Releases: ziqizhang/jate
Releases · ziqizhang/jate
Internal release of JATE2(beta)
- various bug fixes for corpus parsing, candidate extraction&indexing, etc.
- enhanced ATR evaluation with new metrics including overall P/R/F, top N precision, top K percentage precision, etc.
- modified unit test with minimum pre-filtering and post-filteirng for GENIA (different settings reported in the paper)
Bug fix release of JATE2 Beta version
- Fix compatibility bugs for Apache Solr 6.0 above
- Publish JATE2.0-beta to the Maven Central Repository
JATE 2.0 Beta Version Release notes
The JATE2.0 team is pleased to announce JATE 2.0 Beta version, which fully support both embedded mode and plugin mode.
- JATE2.0 plugin mode now support index or re-index new or existing corpus with candidate terms
- More configurations are supported in JATE2.0 plugin mode, e.g.,options for candidate extraction, ATE algorithm, query boosting, etc.
- example setting of core instance for plugin mode
- bug fixes for candidate term real-time document updating and re-indexing
JATE 2.0-alpha
- architectural changes to integrate Apache Solr framework;
- improve stability and scalability of JATE2.0 Embedded mode;
- support JATE2.0 Plugin mode (e.g., SolrRequestHandler);
- update customised Solr plugins for the support of advanced customisation in analyser chain (e.g.,jate.ComplexShingleFilter,EnglishLemmatisationFilterFactory, OpenNLPRegexChunkerFactory, OpenNLPPOSTaggerFactory, OpenNLPTokenizerFactory);
- functionality and test/demo for embedded mode (e.g., example setting of analyser chain for two different corpus )
- demo & utilities for GENIA and ACL RD-TEC benchmarking;