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🍽️This repository contains the solution for the "Recipe Page" challenge from Frontend Mentor.


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Recipe page

This is a solution to the Recipe page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

The Challenge

Your challenge is to build out this recipe page and get it looking as close to the design as possible.

You can use any tools you like to help you complete the challenge. So if you've got something you'd like to practice, feel free to give it a go.

Built With

Technologies and Tools Used in This Project

HTML CSS SASS/SCSS Bootstrap Webpack Netlify


  • Responsive Design

    The layout adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring that the component looks great on both mobile devices and larger screens.

  • Mobile-first workflow

    The design and development process prioritized mobile users, ensuring a seamless experience on smaller devices before enhancing it for larger screens.

  • Semantic HTML5 Markup

    Used semantic HTML elements to improve accessibility and SEO.

  • Flexbox Layout

    Implemented flexible and responsive layouts using CSS Flexbox, allowing for easy alignment and distribution of elements.

  • Webpack Configuration

    Configured Webpack for bundling JavaScript, CSS, and other assets, optimizing the build process and improving performance.

Useful Resources

  • PerfectPixel

    PerfectPixel is a Chrome extension used by web developers and designers to compare the actual appearance of a webpage with its design. This tool is particularly useful for achieving pixel-perfect development, ensuring that the implemented design matches the intended design accurately.

  • ColorZilla

    ColorZilla is a popular Chrome extension used by web developers and designers for easy and quick color selection and analysis. With ColorZilla, you can effortlessly pick the color of any element on a webpage and it offers many other useful features for color management and analysis.

Mobile Version

Mobile screenshot



🍽️This repository contains the solution for the "Recipe Page" challenge from Frontend Mentor.








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