package to communicate with BG95 modem
- Radio (GSM/GPRS/NB-IoT/CATM1) - operator selection
- APN (multi connection)
- NTP (clock sync at each hour)
- MQTT (multi connection + SSL)
- TCP (multi connection + SSL)
- HTTP (GET requests)
- HTTPS (GET and Post requests (supporting json also))
- COAP (not implemented for now)
- LwM2M (not implemented for now)
- DFOTA (to develop..)
- PSM (not implemented for now)
Library to interact with BGxx enabling functionalities listed above
- MODEMBGXX(HardwareSerial *serial_modem)
- MODEMBGXX(HardwareSerial *serial_modem, HardwareSerial *serial_log)
- bool init(uint8_t radio, uint16_t cops, uint8_t pwkey)
- void init_port(uint32_t baudrate, uint32_t config)
- void disable_port()
- bool powerCycle()
- bool setup(uint8_t cid, String apn, String username, String password)
- bool loop(uint32_t loop = 10)
- String get_imei(uint32_t wait = 5000)
- String get_ccid(uint32_t wait = 5000)
- String get_imsi(uint32_t wait = 5000)
- String get_subscriber_number(uint16_t wait = 3000)
- add rssi
- technology in use
- operator in use
- String get_ip(uint8_t cid = 1, uint32_t wait = 5000)
- bool apn_connected(uint8_t cid = 1)
- bool has_context(uint8_t cid = 1)
- bool open_pdp_context(uint8_t cid = 1)
- bool close_pdp_context(uint8_t cid = 1)
- String check_context_state(uint8_t contextID)
- String check_connection_state(uint8_t connectionID)
- bool sms_check_handler()
- bool sms_handler(void(*handler)(uint8_t, String, String))
- bool sms_send(String origin, String message)
- bool sms_remove(uint8_t index)
- bool tcp_connect(uint8_t clientID, String proto, String host, uint16_t port, uint16_t wait = 80000)
- bool tcp_connect(uint8_t contextID, uint8_t clientID, String proto, String host, uint16_t port, uint16_t wait = 80000)
- bool tcp_connect_ssl(uint8_t contextID, uint8_t sslClientID, uint8_t clientID, String host, uint16_t port, uint16_t wait = 10000)
- bool tcp_connected(uint8_t cid)
- bool tcp_close(uint8_t cid)
- bool tcp_send(uint8_t cid, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size)
- uint16_t tcp_recv(uint8_t cid, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size)
- uint16_t tcp_has_data(uint8_t cid)
- void MQTT_init(bool(*callback)(String topic,String payload))
- bool MQTT_setup(uint8_t clientID, uint8_t contextID, String will_topic, String payload)
- bool MQTT_connect(uint8_t clientID, const char* uid, const char* user, const char* pass, const char* host, uint16_t port = 1883)
- bool MQTT_connected(uint8_t clientID)
- int8_t MQTT_disconnect(uint8_t clientID)
- bool MQTT_subscribeTopic(uint8_t clientID, uint16_t msg_id, String topic,uint8_t qos)
- bool MQTT_subscribeTopics(uint8_t clientID, uint16_t msg_id, String topic- [],uint8_t qos- [], uint8_t len)
- int8_t MQTT_unSubscribeTopic(uint8_t clientID, uint16_t msg_id, String topic- [], uint8_t len)
- int8_t MQTT_publish(uint8_t clientID, uint16_t msg_id,uint8_t qos, uint8_t retain, String topic, String msg)
- void MQTT_readAllBuffers(uint8_t clientID)
- bool http_get(String host, String path, String token, uint8_t clientID, uint8_t contextID)
- bool https_get(String host, String path, uint8_t clientID, String token, uint8_t sslClientID, uint8_t contextID)
- bool https_post(String host, String path, String body, String token, uint8_t clientID, uint8_t sslClientID, uint8_t contextID)
- bool https_post_json(String host, String path, String body, String token, uint8_t clientID, uint8_t sslClientID, uint8_t contextID)
- bool http_wait_response(uint8_t clientID)
- uint16_t http_get_header_length(uint8_t clientID)
- void http_parse_header(char* data, uint16_t len)
- String http_response_status()
- uint16_t http_get_body_size()
- uint16_t http_get_body(uint8_t clientID, char* data, uint16_t len, uint16_t wait = 10000)
- bool http_check_md5(char* data, uint16_t len)
Run programs inside examples folder to check how it works
Establish connection to one or multiple broker, subscribes topics and receive messages (add publish messages to the example) Multiples contexts can also be tested
Establish connection to one or multiple hosts, make a request, receive response Multiples contexts can also be tested
Use it to test different radio technologies
Not available for now
Not available for now
- @serial_modem - Serial port for modem connection
MODEMBGXX(HardwareSerial *serial_modem)]
- @serial_modem - Serial port for modem connection
- @serial_log - Serial port for logs
MODEMBGXX(HardwareSerial *serial_modem, HardwareSerial *serial_log)]
- call it to initialize state machine
bool init(uint8_t radio, uint16_t cops, uint8_t pwkey)]
- call it to initialize serial port
void init_port(uint32_t baudrate, uint32_t config)]
- call it to disable serial port
void disable_port()]
- switch off and on
bool powerCycle()]
- setup APN configuration
- @cid - 0-16, limited to MAX_CONNECTIONS
- returns true if succeed
bool setup(uint8_t cid, String apn, String username, String password)]
- check for pending commands, received data and updates state machine
- returns true if something has changed on state machine
bool loop(uint32_t loop = 10)]
String get_imei(uint32_t wait = 5000)](
String get_ccid(uint32_t wait = 5000)](
String get_imsi(uint32_t wait = 5000)](
String get_subscriber_number(uint16_t wait = 3000)](
- get IP of a context
String get_ip(uint8_t cid = 1, uint32_t wait = 5000)
- check if modem is connected to apn
bool apn_connected(uint8_t cid = 1)
- check if modem has IP
bool has_context(uint8_t cid = 1)
- open context
bool open_pdp_context(uint8_t cid = 1)
- close context
bool close_pdp_context(uint8_t cid = 1)
- returns the state of context id
String check_context_state(uint8_t contextID)
- returns the state of connection id
String check_connection_state(uint8_t connectionID)
- check if there is some function to deal with sms
bool sms_check_handler()
pass callback for sms
bool sms_handler(void(*handler)(uint8_t, String, String))
- send sms
bool sms_send(String origin, String message)
- remove sms
bool sms_remove(uint8_t index)
- connect to a host:port
- @clientID - connection id 0-11, yet it is limited to MAX_TCP_CONNECTIONS
- @proto - "UDP" or "TCP"
- @host - can be IP or DNS
- @wait - maximum time to wait for at command response in ms
- return true if connection was established
bool MODEMBGXX::tcp_connect(uint8_t clientID, String proto, String host, uint16_t port, uint16_t wait)
- connect to a host:port
- @ccontextID - context id 1-16, yet it is limited to MAX_CONNECTIONS
- @clientID - connection id 0-11, yet it is limited to MAX_TCP_CONNECTIONS
- @proto - "UDP" or "TCP"
- @host - can be IP or DNS
- @wait - maximum time to wait for at command response in ms
- return true if connection was established
bool MODEMBGXX::tcp_connect(uint8_t contextID, uint8_t clientID, String proto, String host, uint16_t port, uint16_t wait)
- connect to a host:port
- @ccontextID - context id 1-16, yet it is limited to MAX_CONNECTIONS
- @sslClientID - connection id 0-5, yet it is limited to MAX_TCP_CONNECTIONS
- @clientID - connection id 0-11, yet it is limited to MAX_TCP_CONNECTIONS
- @host - can be IP or DNS
- @wait - maximum time to wait for at command response in ms
- return true if connection was established
bool MODEMBGXX::tcp_connect_ssl(uint8_t contextID, uint8_t sslClientID, uint8_t clientID, String host, uint16_t port, uint16_t wait)
- return tcp connection status
bool MODEMBGXX::tcp_connected(uint8_t clientID)
- close tcp connection
- return tcp connection status
bool MODEMBGXX::tcp_close(uint8_t clientID)
- send data through open channel
- returns true if succeed
bool MODEMBGXX::tcp_send(uint8_t clientID, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size)
- copies data to pointer if available
- returns len of data copied
uint16_t MODEMBGXX::tcp_recv(uint8_t clientID, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size)
- returns len of data available for clientID
uint16_t MODEMBGXX::tcp_has_data(uint8_t clientID)
- init mqtt
- @callback - register callback to parse mqtt messages
void MODEMBGXX::MQTT_init(bool(*callback)(String,String))
- setup mqtt
- @clientID - supports 5 clients, yet is limited to MAX_MQTT_CONNECTIONS
- @contextID - index of TCP tcp[] - choose 1 connection
- @will_topic - topic to be sent if mqtt loses connection
- @payload - payload to be sent with will topic
- returns true if configuration was succeed
bool MODEMBGXX::MQTT_setup(uint8_t clientID, uint8_t contextID, String will_topic, String payload)
- Connects to a mqtt broker
- @clientID: 0-5, limited to MAX_CONNECTIONS
- @uid: id to register device on broker
- @uid: uid to register device on broker
- @user: credential
- @pass: credential
- @host: DNS or IP
- @port: default 1883
- return true if connection is open
bool MODEMBGXX::MQTT_connect(uint8_t clientID, const char* uid, const char* user, const char* pass, const char* host, uint16_t port)
- return true if connection is open
bool MODEMBGXX::MQTT_connected(uint8_t clientID)
- 0 Failed to close connection
- 1 Connection closed successfully
int8_t MODEMBGXX::MQTT_disconnect(uint8_t clientID)
- return true if has succeed
bool MODEMBGXX::MQTT_subscribeTopic(uint8_t clientID, uint16_t msg_id, String topic,uint8_t qos)
- return true if has succeed
bool MODEMBGXX::MQTT_subscribeTopics(uint8_t clientID, uint16_t msg_id, String topic[],uint8_t qos[], uint8_t len)
- return true if has succeed
int8_t MODEMBGXX::MQTT_unSubscribeTopic(uint8_t clientID, uint16_t msg_id, String topic[], uint8_t len)
- return
- -1 error
- 0 Packet sent successfully and ACK received from server (message that published when =0 does not require ACK)
- 1 Packet retransmission
- 2 Failed to send packet
int8_t MODEMBGXX::MQTT_publish(uint8_t clientID, uint16_t msg_id,uint8_t qos, uint8_t retain, String topic, String msg)
- Forces reading data from mqtt modem buffers
- call it only if unsolicited messages are not being processed
void MODEMBGXX::MQTT_readAllBuffers(uint8_t clientID)
- sends request
- @host - domain
- @path - start path with '/'
- clientID - socket id
- contextID - context to be used
- returns true if request has been correctly sent
bool http_do_request(String host, String path, uint8_t clientID, uint8_t contextID)
- sends https request
- @host - domain
- @path - start path with '/'
- @clientID - socket id
- @sslClientID - socket ssl id
- @contextID - context to be used
- returns true if request has been correctly sent
bool https_do_request(String host, String path, uint8_t clientID, uint8_t sslClientID, uint8_t contextID)
- sends https post
- @host - domain
- @path - start path with '/'
- @body -
- @token - pair of key words to be added to header
- @clientID - socket id
- @sslClientID - socket ssl id
- @contextID - context to be used
- returns true if request has been correctly sent
bool https_post(String host, String path, String body, String token, uint8_t clientID, uint8_t sslClientID, uint8_t contextID)
- sends https post in json format
- @host - domain
- @path - start path with '/'
- @body -
- @token - pair of key words to be added to header
- @clientID - socket id
- @sslClientID - socket ssl id
- @contextID - context to be used
- returns true if request has been correctly sent
bool https_post_json(String host, String path, String body, String token, uint8_t clientID, uint8_t sslClientID, uint8_t contextID)
- After request has been sent, it waits for response and parse header
- returns true if header was detected and parsed thereafter
bool http_wait_response(uint8_t clientID)
uint16_t http_get_header_length(uint8_t clientID)
void http_parse_header(char* data, uint16_t len)
- return http response result
String http_response_status()
- returns body size to be read
uint16_t http_get_body_size()
- gets body data
uint16_t http_get_body(uint8_t clientID, char* data, uint16_t len, uint16_t wait = 10000)
- check md5 file (Content-MD5: has to be received on header),
- otherwise it will returns false
bool http_check_md5(char* data, uint16_t len)