This is a basic 3D grapher that uses matplotlib, numpy, and decimal to achieve accurate looking graphs
Run and it will show a window of the graph
What it does:
- Generates a list of intervals in which other functions will use
- Adds the points to be plotted to the x, y, and z list
- Sets up the graph and graphs the points in the x, y, z list ((x[0], y[0], z[0]) would be a point)
setupInterval: This is where the application will make the intervals. To edit the interval, edit the indexRange vals in the form: [beginning, last, loop increment]
setupGraph: This is where the graph gets setup and where the points gets inserted into the graph. Note: axis.scatter inserts the x, y, z, lists into the graph
graphSets: This is where you can graph the equations of planes and such. The way this works is as follows:
- Goes through the interval using 3 for statements (each for xo, yo, and zo)
- Tests if the point xo, yo, zo is equal This is where you would put your equation
- If it is equal, add the point to the x, y, and z, list
graphParametrically: This is where you can graph paramectricized equations. This is how it works:
- Goes through the interval (t)
- Each value of t is then plugged into xParametric, yParametric, and zParametric This is where you put your equation
- xParametric, yParametric, and zParametric is then appended to the x, y, z list
graph2VarFunction: This is where you can graph multi-variable graphs. This is how it works:
- Loops though the interval and assigns the values to xo, yo
- Gets zo from the equation involving xo and yo this is where you put your equation
- If an error occurs in the try, except statement (Like if the formula tried to divide by 0) then it will skip that iteration (step 4)
- xo, yo, zo is added to the x, y, z list
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