- About the Project
- Application Architecture
- Project Naming Convention
- Getting Started
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- License
Treamstreaming is a video calling application which is created for RTE2020 Hackaton by Agora.io. It helps two different people from different regions to communicate easily without any difficulty. It transcribe and translate the partner voice in a realtime. And agora give the power on realtime communication.
Application is divided into three major components.
- Jupiter
- Europa
- Agora
Jupiter is the front end part of this application, it is created on reactjs. Which communicate directly with Agora for a realtime video calling feature. It also transcribe the data and send it back to Europa through socket connection.
Europa is the back end of this application, it is created on Flask. It translate the text send emit the data to the jupiter.
Project naming convention is based on the planet Jupiter echo system. We named our main application as Jupiter the front part of the transtreaming. And Europa is the moon of Jupiter which is the backend part of the transtreaming.
To setup the Jupiter (frontend of transtreaming), please refer to Transtreaming Jupiter.
To setup the Europa (backend of transtreaming), please refer toTranstreaming Europa.
- Resolve the issue of reapting text due to the partner voice.
- Resolve the issue first time permission allow.
- Re-architect the code for better component communication.
- Use SqLite or a database for a user management.
- WebRTC powerd by Agora
- Agora React Template
- React-Speech-Recognization
- Socket.io
Zilehuda - LinkedIn/zilehuda - zilehuda.tariq@gmail.com
Taimour - LinkedIn/Taimour - muhammad.taimour95@gmail.com
Project Link: https://transtreaming-jupiter.herokuapp.com
This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). View the license.