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zjnolen committed Feb 15, 2024
1 parent 2b93dcd commit af65fb5
Showing 1 changed file with 110 additions and 29 deletions.
139 changes: 110 additions & 29 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -27,16 +27,18 @@ mapping and processing of the reads, with options speific for historical DNA.
These steps are available if providing paths to local FASTQ files or SRA
accessions from e.g. NCBI/ENA.

- Trimming and collapsing of overlapping paired end reads with fastp
- Mapping of reads using bwa mem
- Estimation of read mapping rates (for endogenous content calculation)
- Removal of duplicates using Picard for paired reads and dedup for collapsed
overlapping reads
- Realignment around indels using GATK
- Optional base quality recalibration using MapDamage2 in historical samples to
correct post-mortem damage
- Clipping of overlapping mapped paired end reads using bamutil
- Quality control information from fastp, Qualimap, DamageProfiler, and
- Trimming and collapsing of overlapping paired end reads with fastp[^1]
- Mapping of reads using bwa[^2] mem (modern) or aln (historical)
- Estimation of read mapping rates (for endogenous content calculation) with
- Removal of duplicates using Picard[^4] for paired reads and dedup[^5] for
collapsed overlapping reads
- Realignment around indels using GATK[^6]
- Optional base quality recalibration using MapDamage2[^7] in historical
samples to correct post-mortem damage or damage estimation only with
- Clipping of overlapping mapped paired end reads using BamUtil[^9]
- Quality control information from fastp, Qualimap[^10], DamageProfiler, and
MapDamage2 (Qualimap is also available for users starting with BAM files)

### Population Genomics
Expand All @@ -45,36 +47,47 @@ The primary goal of this pipeline is to perform analyses in ANGSD and related
softwares in a repeatable and automated way. These analyses are available both
when you start with raw sequencing data or with processed BAM files.

- Estimation of linkage disequilibrium across genome and LD decay using ngsLD
- Linkage pruning where relevant with ngsLD
- PCA with PCAngsd
- Admixture with NGSAdmix
- Relatedness using NgsRelate and IBSrelate
- 1D and 2D Site frequency spectrum production with ANGSD
- Neutrality statistics per population (Watterson's theta, pairwise nucleotide
diversity, Tajima's D) in user defined sliding windows with ANGSD
- Estimation of heterozygosity per sample from 1D SFS with ANGSD
- Estimation of linkage disequilibrium across genome and LD decay using
- Linkage pruning where relevant with [fgvieira/prune_graph](
- PCA with PCAngsd[^12]
- Admixture with NGSAdmix[^13]
- Relatedness using NgsRelate[^14] and IBSrelate[^15]
- 1D and 2D Site frequency spectrum production with ANGSD[^16], bootstrap SFS
can additionally be generated.
- Diversity and statistics per population (Watterson's theta, pairwise
nucleotide diversity, Tajima's D) in user defined sliding windows with ANGSD
- Estimation of heterozygosity per sample from 1D SFS with ANGSD, with
confidence intervals from bootstraps
- Pairwise $F_{ST}$ between all populations or individuals in user defined
sliding windows with ANGSD
- Inbreeding coefficients and runs of homozygosity per sample with ngsF-HMM
(**NOTE** This is currently only possible for samples that are within a
population sample, not for lone samples which will always return an
inbreeding coefficient of 0)
- Inbreeding coefficients and runs of homozygosity per sample with
ngsF-HMM[^17] (**NOTE** This is currently only possible for samples that are
within a population sample, not for lone samples which will always return an
inbreeding coefficient of 0. To remedy this, ngsF-HMM can be run for the
whole dataset instead of per population, but this may break the assumption
of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium)
- Identity by state (IBS) matrix between all samples using ANGSD

Additionally, several data filtering options are available:

- Identification (can also skip identification if repeat bed/gff is supplied)
and removal of repetitive regions
- Removal of regions with low mappability for fragments of a specified size
- Removal of regions with extreme high or low depth
- Identification and removal of repetitive regions using
RepeatModeler[^18]/Masker[^19] (can skip RepeatModeler if repeat library is
supplied and skip RepeatMasker if repeat bed/gff is supplied)
- Removal of regions with low mappability for fragments of a specified size.
Mappability estimated with GenMap[^20] and converted to 'pileup mappability'
using a custom script.
- Removal of regions with extreme high or low global depth
- Removal of regions with a certain amount of missing data
- Multiple filter sets from user provided BED files that can be intersected
- Multiple filter sets from user-provided BED files that can be intersected
with other enabled filters (for instance, performing analyses on neutral
sites and genic regions separately)

All the above analyses can also be performed with sample depth subsampled to
a uniform level to account for differences in depth between samples.
a uniform level with Samtools to account for differences in depth between

A workflow report containing outputs from QC and analyses can be generated.

## Getting Started

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,3 +204,71 @@ enabled by resources provided by the National Academic Infrastructure for
Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) and the Swedish National Infrastructure for
Computing (SNIC) at UPPMAX partially funded by the Swedish Research Council
through grant agreements no. 2022-06725 and no. 2018-05973.

## References

Below you can find the references for various softwares utilized in this
pipeline which should be cited if their portion of the pipeline is used. How
each tool is used is given with the reference.

[^1]: Chen, S., Zhou, Y., Chen, Y., & Gu, J. (2018). fastp: An ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor. Bioinformatics, 34(17), i884–i890. <>
(Adapter trimming, read collapsing, fastq QC)

[^2]: Li, H., & Durbin, R. (2009). Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows–Wheeler transform. Bioinformatics, 25(14), 1754–1760. <>
(Read mapping)

[^3]: Danecek, P., Bonfield, J. K., Liddle, J., Marshall, J., Ohan, V., Pollard, M. O., Whitwham, A., Keane, T., McCarthy, S. A., Davies, R. M., & Li, H. (2021). Twelve years of SAMtools and BCFtools. GigaScience, 10(2). <>
(Endogenous content calculation, depth subsampling, bam file manipulation)

[^4]: Picard toolkit. (2019). Broad Institute, GitHub Repository. <>
(Duplicate removal for paired end reads)

[^5]: Peltzer, A., Jäger, G., Herbig, A., Seitz, A., Kniep, C., Krause, J., & Nieselt, K. (2016). EAGER: Efficient ancient genome reconstruction. Genome Biology, 17(1), Article 1. <>
(Duplicate removal for collapsed reads)

[^6]: Auwera, G. A. V. der, & O’Connor, B. D. (2020). Genomics in the Cloud: Using Docker, GATK, and WDL in Terra. O’Reilly Media, Inc.
(Realignment around indels)

[^7]: Jónsson, H., Ginolhac, A., Schubert, M., Johnson, P. L. F., & Orlando, L. (2013). mapDamage2.0: Fast approximate Bayesian estimates of ancient DNA damage parameters. Bioinformatics, 29(13), 1682–1684. <>
(Estimation of post-mortem DNA damage, base recalibration for damage

[^8]: Neukamm, J., Peltzer, A., & Nieselt, K. (2021). DamageProfiler: Fast damage pattern calculation for ancient DNA. Bioinformatics, 37(20), 3652–3653. <>
(Estimation of post-mortem DNA damage)

[^9]: Jun, G., Wing, M. K., Abecasis, G. R., & Kang, H. M. (2015). An efficient and scalable analysis framework for variant extraction and refinement from population scale DNA sequence data. Genome Research, gr.176552.114. <>
(Clipping of overlapping reads so they are not double counted by ANGSD)

[^10]: García-Alcalde, F., Okonechnikov, K., Carbonell, J., Cruz, L. M., Götz, S., Tarazona, S., Dopazo, J., Meyer, T. F., & Conesa, A. (2012). Qualimap: Evaluating next-generation sequencing alignment data. Bioinformatics, 28(20), 2678–2679. <>
(General BAM file QC)

[^11]: Fox, E. A., Wright, A. E., Fumagalli, M., & Vieira, F. G. (2019). ngsLD: Evaluating linkage disequilibrium using genotype likelihoods. Bioinformatics, 35(19), 3855–3856. <>
(Estimation of linkage disequilibrium for pruning, LD decay, LD sampling)

[^12]: Meisner, J., & Albrechtsen, A. (2018). Inferring Population Structure and Admixture Proportions in Low-Depth NGS Data. Genetics, 210(2), 719–731. <>
(Principal component analysis)

[^13]: Skotte, L., Korneliussen, T. S., & Albrechtsen, A. (2013). Estimating Individual Admixture Proportions from Next Generation Sequencing Data. Genetics, 195(3), 693–702. <>
(Admixture analysis)

[^14]: Hanghøj, K., Moltke, I., Andersen, P. A., Manica, A., & Korneliussen, T. S. (2019). Fast and accurate relatedness estimation from high-throughput sequencing data in the presence of inbreeding. GigaScience, 8(5), giz034. <>
(Relatedness estimation)

[^15]: Waples, R. K., Albrechtsen, A., & Moltke, I. (2019). Allele frequency-free inference of close familial relationships from genotypes or low-depth sequencing data. Molecular Ecology, 28(1), 35–48. <>
(Relatedness estimation)

[^16]: Korneliussen, T. S., Albrechtsen, A., & Nielsen, R. (2014). ANGSD: Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data. BMC Bioinformatics, 15(1), Article 1. <>
(Depth calculation, genotype likelihood estimation, SNP calling, allele
frequencies, SFS, diverity and neutrality statistics, heterozygosity, $F_{ST}$)

[^17]: Vieira, F. G., Albrechtsen, A., & Nielsen, R. (2016). Estimating IBD tracts from low coverage NGS data. Bioinformatics, 32(14), 2096–2102. <>
(Inbreeding and runs of homozygosity estimation)

[^18]: Flynn, J. M., Hubley, R., Goubert, C., Rosen, J., Clark, A. G., Feschotte, C., & Smit, A. F. (2020). RepeatModeler2 for automated genomic discovery of transposable element families. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(17), 9451–9457. <>
(Building repeat library from reference genome)

[^19]: Smit, A., Hubley, R., & Green, P. (2013). RepeatMasker Open-4.0 (4.1.2) [Computer software]. <>
(Identifying repeat regions from repeat library)

[^20]: Pockrandt, C., Alzamel, M., Iliopoulos, C. S., & Reinert, K. (2020). GenMap: Ultra-fast computation of genome mappability. Bioinformatics, 36(12), 3687–3692. <>
(Estimation of per-base mappability scores)

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