This package can parse lucene query and convert to dsl used by ES (ElasticSearch), this package is pure go package.
- 1、This package can convert lucene query to dsl which is used by ES.
- 2、This package can compact many leaf nodes to fewer leaf nodes (i.g.
x:>1 AND x:<10
=>{"range": {"x": {"gt": 1, "lt": 10}}}
instead of{"bool": {"must": [{"range": {"x": {"gt": 1}}}, {"range": {"x": {"lt": 10}}}]}}
). compact dsl will be serached more faster than uncompact dsl. for example two range dsl compact to single range dsl, which can reduce a range query and two bitsect intersect. - 3、This package can filter some wrong lucene query (i.g.
x:>1 AND x:<-1
is wrong lucene query). - 4、This package can process wildcard field (i.g.
- 1、only support lucene query with field name, instead of query without field name (i.e. this project can't parse query like
foo OR bar
,foo AND bar
). - 2、don't support prefix operator
, for instance+fo0 -bar
. - 3、should give index mapping of field.
- 4、 will ignore
parameter in field mapping which using in index time boosting. - 5、 don't support alias field type (a kind of filed mapping type).
In order to convert more accurately, you need the configuration of a given field, such as mapping of field.