Vertiled is a collaborative online editor for tile-based worlds that we (Moritz Schneider, me and a few others) hacked together during rc3. It supports maps in the Tiled (TMX) map format, but only a subset of their features. The tile rendering is done by (a slightly modified) gl-tiled. The name is a play on the German word "verteilt", which means "distributed".
You can try a demo instance here.
There is a list of layers on the right side. Only the selected layer is edited. If nothing is happening, you probably have the wrong layer selected.
The default tool is clone. Select an area by dragging with the right mouse button, move your mouse to position the selected tiles, then left click to place a copy.
There is an erase tool. Switch to it using the button in the top right corner. Left click to erase.
You can add totally new tiles using the tilesets in the right sidebar. Use the dropdown to choose a tileset. Select some tiles from the tileset preview area by dragging with the left mouse button. Now you can paste these tiles by clicking on the main map (just like when you clone tiles).
You will need to install Node.js (we used v15) and Yarn (v1) on your system.
Start the following commands, with each line in a separate terminal:
cd gl-tiled && yarn watch
cd vertiled-shared && yarn build --watch
cd vertiled-server && yarn build --watch
cd vertiled-server && nodemon -w dist dist/index.js
cd vertiled-client && yarn start
This will start the frontend (most likely) on localhost:3000 and the server on localhost:8088.
This project is not for serious public deployments. It is something we quickly hacked together, so it is only suitable for using with a group of friends. There is no access control or secure separation of users built in, so you should deploy this application only on your local network or behind a VPN. You might want to add a proxy server in front for authentication and HTTPS.
To run it locally:
yarn workspaces run build
cd vertiled-server
node dist/index.js
or via docker:
docker build -t vertiled .
docker run -p 80:5000 vertiled:latest