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Zhenke Wu's Research Website: click to view


  • [2024/10/26] Added paper by topic; it uses pages_list_paper and tags_list_paper in JB folder. They will look for tags in papers.

    • when specifying tags, please use lower cases; it is painful to implement sorting in a case insensitive way (if you know, let me know!)
    • once you click Topic in the papers tab, you should be able to see the keywords with counts at the top and the list of papers by the keywords below.
  • [2023/12/16] Added search function; a useful reference is here and here. Need to do the following:

    • Put the the javascript file at ./js/search-scripts.js, which is based on theSimpleJekyllSearch which specifies options for doing additional operations on the search results, e.g., sorting.
    • Put the javascript file at ./js/search-result.js which defines a simple_search() function that calls the SimpleJekyllSearch() function above, with additional specifications of how the search inputs and outputs would be. The inputs and results will be processed by search-form-global.html or search-form.html below to be included into a page to render search bar and display search results
    • Put search-form-global.html into the _include folder and put the following into where you'd like your search bar to be
      • <div> {% include search-form-global.html %} </div>
      • The above is to search globally (based on search-global.json which pulls data from posts in all of the website and produce an actual .json file with the same name in the generated static site folder named _site); if you want to only search for a subset of posts, e.g., papers, you can modify the json file into what you want, e.g., search.json in the main directory is a separate json file to pull data on posts in the papers category only. Please feel free to modify the Liquid commands or include additional info to be pulled. To include search bar only for the subset of posts, ew need to use a include a different html statement to insert the search bar where you'd like to be. For example, I included only the paper search bar on the paper pages:
        • <div> {% include search-form-global.html %} </div>
    • The optional settings: currently I use sorting function argument sortMiddleware in search-form.html and search-form-global.html, where the former is for papers only (order by year), the latter is for the entire website (order by category and year). You will need to specify the sort_curr function to define your desired sorting mechanism in Javascript.
  • After cloning the repo to your local folder, you'll need to install jekyll to build and test your modified site.

  • fonts

    • Use Typekit to publish fonts you like; register an Adobe account;
    • Modify $font-stack in /assets/themes/lab/css/style.scss to include your fonts. Extra font names are used as fallbacks.
  • posts

    • To add a post, e.g., a new paper, follow the format of the existing .md files
    • Comment out </div> if there are a multiple of three papers in each subsection; otherwise, there will be errors of indentation.
  • tracking

    • To link your site to Google analytic services (Google Analytics 4), modify the tracking_id in _config.yml file in the root directory so that it points to your website.
    • Replace the tracking_id with your own id in the following block of codes in _config.yml
    analytics :
        provider : google
    	google : 
      	  tracking_id : G-XXXXXXX
  • twitter feed:

    • Follow the instructions here and here. The basic idea is to locally use the following to embed a tweet.
    <div class='jekyll-twitter-plugin' align="center">
    {% twitter maxwidth=500 limit=5 %}

    Run bundle exec jekyll server to generate a subfolder _site/ and then find the generated .html file that contains the code block for embedding your tweet. Copy the code block such as

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-width="500"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">For our first ever <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#StudentSpotlight</a>, we&#39;re excited to feature Tim NeCamp who graduated in May and is an official <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#alum</a>! Tim’s interests lie in the areas of experimental design, causal inference, intensive longitudinal data, and....<br>Read More: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Statistics (@UMichStatistics) <a href="">June 27, 2019</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

    and replace the above div block.

  • MathJax (also see here )

    • To properly display the math expressions rendered by MathJax,
      • Add kramdown after on the line of markdown: in _config.yml; this prevents markdown language to intervene with LaTex commands; Also put gem 'kramdown' in Gemfile;
    • Add the following code block to /_includes/themes/lab/default.html, before </head>
<!-- Math via MathJax -->
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
        extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
        jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
        tex2jax: {
            inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
            displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\\[","\\]"] ],
            processEscapes: true
    "HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"] }
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • projects
    • For each repo (in the folder /_data), the url should not end with /. For example, use url: /projects/baker, instead of url: /projects/baker/
  • navigation:
    • For example, the "papers" tab is specified in the folder "papers/". At the top, title is for tab name; group can be either navigation or subnavigation depending on whether you want to show this tab or collapse into the "More" tab; navorder specifies the order appearing in the navigation bar (1 for the first tab).
  • team
    • for photos, set roughly 200px wide and 300px height, with resolution 144. The width requirement is to help display the photo properly on an individual's page.

Other Technicalities

  • categories
    • refers to the subfolders in the main directory without an underscore _;
    • is used to refer to specific locations in the website (my current guess is that the definition of categories ships with the engine of jekyll, so no need to user-define categories)
  • style sheets
    • There are two that matter: /assets/themes/lab/css/style.scss and /assets/themes/css/style.scss; The former works for posts, the latter for pages PRIOR to entering posts.
    • This might best be fixed, but I don't have time now to check how they are currently used in different pages.
  • team page
    • Currently the landing page of the Team is four-column circular headshots (without stacking if the screen is wider than 576px). The circular image is achieved via border-radius: 50% - one may remove this to return to rectangular.
    • Please check here and here for making changes regarding the landing page of Team based on the Bootstrap grid system.