA SCIM API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /Users
Fetch All Users with pagination - Added
GET /Users/{userID}
Fetch a User By ID - Added
POST /Groups
Create a new User - Added
PUT /Groups/{userID}
Update a new User - Added
PATCH /Groups/{userID}
Partially Update a User
PR #293 - Added new ZWA endpoint:
- Added
GET /dlp/v1/incidents/transactions/{transactionId}
Gets the list of all DLP incidents associated with the transaction ID - Added
GET /dlp/v1/incidents/{dlpIncidentId}
Gets the DLP incident details based on the incident ID. - Added
DELETE /dlp/v1/incidents/{dlpIncidentId}
Deletes the DLP incident for the specified incident ID. - Added
GET /dlp/v1/incidents{dlpIncidentId}/change-history
Gets the details of updates made to an incident based on the given ID and timeline. - Added
GET /dlp/v1/incidents/{dlpIncidentId}/tickets
Gets the information of the ticket generated for the incident. For example, ticket type, ticket ID, ticket status, etc. - Added
POST /dlp/v1/incidents/{dlpIncidentId}/incident-groups/search
Filters a list of DLP incident groups to which the specified incident ID belongs. - Added
POST /dlp/v1/incidents/{dlpIncidentId}/close
Updates the status of the incident to resolved and closes the incident with a resolution label and a resolution code. - Added
POST /dlp/v1/incidents/{dlpIncidentId}/notes
Adds notes to the incident during updates or status changes. - Added
POST /dlp/v1/incidents/{dlpIncidentId}/labels
Assign lables (a label name and it's associated value) to DLP incidents. - Added
POST /dlp/v1/incidents/search
Filters DLP incidents based on the given time range and the field values. - Added
GET /dlp/v1/incidents/{dlpIncidentId}/triggers
Downloads the actual data that triggered the incident. - Added
GET /dlp/v1/incidents/{dlpIncidentId}/evidence
Gets the evidence URL of the incident.
Argument | Description | Environment variable |
key_id |
(String) The ZWA string that contains the API key ID. | ZWA_API_KEY_ID |
key_secret |
(String) The ZWA string that contains the key secret. | ZWA_API_SECRET |
cloud |
(String) The ZWA string containing cloud provisioned for your organization. | ZWA_CLOUD |
- Golang: v1.22
PR #292 - Fixed ZPA Double Encoding of HTTP GET Request Params - Issue #291 PR #292 - Updated go mod packages
- Golang: v1.22
PR #286 - Added the following new ZIA API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /pacFiles
to Retrieves the list of all PAC files which are in deployed state. - Added
GET /pacFiles/{pacId}/version
to Retrieves all versions of a PAC file based on the specified ID. - Added
GET /pacFiles/{pacId}/version/{pacVersion}
to Retrieves a specific version of a PAC file based on the specified ID. - Added
POST /pacFiles
to Adds a new custom PAC file. - Added
DELETE /pacFiles/{pacId}
to Deletes an existing PAC file including all of its versions based on the specified ID. - Added
PUT /pacFiles/{pacId}/version/{pacVersion}/action/{pacVersionAction}
to Performs the specified action on the PAC file version and updates the file status. - Added
POST /pacFiles/validate
to send the PAC file content for validation and returns the validation result. - Added
POST /pacFiles/{pacId}/version/{clonedPacVersion}
to Adds a new PAC file version by branching an existing version based on the specified ID.
The SDK now supports interaction with the dedicated SCIM API Endpoint as described in the Zscaler Help documentation. The SCIM Service Provider Endpoints and references to
To authenticate to the SCIM Service Provider Endpoint you can authenticate by providing the following information:
The ZPA Cloud is identified by several cloud name prefixes, which determines which API endpoint the requests should be sent to. The following cloud environments are supported:
You can provide credentials via the ZPA_SCIM_TOKEN
environment variables, representing your ZPA scimToken
, idpId
, and scimCloud
of your ZPA account, respectively.
environment variable is required, and is used to identify the correct API gateway where the API requests should be forwarded to.
~> NOTE 2 All SCIM APIs are rate limited.
Argument | Description | Environment variable |
scimToken |
(String) The ZPA SCIM Bearer token generated from the ZPA console. | ZPA_SCIM_TOKEN |
idpId |
(String) The ZPA IdP ID from the onboarded Identity Provider. | ZPA_IDP_ID |
scimCloud |
(String) The ZPA SCIM Cloud for your ZPA Tenant. | ZPA_SCIM_CLOUD |
PR #286 - Added the following ZPA SCIM API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /Groups
Fetch All Groups with pagination - Added
GET /Groups/{groupId}
Fetch a Group By ID - Added
POST /Groups
Create a new Group - Added
PUT /Groups/{groupId}
Update a new Group - Added
PATCH /Groups/{groupId}
Partially Update a Group
PR #286 - Added the following ZPA SCIM API Endpoints:
- Added
GET /Users
Fetch All Users with pagination - Added
GET /Users/{userID}
Fetch a User By ID - Added
POST /Groups
Create a new User - Added
PUT /Groups/{userID}
Update a new User - Added
PATCH /Groups/{userID}
Partially Update a User
- Golang: v1.22
PR #282 - Fixed update function in all specialized ZPA Application Segments
- The fix now automatically includes the attributes appId
and praAppId
in the payload during updates
- applicationsegmentinspection
- The fix now automatically includes the attributes appId
and inspectAppId
in the payload during updates
- applicationsegmentbrowseraccess
- The fix now automatically includes the attributes appId
and baAppId
in the payload during updates
- Golang: v1.22
- Zscaler Cloud Connector (ZCON)
- Added
GET /provUrl
endpoint to list provisioning templates. - Added
GET /provUrl/{id}
endpoint to retrieve a specific provisioning template. - Added
POST /provUrl
endpoint to create provisioning template. - Added
PUT /provUrl/{id}
endpoint to update a specific provisioning template. - Added
DELETE /provUrl/{id}
endpoint to delete a specific provisioning template.
- Added
PR #281 - Added new ZPA Attributes:
- Golang: v1.22
- Zscaler Cloud Connector (ZCON)
- Added
GET /provUrl
endpoint to list provisioning templates. - Added
GET /provUrl/{id}
endpoint to retrieve a specific provisioning template. - Added
POST /provUrl
endpoint to create provisioning template. - Added
PUT /provUrl/{id}
endpoint to update a specific provisioning template. - Added
DELETE /provUrl/{id}
endpoint to delete a specific provisioning template.
- Added
PR #281 - Added new ZPA Attributes:
- Golang: v1.22
PR #280 - Added missing attribute sourceCountries
to ZIA firewallfilteringrule
- Golang: v1.22
PR #278 - Consolidated several ZPA common functions for Struct simplication.
- Golang: v1.22
PR #277 - Added new attributes to ZPA servicedgegroup
and serviceedgecontroller
- Golang: v1.22
PR #276 - Fixed removed omitempty
from ZPA microtenant_id
attribute in policysetcontrollerv2
- Golang: v1.22
PR #274 - Added new ZIA function GetVIPRecommendedList
, which will support all optional parameters when retrieving the list of recommended Virtual IP addresses per datacenter. The following optional parameters are now supported:
- (Boolean) The routable IP address.within_country_only
- (Boolean) Search within country only.include_private_service_edge
- (Boolean) Include ZIA Private Service Edge VIPs.include_current_vips
- (Boolean) Include currently assigned VIPs.latitude
- (Number) The latitude coordinate of the GRE tunnel source.longitude
- (Number) The longitude coordinate of the GRE tunnel source.subcloud
- (String) The longitude coordinate of the GRE tunnel source.
- Golang: v1.22
- Added new optimized
endpointPUT /segmentGroup/{segmentGroupId}
to prevent "payload.size.exceeded" error when updating a segment group with large numbers or application segments attached. PR #273 NOTE TheV1
endpointPUT /segmentGroup/{segmentGroupId}
will eventually be deprecated; however, this change should not affect existing Segment Group configurations.
PR #270 - Fixed ports
attribute from string
to slice of intergers
in locationmanagement
- Golang: v1.22
POST /locations/bulkDelete
Bulk delete locations up to a maximum of 100 locations per request. The response returns the location IDs that were successfully deleted. PR #270 -
POST /vpnCredentials/bulkDelete
Bulk delete vpn credentails up to a maximum of 100 vpn credentials per request. The response returns the vpn credential IDs that were successfully deleted. PR #270
- Added
GET /webApplicationRules/ruleTypeMapping
to return backend keys that match the application type string.
PR #270 - Fixed ports
attribute from string
to slice of string
in locationmanagement
- Golang: v1.22
- Added
GET /webApplicationRules/{rule_type}
to Get the list of Web Application Rule by type PR #270 - Added
GET /webApplicationRules/{rule_type}/{ruleId}
to Get a Web Application Rule by type and idPR #270 - Added
POST /webApplicationRules/{rule_type}
to Adds a new Web Application rule.PR #270 - Added
PUT /webApplicationRules/{rule_type}/{ruleId}
to Update a new Web Application rule.PR #270 - Added
DELETE /webApplicationRules/{rule_type}/{ruleId}
to Delete a new Web Application rule.PR #270
- Added
GET /dlpDictionaries/{dictId}/predefinedIdentifiers
to Retrieves the list of identifiers that are available for selection in the specified hierarchical DLP dictionary.PR #270 - Added new attribute
- The DLP confidence threshold for predefined dictionariesdictionaryCloningEnabled
- A Boolean constant that indicates that the cloning option is supported for the DLP dictionary using the true value.customPhraseSupported
- A Boolean constant that indicates that custom phrases are supported for the DLP dictionary using the true value.proximityLengthEnabled
- A Boolean constant that indicates whether the proximity length option is supported for a DLP dictionary or not.
- Added
POST /urlLookup
to Retrieve Zscaler's default classification for a given set of URLs (e.g., ['', '']).PR #270 - Added
GET /urlCategories/urlQuota
to Gets information on the number of unique URLs that are currently provisioned for your organization as well as how many URLs you can add before reaching that number.PR #270 - Added
GET /urlCategories/lite
to Gets a lightweight key-value list of all or custom URL categories.PR #270 - Added
GET /urlCategories/review/domains
to find matching entries present in existing custom URL categories.PR #270 - Added
GET /urlCategories/review/domains
Adds the list of matching URLs fetched by POST /urlCategories/review/domains to the specified custom URL categories. A maximum of 100 URL categories can be updated at once using this request.PR #270 - Added new attribute
package. See Zscaler Release Notes
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #269 - Fixed ZPA App Protection (Inspection) resources with missing attributes.
- PR #269 - Fixed zpa_inspection_profile missing
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #269 - Fixed ZPA App Protection (Inspection) resources with missing attributes.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #268 - Fixed ZPA Cloud Browser Isolation resources to allow search by name and ID.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #268 - Fixed ZPA Cloud Browser Isolation resources to allow search by name and ID.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #267 - Fixed ZPA Cloud Browser Isolation resources to allow search by name and ID.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #266 - Added ZIA
package missing attributescookiesAndProxy
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #265 - Fixed
attribute type frombool
- PR #265 - Included new
attribute options:watermark
- Admins can enable watermarking per isolation profile and choose to display the user ID, date and timestamp (in UTC), and a custom messageenabled
- Enable to allow starting isolation sessions in debug mode to collect troubleshooting information.filePassword
- Optional password to debug files when this mode is enabled.
- Optional password to debug files when this mode is enabled.organizationId
- Use the organization ID from the Company Profile section.cloudName
- The cloud name on which the organization exists. i.ezscalertwo
- Enable to have the PAC file be configured on the Isolated browser to forward traffic via ZIA.
- Deep Linking allows users to open applications from their local machine via the rendered deep link data on an isolated web page.enabled
- If no specific applications are added here, then deep linking is applied to all of your applications.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #264 - Fixed ZPA
by removing theomitempty
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #263 - Added new Session Time Ticker to ZIA Client to track session renewal and expiration time.
- PR #263 - Added ZDX query string parameter
to assist with refined search for a user name or email.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #262 - Enhanced filtering capability for the ZPA GetAll functions in the following packages:
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #261 - Fixed an issue where sessions were not properly refreshed when expired, leading to
errors during API requests after a period of inactivity. This ensures that sessions are correctly refreshed before making API calls, improving the reliability of the SDK.
- Golang: v1.21
PR #259 - ZIA Activator can now be compiled directly from the Zscaler-SDK-Go, by executing the command
make ziaActivator
from the root of the repository directory. -
PR #259 - Combined the following two ZIA functions
for simplicity. It's possible now to set the following parameters concurrently:customOnly
- The parameter is set to true by default. If set to true, it gets information on custom URL categories only.includeOnlyUrlKeywordCounts
- PR #259 - Added missing new
field attribute in the ZIA packagetrafficforwarding/staticips
. The attribute block returns the following information:id
- ID of the cityname
- Name of the city i.e "Toronto, Ontario, Canada"
- PR #259 - The ZIA API client, now retries on
- PR #259 - Added several ZDX CLI based examples into the examples. ZDX Examples. The results returned by the API are displayed in table format.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #258 - Added new ZDX API methods and Endpoints
For details on the functionality of each of the above endpoints, please see ZDX API Guide
- PR #258 - Refactored ZPA package to centralize the
client instantiation. - PR #258 - Refactored ZIA package to centralize the
client instantiation. - PR #258 - Refactored ZDX package to centralize the
client instantiation. - PR #258 - Refactored ZCC package to centralize the
client instantiation. - PR #258 - Refactored ZCON package to centralize the
client instantiation. - PR #258 - Enhanced test coverage statements across several functions in all API packages.
PR #258 - Deprecated ZIA
. ThecustomOnly
parameter is now combined within the functionGetIncludeOnlyUrlKeyWordCounts
and can be optionally set totrue
. -
PR #258 - Deprecated ZPA
from packagepolicysetcontrollerv2
package. The function now lives directly in the ZPA Terraform Provider to convertpolicysetcontroller
v1 responses intopolicysetcontrollerv2
- PR #258 - Expanded README with more details regarding client instantiation and options. The README also include details regarding rate limites, retries and caching parameters.
- Golang: v1.21
PR #256 - Refactored
package by splitting the following endpoints into its own packages:- POST -
- Moves application from a parent tenant to a microtenant. An application segment can only be moved from a parent to a microtenant - PUT -
- Share the Application Segment between microtenants. An application can only be shared between microtenants. To learn more about microtenants see: About Microtenants
- POST -
PR #256 - Added support to Service Edge Scheduler to configure a ServiceEdge schedule frequency to delete inactive private brokers with configured frequency.
- GET -
- Get a Configured ServiceEdge schedule frequency. - POST -
- Configure a ServiceEdge schedule frequency to delete the in active private broker with configured frequency. - PUT -
- Modifies a ServiceEdge schedule frequency to delete the in active private broker with configured frequency.
- GET -
PR #256 - Added support customer controller endpoint
to retrieve authentication domains for the specified customer.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #253 - Implemented new ZPA error handling to retry on new
error format message:
"id" : "api.concurrent.access.error",
"reason" : "Unable to modify the resource due to concurrent change requests. Try again"
- PR #253 - Adjusted several ZPA integration tests to cover new use cases.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #251 - Fixed attribute
within the ZIA package to supportarray
[object]. The attribute is now in its dedicated Struct.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #248 - Added getAppsByType endpoint - Get all configured
application segments.
- Golang: v1.21
PR #246 - Added ZPA Cloud Browser Isolation External Profile new attributes:
PR #247 - Added getAppsByType endpoint - Get all configured
application segments.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #240 - Added new
header to ZPA API Client. Please see API Developer's documentation here for details. - PR #241 - Added new ZIA URL Filtering Rule attribute
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #243 - Added custom error handling to ZIA
function for more clarity during authentication failures.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #242 - Fixed ZPA
package by adding missing attributespublicKey
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #241 - Fixed DLP Web Rule attributes
, andnotificationTemplate
to use a common struct typeIDName
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #239 - Added function
in the ZIAvpncredentials
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #237 - Fixed ZPA
due to missingCONSOLE
objectType - PR #238 - Fixed ZPA
due to missingZpnIsolationProfileID
- Golang: v1.21
- Added ZPA
missing attribute to policy set controller v1
- Golang: v1.21
- Fixed ZPA
due to missingCLIENT_TYPE
- Golang: v1.21
- Added new ZPA
attribute to all application segment resources
- Golang: v1.21
- Added
POST /emergencyAccess/user
to create an emergency acess user for a specified customer. PR #226 - Added
GET /emergencyAccess/user
to get all emergency acess users for a specified customer. PR #226 - Added
GET /emergencyAccess/user/{userId}
to get the emergency access user for a specified customer. PR #226 - Added
PUT /emergencyAccess/user/{userId}
to update the emergency access user for thae specified customer. PR #226 - Added
PUT /emergencyAccess/user/{userId}/activate
to activate the emergency access user for the specified customer. PR #226 - Added
PUT /emergencyAccess/user/{userId}/deactivate
to deactivate the emergency access user for the specified customer. PR #226
POST and PUT /mgmtconfig/v2/admin/customers/{customerId}/policySet/{policySetId}/rule
endpoints for access policy rule creation. This endpoint allows for larger payload submission. PR #228 -
POST and PUT /mgmtconfig/v2/admin/customers/{customerId}/policySet/{policySetId}/rule
endpoints for access policy rule creation. This endpoint allows for larger payload submission. PR #228
- Added
GET /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/approval
endpoint to get all PRA Approval resources for a specified customer - Added
GET /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/approval/{id}
endpoint to get a specific PRA Approval resources for a specified customer - Added
POST /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/approval
endpoint to add PRA Approval resources for a specified customer. PR #233 - Added
PUT /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/approval/{id}
endpoint to update a specific PRA Approval resources for a specified customer. PR #233 - Added
DELETE /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/approval/{id}
endpoint to delete a specific PRA Approval resources for a specified customer. PR #233 - Added
DELETE /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/approval/expired
endpoint to delete all PRA Approval resources for a specified customer. PR #233
- Added
GET /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/console
endpoint to get all PRA Console resources for a specified customer - Added
GET /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/console/{id}
endpoint to get a specific PRA Console resources for a specified customer - Added
GET /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/console/praPortal/{portalId}
endpoint to get privileged consoles for a specified privileged portal. - Added
POST /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/console
endpoint to add PRA Console resources for a specified customer. PR #233 - Added
POST /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/console/bulk
endpoint to create a list of PRA Console resources to a specified privileged portal and customer. PR #233 - Added
PUT /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/console/{id}
endpoint to update a specific PRA Console resources for a specified customer. PR #233 - Added
DELETE /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/console/{id}
endpoint to delete a specific PRA Console resources for a specified customer. PR #233
- Added
GET /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/praPortal
endpoint to get all PRA Portal resources for a specified customer - Added
GET /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/praPortal/{id}
endpoint to get a specific PRA Portal resources for a specified customer - Added
POST /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/praPortal
endpoint to add PRA Portal resource for a specified customer. PR #233 - Added
PUT /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/praPortal/{id}
endpoint to update a specific PRA Portal resources for a specified customer. PR #233 - Added
DELETE /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/praPortal/{id}
endpoint to delete a specific PRA Portal resources for a specified customer. PR #233
- Added
GET /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/credential
endpoint to get all PRA Credential resources for a specified customer - Added
GET /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/credential/{id}
endpoint to get a specific PRA Credential resources for a specified customer - Added
POST /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/credential
endpoint to add PRA Credential resource for a specified customer. PR #233 - Added
POST /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/credential/move
endpoint to move PRA Credentials from one microtenant to another microtenant. PR #233 - Added
PUT /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/credential/{id}
endpoint to update a specific PRA Credential resources for a specified customer. PR #233 - Added
DELETE /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/credential/{id}
endpoint to delete a specific PRA Credential resources for a specified customer. PR #233
- Added
POST /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/application/move
to move application segments from one microtenant to another. PR #233 - Added
PUT /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/application/share
to share application segments between microtenants. PR #233 PR #233 Included new application segment attributematchStyle
to supportExact Match
configuration. Learn More Here ment
PR #233 - Implemented centralized ZIA and ZPA sweep facility for tenant cleanup pre and post integration tests.
PR #233 - Fixed ZPA API client HTTP request to prevent undesired URL encoding or special characters.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #230 - Implemented centralized sweep for ZIA and ZPA packages.
- PR #231 - Fixed ZPA Application Segment PRA changed attribute change from
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #225 - Fixed ZIA JSession authentication logic to use
after (now)
instead ofbefore (now)
to prevent specific JSessionID authentication edge cases.
- Golang: v1.21
- PR #224 - Added support to ZPA Policy Access Redirection resource.
- NOTE This feature is in limited availability. Contact Zscaler Support to enable this feature for your organization.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #221 - Fixed new
attribute for the following resources:Cloud Firewall Rules
DLP Web Rules
URL Filtering Rules
- Golang: v1.19
PR #215 - Added new ZPA attributes for application segment.
- matchStyle
- inconsistentConfigDetails
PR #217 - Added support for ZIA Workload Groups Tagging
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #183 - (feat): Implemented New ZPA Bulk Reorder Policy Rule
- Golang: v1.19
- Removed omitempty tag from enabled attribute ZPA in Assistant Schedule struct.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #209 - Added support to ZPA Application Segment within the ZIA Firewall Filtering rule resource. Only ZPA application segments with the Source IP Anchor option enabled are supported.
- Golang: v1.19
PR #207 - Added missing ZIA URL Filtering Rule attribute
: Supported values:LOW
PR #207 - Added New ZIA URL Filtering Rule
attribute to supportISOLATE
- Golang: v1.19
PR #206 - Added missing Web DLP rule attribute
: Supported values:LOW
PR #206 - Added DLP Engine Lite endpoint to
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #205 Added ZIA Web DLP Rule new attributes:
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #202 Added support to 🆕 ZIA Cloud Browser Isolation Profile endpoint
- Golang: v1.19
- Fixed ZPA application segment PRA for missing attribute
- Golang: v1.19
- Removed unsupported attributes from ZIA Forwarding control rule resource
- Golang: v1.19
PR #185 Added ZIA Sandbox Resources:
- Sandbox Quota Report - The resource access quota for retrieving Sandbox Detail Reports is restricted to 1000 requests per day, with a rate limit of 2/sec and 1000/hour. Use GET /sandbox/report/quota to retrieve details regarding your organization's daily Sandbox API resource usage (i.e., used quota, unused quota).
- Sandbox Quota MD5 Hash Report - Gets a full (i.e., complete) or summary detail report for an MD5 hash of a file that was analyzed by Sandbox.
- Sandbox Advanced Settings - Gets and Upddates the custom list of MD5 file hashes that are blocked by Sandbox.
- Sandbox Advanced Settings Hash Count - Gets the used and unused quota for blocking MD5 file hashes with Sandbox
- Sandbox Submission - Submits raw or archive files (e.g., ZIP) to Sandbox for analysis. You can submit up to 100 files per day and it supports all file types that are currently supported by Sandbox.
- Sandbox Out-of-Band File Inspection - Submits raw or archive files (e.g., ZIP) to the Zscaler service for out-of-band file inspection to generate real-time verdicts for known and unknown files. It leverages capabilities such as Malware Prevention, Advanced Threat Prevention, Sandbox cloud effect, AI/ML-driven file analysis, and integrated third-party threat intelligence feeds to inspect files and classify them as benign or malicious instantaneously.
PR #188 Added support for ZIA 🆕 Forwarding Control Policy endpoint
PR #188 Added support for ZIA 🆕 Custom ZPA Gateway endpoint
for use with Forwarding Control policy to forward traffic to ZPA for Source IP Anchoring -
PR #190 Added support for ZIA Group, Department and UserName using
search criteria option -
PR #191 Added support for Zscaler Cloud & Branch Connector API endpoints. The following endpoint resources are supported:
- PR #189 Fixed missing
attributes in ZPA browser access package.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #182 Added support for ZPA SCIM Group SortOrder and SortBy search criteria option
- PR #184 - Added
to every ZIA API Request
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #177 Temporarily disabled Cloud Browser Isolation test edge cases to prevent some errors
- PR #178 Added missing
attribute to ZPA Enrollment Certificate resource.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #172 Added
function to ZIA package.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #170 Fixed ZPA common custom pagination function
to accommodate recent API changes on searches of objects containing multiple spaces when searching by name. Issue #169 - PR #171 Fixed ZPA application segment PRA and Inspection to include additional attributes within the
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #168 Restructured zia user management package directory for better organization and readability.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #167 Added ZPA LSS Config Controller
to allow for more granular SIEM policy configuration.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #166 Added new ZIA Firewall attribute
- PR #166 Added support documents and updated README page.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #164 Implemented caching (BigCache) for ZIA API client.
- PR #164 Implemented detailed rate limiter per method for ZPA and ZIA API Clients. The rate limiter separates limits and frequencies for GET and other (POST, PUT, DELETE) requests for further flexibility.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #162 Fixed microtenant search criteria for
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #159
- Zscaler Private Access Microtenant feature is now supported across the following ZPA resources:
- Zscaler Private Access Microtenant feature is now supported across the following ZPA resources:
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #153
- Added additional rate limit optimization
- Improved backoff mechanism retry strategy
- Updated
new cache mechanism to decrease number of API calls being made to the ZPA API.
- Golang: v1.19
PR #70 Added new ZPA Microtenant Controller endpoint
PR #126 - Added New Public ZIA DLP Engine Endpoints (POST/PUT/DELETE)
PR #127 - Added support to the following new ZPA Cloud Browser Isolation resources:
- Cloud Browser Isolation Banner Controller
- Cloud Browser Isolation Certificate Controller
- Cloud Browser Isolation Profile Controller
- Cloud Browser Isolation Regions
- Cloud Browser Isolation ZPA Profile
PR #145 - Added support to ZPA GOV US Cloud. ZPA Terraform Provider Issue#333
- PR #142 - Fixed filtering by email on search scim attribute values
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #142 - Fixed filtering by email on search scim attribute values
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #138 - Added support to ZPA QA environment
- PR #140 - Added new attribute
to resourcezpa_app_connector_group
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #138 - Added support to ZPA QA environment
- PR #140 - Added new attribute
to resourcezpa_app_connector_group
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #140 - Added new attribute
to resourcezpa_app_connector_group
- PR #135 - Fixed ZPA Inspection Predefined Control and inspection profile resources
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #133 - Included initial ZPA and ZIA integration and unit tests
- PR #134 - Included additional ZPA and ZIA integration and unit tests
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #131 - Improved search mechanisms for both ZIA and ZPA resources, to ensure streamline upstream GET API requests and responses using
parameter. Notice that not all current API endpoints support the search parameter, in which case, all resources will be returned.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #129 - Added additional log information for ZIA API Client. The SDK now returns the exact authentication error message, as well as includes the
cookie ID information.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #127 - Fixed ZPA resource
Service Edge Group
andService Edge Controller
Struct to support attributepublish_ips
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #125 - Added exception handling within the ZPA API Client to deal with simultaneous DB requests, which were affecting the ZPA Policy Access rule order creation.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #124 Added ZIA DLP Exact Data Match Schema endpoints
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #123 Improve SCIM Attribute Header search function
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #120 Added new ZPA App Inspection Security Profiles attributes. The following new attributes have been added:
- BoolcontrolsInfo
- String. Support values:WEBSOCKET_PREDEFINED
- ListzsDefinedControlChoice
- String. Support values:ALL
- PR #121 Added new ZPA Client Type
- PR #122 Fixed issue with empty IDs in the resource
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #118 Added new ZIA DLP Dictionary attributes. The following new attributes have been added:
- Bool: Indicates whether to exclude documents that are a 100% match to already-indexed documents from triggering an Indexed Document Match (IDM) Dictionary.includeBinNumbers
- Bool: A true value denotes that the specified Bank Identification Number (BIN) values are included in the Credit Cards dictionary. A false value denotes that the specified BIN values are excluded from the Credit Cards dictionary. Note: This field is applicable only to the predefined Credit Cards dictionary and its clones.binNumbers
- []int: The list of Bank Identification Number (BIN) values that are included or excluded from the Credit Cards dictionary. BIN values can be specified only for Diners Club, Mastercard, RuPay, and Visa cards. Up to 512 BIN values can be configured in a dictionary. Note: This field is applicable only to the predefined Credit Cards dictionary and its clones.dictTemplateId
- int: ID of the predefined dictionary (original source dictionary) that is used for cloning. This field is applicable only to cloned dictionaries. Only a limited set of identification-based predefined dictionaries (e.g., Credit Cards, Social Security Numbers, National Identification Numbers, etc.) can be cloned. Up to 4 clones can be created from a predefined dictionary.predefinedClone
- bool: This field is set to true if the dictionary is cloned from a predefined dictionary. Otherwise, it is set to false.proximityLengthEnabled
- bool: This value is set to true if proximity length and high confidence phrases are enabled for the DLP dictionary.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #117 Fix ZIA DLP dictionary attribute
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #114 Expanded ZIA search criteria to include auditor users.
- PR #115 Fixed empty ZPA body response in case of 400 Errors
- PR #116 Fixed typo in ZIA DLP Web Rule for the attribute
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #113 Fixed ZPA Empty policy conditions or operands on update due to 500 errors
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #109 Added ZIA DLP IDM Lite endpoints to obtain summarized information about existing IDM profiles.
- PR #110 Added extra fix for ZIA API Client to prevent SESSION_INVALID error during session timeout. The client will re-authenticate automaticallyu to renew the session.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #99: Fixed ZIA API Client to log the user-agent information during debug
- PR #102: Log request ID and API call duration for each request
- PR #104: Removed lock client function on ZPA client package
- PR #106: Removed lock client function on all other API clients for ZCC, ZIA, and ZDX packages
- PR #107: Implementyed refresh expired session for long requests on the ZIA API client
- PR #108: Allow updating application segment access policy groups with empty list
- PR #105: Added function to temporarily handle ZPA upstream bad request errors.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #99: Fixed ZIA API Client to log the user-agent information during debug
- PR #102: Log request ID and API call duration for each request
- PR #104: Removed lock client function on ZPA client package
- PR #105: Added function to temporarily handle ZPA upstream bad request errors.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #105: Added function to temporarily handle ZPA upstream bad request errors.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #98 Added support to Get predefined DLP engines by name and set name to
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #97 Fixed ZIA GRE Tunnel attributes.
- Make WithinCountry a pointer for GRE Tunnel response
- City, Region, Latitude & Longitude to VIP response
- Implement get all by source IP & get all VIPs by all existing source IPs
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #93 The ZIA SDK now supports search of Sublocations by Name and ID.
- Golang: v1.19
PR #89 The ZPA Terraform Provider API Client, will now support long runs, that exceeds the 3600 seconds token validity. Terraform will automatically request a new API bearer token at that time in order to continue the resource provisioning. This enhacement will prevent long pipeline runs from being interrupted.
PR #92 Added ZIA Location Management Lite endpoint.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #86 Added new ZPA IDP Controller attributes. The following new attributes have been added:
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #85 Added new ZIA Location Management attributes. The following new attributes have been added:
: Enable Basic Authentication at the locationdigestAuthEnabled
: Enable Digest Authentication at the locationkerberosAuth
: Enable Kerberos Authentication at the locationiotDiscoveryEnabled
: Enable IOT Discovery at the location
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #83 Added new ZPA platform and clienttype endpoints:
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #73 Added support to ZIA Basic Authentication method to the following resources:
Location Management
- (Optional) -Bool
User Management
- Added new endpoint
which is called when theauthMethods
attribute is set. authMethods
- (Optional) -String
. Supported values are: ["BASIC", "DIGEST"]
- Added new endpoint
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #82 Added the new ZPA API attributes below:
Application Segments
App Connector Group
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #78 AAdded support to Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX) API.
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #76 Added search by Source IP function to ZIA GRE Tunnel
- PR #76 Added description to all struct attributes
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #76 Added search by Source IP function to ZIA GRE Tunnel
- PR #76 Added description to all struct attributes
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #74 Added ZIA endpoint
to retrieve supported application services within an firewall filtering rule resource - PR #74 Added ZIA endpoint
to retrieve supported application services groups within an firewall filtering rule resource
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #74 Added ZIA endpoint
to retrieve supported application services within an firewall filtering rule resource - PR #74 Added ZIA endpoint
to retrieve supported application services groups within an firewall filtering rule resource
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #69 Added new ZPA Isolation Profile Controller endpoint
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #68 Added the following ZIA DLP endpoint resources:
- /icapServersdlp_incident_receiver_servers
- /incidentReceiverServersdlp_idm_profiles
- /idmprofile
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #67 Added
bool parameters in the ZIA URL Firewall Filtering resourceenable_full_logging
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #65 Fixed pagination issue with ZIA API endpoints
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #65 Fixed pagination issue with ZIA API endpoints
- Golang: v1.19
PR #64 Added new ZPA Inspection control parameters
- ZPA Inspection Profile:
- ZPA Custom Inspection Control:
: The following values are supported:WEBSOCKET_PREDEFINED
: The following values are supported:HTTP
- ZPA Inspection Profile:
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #63 Added
bool parameters in the ZIA URL Firewall Filtering resourceenable_full_logging
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #61 Added
bool parameters in the ZIA URL Filtering Policy resource
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #60 Added new ZIA URL Filtering rule URL category parameters to Struct
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #60 Added new ZIA URL Filtering rule URL category parameters to Struct
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #60 Added new ZIA URL Filtering rule URL category parameters to Struct
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #59 Added new ZIA URL Category parameters to Struct
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #57 Added new ZPA application segment paramenter
to Struct
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #56 Added new Intermediate CA Certificate Endpoints for ZIA
- PR #56 Added new Event Log Entry Report Endpoints for ZIA
- PR #56 Added new Location Management IPv6 Parameters
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #53 Fixed pagination issue with ZPA endpoints
- Golang: v1.19
- PR #52 Added new ZIA intermediate CA cert endpoints
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #50 Changed common function to allow totalPages string values
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #49 Implemented generic function to get all resources
- PR #49 Implemented generic function to get all SCIM header attribute values
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #44 Added parameter cert_blob for zpa_ba_certificate
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #44 Added parameter cert_blob for zpa_ba_certificate
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #44 Added parameter cert_blob for zpa_ba_certificate
- Golang: v1.18
- Add associationType json to prov key
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #43 Return AssociationType in provisioning key endpoints
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #41 Allow order 0 for firewall filtering rules in ZIA cloud firewall.
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #37 Implement fix on update function for App Connector Controller resource
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #36 Implement bulk delete of service-edge-controller
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #35 Implement bulk delete of app-connector-controller
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #34 Added new application segment parameter
. Setting this field to true deletes the mapping between Application Segment and Segment Group
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #33 Fix Added ZPA missing parameters
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #30 feat(ZPA Application Segments): Filters application segments apps in GetAll API calls depending on the resource type (SECURE_REMOTE_ACCESS, BROWSER_ACCESS, INSPECTION).
- PR #32 feat(Improve Logging): This PR improves logging for the SDK for all clouds (zia, zpa & zcc) and uses common logger, we now can control the logging & it verbosity using the env var: ZSCALER_SDK_LOG=true & ZSCALER_SDK_VERBOSE=true
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #29 feat(New SDK Package): Added Zscaler Client Connector (ZCC) SDK Schema
- PR #30 feat(ZPA Application Segments): Filters application segments apps in GetAll API calls depending on the resource type (SECURE_REMOTE_ACCESS, BROWSER_ACCESS, INSPECTION).
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #26 feat(new parameters):App Connector Group TCPQuick*
- The following new App Connector Group parameters have been added to the SDK:
- tcpQuickAckApp - Whether TCP Quick Acknowledgement is enabled or disabled for the application.
- tcpQuickAckAssistant - Whether TCP Quick Acknowledgement is enabled or disabled for the application.
- tcpQuickAckReadAssistant - Whether TCP Quick Acknowledgement is enabled or disabled for the application.
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #26 feat(new parameters):App Connector Group TCPQuick*
- The following new App Connector Group parameters have been added to the SDK:
- tcpQuickAckApp - Whether TCP Quick Acknowledgement is enabled or disabled for the application.
- tcpQuickAckAssistant - Whether TCP Quick Acknowledgement is enabled or disabled for the application.
- tcpQuickAckReadAssistant - Whether TCP Quick Acknowledgement is enabled or disabled for the application.
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #25 Fix zia_user_management group attribute to hold a list of group IDs as a typeList instead of typeSet.
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #23 Fix zia_user_management group attribute to hold a list of group IDs as a typeList instead of typeSet.
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #20 Added Support to ZPA Preview CLOUD.
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #18 Fixed ZPA_CLOUD support for production via environment variables.
- Golang: v1.18
- PR #11 Added support to getAll method for LSS config ctl & policy ctl
- PR #15 Added support for ZPA arbitrary clouds @hfinucane
- PR #16 Added support to ZPA API response with html double escaping
- Golang Version: v1.18.x
- PR #11 Added support to getAll method for LSS config ctl & policy ctl
- PR #15 Added support for ZPA arbitrary clouds @hfinucane
- PR #16 Added support to ZPA API response with html double escaping
- Golang Version: v1.18.x
- Fixed typo
- Golang Version: v1.18.x
- Added support to GetAll methods to all resources
- Golang Version: v1.18.x
🎉 Initial Release 🎉