cmsrel CMSSW_9_4_2
cd CMSSW_9_4_2/src
git clone git@github.com:LPC-HH/HHLooper.git
cd HHLooper
All the selections are defined in app/HHLooper.cc in the cutflow object
: start a cut
: add a cut on top of the cut in the previous line
: get a cut in a cutflow
To define a cut in addCut or addCutToLastActiveCut, you need to give the cutname, a lambda function for a bool return, and a weight
For example, cut SRBin2
contains the following cutflow: CutWeight
-> CutHLT
-> CutfatJetsPt
-> CutfatJetsMassSD
-> SRBin2
All the output histograms are defined in app/HHLooper.cc in the histograms object
Each output histogram will have the name of CutName__HistogramName
, i.e. by default the program saves all histograms for all cuts in the cut flow defined above
./process.sh tag0 yes
The first argument is a tag for the folder name of the output histograms, and the second argument tells the program to include all the systematic Up/Down histograms
There will be segment fault error, just ignore it...
cd python
python prepare_card.py tag0
The argument of the python script is the tag name you provided in the previous step
cd python
./plot_all.sh tag0