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ISO-3166 Country Codes JSON

The purpose of ISO 3166 is to define internationally recognized codes of letters and/or numbers that we can use when we refer to countries and their subdivisions.

This repository contains several JSON files formatted in different ways to suit different kind of needs. For basic Country to Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 translation and vise-versa, use one of the short JSON files.

Table of contents:

File summary

Indented JSON
(human readable files)
Single line JSON
(compact files)
Original data
(Original JSON data
fetched from
Not indexed ISO-3166-ID-ISO.ORG.json ISO-3166-SL-ISO.ORG.json
Curated data
(with empty and
useless data removed)
Not indexed ISO-3166-ID-CURATED.json ISO-3166-SL-CURATED.json
Indexed by Alpha-2 country code ISO-3166-ID-CURATED-ALPHA2.json ISO-3166-SL-CURATED-ALPHA2.json
Indexed by numeric country code ISO-3166-ID-CURATED-NUM.json ISO-3166-SL-CURATED-NUM.json
Indexed by country name ISO-3166-ID-CURATED-NAME.json ISO-3166-SL-CURATED-NAME.json
Short data
(with only the basic
required data)
Not indexed ISO-3166-ID-SHORT.json ISO-3166-SL-SHORT.json
Indexed by Alpha-2 country code ISO-3166-ID-SHORT-ALPHA2.json ISO-3166-SL-SHORT-ALPHA2.json
Indexed by numeric country code ISO-3166-ID-SHORT-NUM.json ISO-3166-SL-SHORT-NUM.json
Indexed by country name ISO-3166-ID-SHORT-NAME.json ISO-3166-SL-SHORT-NAME.json

Original JSON

Key description
"149" Uknown purpose value (always empty)
"151" Uknown purpose value (always empty)
"153" Entry type (always "country")
"155" Alpha-2 country code
"157" Uknown purpose boolean (always false)
"159" Country name
"161" Redundat Alpha-2 code, already present ("155" key)
"163" Description label
"165" Uknown purpose value (always empty)
"167" XML file path
"169" Country name localization [ENGLISH, FRENCH, NATIVE]
"171" French short name
"173" Numeric country code
"175" HTML anchor (extra info). Ex.
"177" Alpha-3 country code
"179" Entry status remarks (optional)
"181" Remarks in french (optional)
"183" Uknown purpose value (always empty)
"185" Entry remarks (optional)
"187" Entry status

Structure sample:

        "149": "",
        "151": "",
        "153": "country",
        "155": "SX",
        "157": "false",
        "159": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
        "161": "SX",
        "163": "[Country code: SX]",
        "165": "",
        "167": "/content/iso/code/3166/SX_69.xml",
        "169": "[Sint Maarten (Dutch part), Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise), Sint Maarten]",
        "171": "Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise)",
        "173": "534",
        "175": "iso:code:3166:SX",
        "177": "SXM",
        "179": "The island of Saint Martin is divided into the French northern part and the Dutch southern part",
        "181": " Les Antilles néerlandaises (AN, ANT, 530) ont été divisées entre  Bonaire, Saint-Eustache et Saba (BQ, BES, 535), Curaçao (CW, CUW, 531) et Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise) (SX, SXM, 534). Voir aussi codet ANHH.",
        "183": "",
        "185": "The Netherlands Antilles (AN, ANT, 530) was divided into Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba (BQ, BES, 535), Curaçao (CW, CUW, 531) and Sint Maarten (Dutch part) (SX, SXM, 534). See also code element ANHH.",
        "187": "Officially assigned"

Ex. get the country name of the 5th country (index 4) of the list:

Curated JSON

Key description
"alpha2" Alpha-2 country code
"alpha3" Alpha-3 country code
"name" Country name
"l10n" Country name localization [ENGLISH, FRENCH, NATIVE]
"num" Numeric country code
"r" Entry remarks (optional)
"s" Entry status
"sr" Entry status remarks (optional)

Not indexed

Structure sample:

        "alpha2": "SX",
        "alpha3": "SXM",
        "name": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
        "l10n": "[Sint Maarten (Dutch part), Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise), Sint Maarten]",
        "num": "534",
        "r": "The Netherlands Antilles (AN, ANT, 530) was divided into Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba (BQ, BES, 535), Curaçao (CW, CUW, 531) and Sint Maarten (Dutch part) (SX, SXM, 534). See also code element ANHH.",
        "s": "Officially assigned",
        "sr": "The island of Saint Martin is divided into the French northern part and the Dutch southern part"

Ex. get the country name of the 5th country (index 4) of the list:

Indexed by Alpha-2 country code

Structure sample:

    "SX": {
        "alpha3": "SXM",
        "name": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
        "l10n": "[Sint Maarten (Dutch part), Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise), Sint Maarten]",
        "num": "534",
        "r": "The Netherlands Antilles (AN, ANT, 530) was divided into Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba (BQ, BES, 535), Curaçao (CW, CUW, 531) and Sint Maarten (Dutch part) (SX, SXM, 534). See also code element ANHH.",
        "s": "Officially assigned",
        "sr": "The island of Saint Martin is divided into the French northern part and the Dutch southern part"

Ex. get the country name corresponding to the Alpha-2 country code "US":

Indexed by numeric country code

Structure sample:

    "534": {
        "alpha2": "SX",
        "alpha3": "SXM",
        "name": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
        "l10n": "[Sint Maarten (Dutch part), Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise), Sint Maarten]",
        "r": "The Netherlands Antilles (AN, ANT, 530) was divided into Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba (BQ, BES, 535), Curaçao (CW, CUW, 531) and Sint Maarten (Dutch part) (SX, SXM, 534). See also code element ANHH.",
        "s": "Officially assigned",
        "sr": "The island of Saint Martin is divided into the French northern part and the Dutch southern part"

Ex. get the country name corresponding to the numeric country code "840":

Indexed by country name

Structure sample:

    "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": {
        "alpha2": "SX",
        "alpha3": "SXM",
        "l10n": "[Sint Maarten (Dutch part), Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise), Sint Maarten]",
        "num": "534",
        "r": "The Netherlands Antilles (AN, ANT, 530) was divided into Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba (BQ, BES, 535), Curaçao (CW, CUW, 531) and Sint Maarten (Dutch part) (SX, SXM, 534). See also code element ANHH.",
        "s": "Officially assigned",
        "sr": "The island of Saint Martin is divided into the French northern part and the Dutch southern part"

Ex. get the Alpha-2 country code of the United States of America:
JSON["United States of America (the)"]["alpha2"]

Short JSON

Key description
"alpha2" Alpha-2 country code
"alpha3" Alpha-3 country code
"name" Country name
"num" Numeric country code

Not indexed

Structure sample:

        "alpha2": "US",
        "alpha3": "USA",
        "name": "United States of America (the)",
        "num": "840"

Ex. get the country name of the 5th country (index 4) of the list:

Indexed by Alpha-2 country code

Structure sample:

    "US": {
        "alpha3": "USA",
        "name": "United States of America (the)",
        "num": "840"

Ex. get the country name corresponding to the Alpha-2 country code "US":

Indexed by numeric country code

Structure sample:

    "840": {
        "alpha2": "US",
        "alpha3": "USA",
        "name": "United States of America (the)"

Ex. get the country name corresponding to the country numeric code "840":

Indexed by country name

Structure sample:

    "United States of America (the)": {
        "alpha2": "US",
        "alpha3": "USA",
        "num": "840"

Ex. get the Alpha-2 country code of the United States of America:
JSON["United States of America (the)"]["alpha2"]


  • version 1.0.0 - 09/30/2020: Initial commit

What does "" do?

It is a Pyhton script that requests JSON data from the's Vaadin webapp server and generates all the JSON files contained in this repository.

To update the JSON files, execute the script with:
$ python

First, it requests a new anti-CSRF token (anti-cross site request forgery token) and the app version number from:

Sample HTTP request:

POST /obp/ui/?v-1601327571800 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: python-requests/2.24.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Connection: close
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.3
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 283


Sample HTTP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Application-Context: obp:prod,iso,prod_iso:8080
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=01654CBE2DF8724FA2EA4899E4245F8A;path=/obp;HttpOnly
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 27273
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 20:54:04 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: BIGipServerpool_prod_iso_obp=914903434.36895.0000; path=/; Httponly; Secure;SameSite=none
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains


from where "v-uiId" is the version number and "uidl" is a JSON string containing a key called "Vaadin-Security-Key", which in turn contains the anti-CSRF token.

With this data, the script then can directly interact with the Vaddin webapp endpoint:
sending a URL parameter "v-uiId=" with value of the previously described version number.
Endpoint example:

The script then sends commands to this endpoint via JSON messages with the following structure:

  "csrfToken": "<CSRF_TOKEN>",
  "rpc": [

CSRF_TOKEN is always the same, and it's the anti-CSRF token previously described.
AUTOINCREMENT_INT is a number that increases with every request sent to the server, starting from 0.

Sample HTTP request:

POST /obp/ui/UIDL/?v-uiId=0 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: python-requests/2.24.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Connection: close
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.3
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Cookie: JSESSIONID=01654CBE2DF8724FA2EA4899E4245F8A; BIGipServerpool_prod_iso_obp=914903434.36895.0000
Content-Length: 158


There are 4 steps required (HTTP requests that need to be sent, in order) to fetch all the country codes from the server.

  1. Select data set (7 for country codes)
    ACTION = select
    PARAM_LIST = "7"
  2. Trigger view change (fake click)
    VAADIN_MODULE = com.vaadin.shared.ui.button.ButtonServerRpc
    ACTION = click
    PARAM_LIST = {"altKey":false,"button":"LEFT","clientX":1292,"clientY":438,"ctrlKey":false,"metaKey":false,"relativeX":36,"relativeY":21,"shiftKey":false,"type":1}
  3. Select pagination (8 for 300 results per page)
    ACTION = select
    PARAM_LIST = "8"
  4. Request data
    ACTION = requestRows
    PARAM_LIST = 0,300,0,0

The response for the 4th request has the following structure:

    "syncId": <AUTOINCREMENT_INT>,
    "clientId": <AUTOINCREMENT_INT>,
    "changes": [],
    "state": {},
    "types": {
      "146": "18"
    "hierarchy": {
      "146": []
    "rpc": [
                "k": "261",
                "d": {
                  "149": "",
                  "151": "",
                  "153": "country",
                  "155": "US",
                  "157": "false",
                  "159": "United States of America (the)",
                  "161": "US",
                  "163": "[Country code: US]",
                  "165": "",
                  "167": "/content/iso/code/3166/US_69.xml",
                  "169": "[United States of America (the), États-Unis d'Amérique (les)]",
                  "171": "États-Unis d'Amérique (les)",
                  "173": "840",
                  "175": "iso:code:3166:US",
                  "177": "USA",
                  "179": "",
                  "181": "",
                  "183": "",
                  "185": "",
                  "187": "Officially assigned"
                "cs": {
                  "159": "wrap",
                  "171": "wrap"
    "meta": {},
    "resources": {}

The script gets rid of the 'for(;;);' part from the beginning and then parse the content as JSON.

After that, it follows the following path to retrieve each country information:
from where INDEX is a number of the range from 0 to X amount of fetched countries.
0 corresponds to the first country of the list, 1 to the second, 2 to the third, so on and so forth.

Ex. get the Alpha-2 country code of the 5th country (INDEX = 4) of the list:


ISO-3166 Country Codes in JSON format.








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