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This is a Relayer server implementation in Rust for email-based account recovery.

How to Run the Relayer

You can run the relayer either on your local environments or cloud instances (we are using GCP).


  1. Clone the repo,

  2. Install dependencies.

    1. cd ether-email-auth and run yarn.
  3. If you have not deployed common contracts, build contract artifacts and deploy required contracts.

    1. cd packages/contracts and run forge build.
    2. Set the env file in packages/contracts/.env, an example env file is as follows,
    SIGNER=0x69bec2dd161d6bbcc91ec32aa44d9333ebc864c0 # Signer for the dkim oracle on IC
    # CHAIN_NAME="base_sepolia"
    1. Run forge script script/DeployCommons.s.sol:Deploy -vvvv --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast to get ECDSAOwnedDKIMRegistry, Verifier, EmailAuth implementation and SimpleWallet implementation.
  4. Install PostgreSQL and create a database.

    1. psql -U <admin_user> -d postgres to login to administrative PostgreSQL user. Replace <admin_user> with the administrative PostgreSQL user (commonly postgres).
    2. Create a new user, CREATE USER my_new_user WITH PASSWORD 'my_secure_password';, ALTER USER my_new_user CREATEDB;.
    3. Exit psql and now create a new database, psql -U new_user -d postgres followed by CREATE DATABASE my_new_database;.
  5. Run the prover.

    1. cd packages/prover and python, let this run async.
  6. Run the relayer.

    1. cd packages/relayer.
    2. Set the env file, an example env file is as follows,
      EMAIL_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_VERSION_ID=1           # Address of the deployed wallet contract.
      PRIVATE_KEY=                      # Private key for Relayer's account.
      CHAIN_ID=84532                    # Chain ID of the testnet.
      # IMAP + SMTP (Settings will be provided by your email provider)
      LOGIN_ID=                    # IMAP login id - usually your email address.
      LOGIN_PASSWORD=""         # IMAP password - usually your email password.
      PROVER_ADDRESS="http://localhost:8080"  # Address of the prover.
      DATABASE_URL= "postgres://new_user:my_secure_password@localhost/my_new_database"
      EMAIL_TEMPLATES_PATH=  # Absolute path to packages/relayer/eml_templates
    3. Generate the .ic.pem file and password.
      • Create the .ic.pem file using OpenSSL:
      openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out .ic.pem -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:your_password
      • If you need a password, you can generate a random password using:
      openssl rand -base64 32
  7. You should have your entire setup up and running!

NOTE: You need to turn on IMAP on the email id you’d be using for the relayer.

Appendix: If you use your own gmail for the relayer

If you intend to use a Gmail address, you need to configure your Google account and Gmail as follows:

Enable IMAP:

Gmail -> See all settings -> Forwarding and POP/IMAP -> IMAP access -> Enable IMAP.

Note that from June 2024, IMAP will be enabled by default.

Enable two-factor authentication for your Google account:

Refer to the following help link.

Google 2FA Setup

Create an app password:

Refer to the following help link. If you do not see the 'App passwords' option, try searching for 'app pass' in the search box to select it.

Google App Passwords

Production on GCP

  1. Install kubectl on your system (
  2. Setup k8s config of zkemail cluster on GKE, gcloud container clusters get-credentials zkemail --region us-central1 --project (your_project_name)
  3. One time steps (already done)
    1. Create a static IP (
    2. Map the static IP with a domain from Google Domain
    3. Create a Managed Certificate by applying kubernetes/managed-cert.yml (update the domain accordingly)
  4. (Optional) Delete db.yml , ingress.yml and relayer.yml if applied already
  5. (Optional) Build the Relayer’s Docker image and publish it.
  6. Set the config in the respective manifests (Here, you can set the image of the relayer in relayer.yml , latest image already present in the config.)
  7. Apply db.yml
  8. Apply relayer.yml , ssh into the pod and run nohup cargo run & , this step should be done under a min to pass the liveness check.
  9. Apply ingress.yml



It has the following tables in the DB.

  • credentials: a table to store an account code for each pair of the wallet address and the guardian's email address.

    • account_code TEXT PRIMARY KEY
    • account_eth_addr TEXT NOT NULL
    • guardian_email_addr TEXT NOT NULL
  • requests: a table to store requests from the caller of REST APIs.

    • request_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY
    • account_eth_addr TEXT, NOT NULL
    • controller_eth_addr TEXT NOT NULL
    • guardian_email_addr TEXT NOT NULL
    • is_for_recovery BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE
    • template_idx INT NOT NULL
    • is_success BOOLEAN
    • email_nullifier TEXT
    • account_salt TEXT


It exposes the following REST APIs.

  • GET requestStatus

    1. Receive request_id.
    2. Retrieve a record with request_id from the requests table. If such a record does not exist, return 0.
    3. If is_processed is false, return 1. Otherwise, return 2, is_success, email_nullifier, account_salt.
  • POST getAccountSalt

    1. Receive account_code and email_addr.
    2. Compute account_salt from the given account_code and email_addr.
    3. Return account_salt.
  • POST acceptanceRequest

    1. Receive controller_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr, account_code, template_idx, and subject.
    2. Let subject_template be the template_idx-th template in acceptanceSubjectTemplates() of controller_eth_addr.
    3. If subject does not match with subject_template return a 400 response. Let subject_params be the parsed values.
    4. Extract account_eth_addr from the given subject by following subject_template.
    5. If the contract of account_eth_addr is not deployed, return a 400 response.
    6. If a record with account_code exists in the credentials table, return a 400 response.
    7. Randomly generate a request_id. If a record with request_id exists in the requests table, regenerate a new request_id.
    8. If a record with account_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr and is_set=true exists in the credentials table,
      1. Insert (request_id, account_eth_addr, controller_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr, false, template_idx, false) into the requests table.
      2. Send guardian_email_addr an error email to say that account_eth_addr tries to set you to a guardian, which is rejected since you are already its guardian.
      3. Return a 200 response along with request_id and subject_params to prevent a malicious client user from learning if the pair of the account_eth_addr and the guardian_email_addr is already set or not.
    9. Insert (account_code, account_eth_addr, controller_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr, false) into the credentials table.
    10. Insert (request_id, account_eth_addr, controller_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr, false, template_idx) into the requests table.
    11. Send an email as follows.
      • To: guardian_email_addr
      • Subject: if the domain of guardian_email_addr signs the To field, subject. Otherwise, subject + " Code " + hex(account_code)".
      • Reply-to: relayer_email_addr_before_domain + "+code" + hex(account_code) + "@" + relayer_email_addr_domain.
      • Body: Any message, but it MUST contain "#" + digit(request_id).
    12. Return a 200 response along with request_id and subject_params.
  • POST recoveryRequest

    1. Receive controller_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr, template_idx, and subject.
    2. Let subject_template be the template_idx-th template in recoverySubjectTemplates() of account_eth_addr.
    3. If the subject does not match with subject_template return a 400 response. Let subject_params be the parsed values.
    4. Extract account_eth_addr from the given subject by following subject_template.
    5. If the contract of account_eth_addr is not deployed, return a 400 response.
    6. Randomly generate a request_id. If a record with request_id exists in the requests table, regenerate a new request_id.
    7. If a record with account_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr, and is_set=true exists in the credentials table,
      1. Insert (request_id, account_eth_addr, controller_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr, true, template_idx, false) into the requests table.
      2. Send an email as follows.
        • To: guardian_email_addr
        • Subject: if the domain of guardian_email_addr signs the To field, subject. Otherwise, subject + " Code " + hex(account_code)".
        • Reply-to: relayer_email_addr_before_domain ~~+ "+code" + hex(account_code)~~ + "@" + relayer_email_addr_domain.
        • Body: Any message, but it MUST contain "#" + digit(request_id).
      3. Return a 200 response along with request_id and subject_params.
    8. If a record with account_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr, and is_set=false exists in the credentials table,
      1. Insert (request_id, account_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr, true, template_idx, false) into the requests table.
      2. Send an email as follows.
        • To: guardian_email_addr
        • Subject: A message to say that account_eth_addr requests your account recovery, but you have not approved being its guardian.
      3. Return a 200 response along with request_id and subject_params.
    9. If a record with account_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr does not exist in the credentials table,
      1. Insert (request_id, account_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr, true, template_idx, false) into the requests table.
      2. Send an email as follows.
        • To: guardian_email_addr
        • Subject: if the domain of guardian_email_addr signs the To field, subject. Otherwise, subject + " Code ".
        • Reply-to: relayer_email_addr_before_domain + "@" + relayer_email_addr_domain.
        • Body: Any message, but it MUST contain "#" + digit(request_id). Also, the message asks the guardian to reply to this email with the guardian’s account code after " Code " in the subject.
      3. Return a 200 response along with request_id and subject_params.
  • POST completeRequest

    1. Receive account_eth_addr, controller_eth_addr, and complete_calldata.
    2. If the contract of acciybt_eth_addr is not deployed, return a 400 response.
    3. Call the completeRecovery function in the contract of controller_eth_addr with passing account_eth_addr and complete_calldata.
    4. If the transaction fails, return a 400 response. Otherwise, return a 200 response.

Handling Email

When receiving a new email, the relayer handles it as follows.

  1. Extract guardian_email_addr from the From field, raw_subject from the Subject field, and "#" + digit(request_id) from the email body.
  2. If no record with request_id exists in the requests table, send guardian_email_addr an email to tell that the given request_id does not exist.
  3. If the invitation code for account_code exists in the email header,
    1. If a record with account_code exists in the credentials table, assert that guardian_email_addr is the same as the extracted one.
    2. If no record with account_code exists in the credentials table, assert that the EmailAuth contract whose address corresponds to account_code and guardian_email_addr is already deployed. Also, insert (account_code, account_eth_addr, guardian_email_addr, true) into the credentials table, where account_eth_addr is the owner of that deployed EmailAuth contract. Note that this step is for a guardian who sends an email to a new relayer due to the old relayer’s censorship.
  4. Let email_domain be a domain of guardian_email_addr.
  5. Fetch a public key of email_domain from DNS and compute its public_key_hash.
  6. Let dkim be the output of dkim() of account_eth_addr.
  7. If DKIM(dkim).isDKIMPublicKeyHashValid(email_domain, public_key_hash) is false, call the DKIM oracle and update the dkim contract.
  8. If is_for_recovery is false,
    1. Let subject_template be the template_idx-th template in acceptanceSubjectTemplates() of controller_eth_addr.
    2. If subject does not match with subject_template, send guardian_email_addr an error email.
    3. Parse subject to get subject_params and skiped_subject_prefix.
    4. Let templateId be keccak256(EMAIL_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_VERSION_ID, "ACCEPTANCE", templateIdx).
    5. Generate a proof for the circuit and construct email_proof.
    6. Construct email_auth_msg and call EmailAccountRecovery(controller_eth_addr).handleAcceptance(email_auth_msg, template_idx).
    7. If the transaction fails, send guardian_email_addr an error email and update a record with request_id in the requests table to (is_processed=true, is_success=false, email_nullifier=email_proof.email_nullifier, account_salt=email_proof.email_nullifier, is_code_exist=email_proof.is_code_exist).
    8. Update a record with account_code in the credentials table to is_set=true.
    9. Send guardian_email_addr a success email and update a record with request_id in the requests table to (is_processed=true, is_success=true, email_nullifier=email_proof.email_nullifier, account_salt=email_proof.email_nullifier, is_code_exist=email_proof.is_code_exist).
  9. If is_for_recovery is true,
    1. Let subject_template be the template_idx-th template in recoverySubjectTemplates() of controller_eth_addr.
    2. If subject does not match with subject_template, send guardian_email_addr an error email.
    3. Parse subject to get subject_params and skiped_subject_prefix.
    4. Let templateId be keccak256(EMAIL_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_VERSION_ID, "RECOVERY", templateIdx).
    5. Generate a proof for the circuit and construct email_proof.
    6. Construct email_auth_msg and call EmailAccountRecovery(controller_eth_addr).handleRecovery(email_auth_msg, template_idx).
    7. If the transaction fails, send guardian_email_addr an error email and update a record with request_id in the requests table to (is_processed=true, is_success=false, email_nullifier=email_proof.email_nullifier, account_salt=email_proof.account_salt, is_code_exist=email_proof.is_code_exist).
    8. Send guardian_email_addr a success email and update a record with request_id in the requests table to (is_processed=true, is_success=true, email_nullifier=email_proof.email_nullifier, account_salt=email_proof.email_nullifier, is_code_exist=email_proof.is_code_exist).