Multi-scale and multi-paradigm approaches with open source softwares to manage 3D data:
- Data comes from ground- or aerial-photogrammetry, lasergrammetry, ConFocal, etc., like models for: the Roche du Sorcier, the Qasr el-Hallabat castle, an experimental peeble or its working surface
- Data is processes with softwares like: Meshroom a pipeline for 3D photogrammetry which can be run online from a Python script; Blender which allows to create new 3D features like 3D shapes to locate annotations; Meshlab which allows to manipulate meshes and directly export 3D objects ready for 3D streaming;
Storage and vizualisation:
- Storage and vizualisation is directly done online with softwares like: GitHub offers a simple platform to host 3D objects and 3D viewers among other things, it is compliant with the WebGL library (ex: www/confoc_3d.stl); 3DHOP (same creators as Meshlab) provides a programmable HTML framework for the display of 3D streaming objects with annotations;
- Dissemination and integration of these 3D files in scientific document is done with R Mardown documents (ex: Mont Bego rock-art site); reveal.js an HTML framework for Powerpoint-like presentations. It allows to add , like 3DHOP windows, and to make them interactive;