- enter url in browser
- browser looks up IP address for domain name
- DNS look up process:
- Browser cache: browser caches DNS record
- OS cache: if browser cache doesn't have the desired record, OS has its own cache
- Router cache: request goes to router, has its own DNS cache
- ISP DNS cache: next check step is the cache ISP’s DNS server
- Recursive search: ISP's DNS server makes recursive search
- DNS search bottleneck solutions:
- Round-robin DNS: DNS lookup returns multiple IP addresses, rather than just one.
- Load-balancer: the piece of hardware that listens on a particular IP address and forwards the requests to other servers
- Geographic DNS: mapping a domain name to different IP addresses, depending on the client’s geographic location.
- Anycast: a routing technique where a single IP address maps to multiple physical servers. However, it doesn't
fit well with TCP
- DNS look up process:
- Browser sends HTTP request to the web server, use
- The web server (i.e. facebook) responds with a permanent redirect
- The redirect may due to search engine
- Browser follows redirect
- Server handles the request
- Server sends back HTML response
- Browser begins rendering the HTML
- Browser sends request for HTML embedded objects (i.e. images, styles, etc)
- Browser sends further asynchronous (AJAX) request