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Many thanks to Brian Walker for providing the source code for this game !
Brogue is a Roguelike game for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux by Brian Walker.
The latest version executables can be downloaded at http://sites.google.com/site/broguegame/ .
Many thanks to Joshua Day for maintaining and compiling the Linux and Windows builds, to Seth Howard for developing and maintaining the iPad build and optimizing the Mac OS X code, and to Joshua Day, Frank Brown and Kevin Walker for brainstorming, coding assistance and testing.
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Move around the dungeon with the mouse, the vi-keys (hjklyubn) or keypad keys. The arrow keys will also work, but they do not allow diagonal movement. Other commands are as listed in the help screen, which you can access by typing a question mark or clicking on the "Menu" button at the bottom of the screen.
Do not be discouraged by the difficulty of the game. Very few characters will survive the Dungeons of Doom, but your odds will improve enormously once you're acquainted with the dungeon's treasures and inhabitants. For an easier challenge, examine the "Brogue seed catalog.txt" file that comes with the game to choose your preferred set of items.
Scrolls of Enchantment are unique to Brogue and are indispensable to the success of any character. Using one will permanently make a single item more powerful. Enchanting a weapon provides a boost to both its damage and accuracy and also lowers its strength requirement. Enchanting a suit of armor increases its effectiveness and also lowers its strength requirement. Enchanting a ring increases the power of its magical effect. Enchanting a staff increases both its effect and its maximum number of charges. Enchanting a wand gives it additional disposable charges.
If you encounter a monster that you haven't seen before, examine the monster with the mouse or by pressing tab. If you find an item you don't recognize, select it from your inventory to inspect it.
Unlike wands, staves are permanent magical items. They have a maximum number of charges and will recharge from empty to full over a set period of time -- which means that increasing the maximum number of charges also increases the speed with which a single charge regenerates. If you use a Scroll of Identify to identify a staff, its current and maximum charges will be permanently revealed. This is particularly useful for the Staff of Blinking, since its maximum distance will be illustrated while aiming the staff. If you zap with a staff when it has no charges, nothing will happen, but the maximum number of charges will be permanently revealed.
Rings impart a magical effect on their wearer as long as they are worn. They impose no cost to nutrition or otherwise, but only two may be worn at the same time.
Certain weapons, suits of armor and rings are cursed; they will start with negative enchantments and cannot be removed while the curse remains. Reading a scroll of remove curse will lift curses from all of the items in your inventory at once. Enchanting an item or protecting a suit of armor or a weapon will also remove a curse from that item. Cursed rings can be especially deadly to a character without means of removing the curse.
When you first equip a weapon or suit of armor, you will not know if it already has magical enchantments. If you use the item for long enough, its enchantments will be revealed.
Armor and weapons that are found in the dungeon with positive or negative enchantments might also have rare and powerful runic abilities. These will not be apparent at first. Some of them will be revealed when they activate. The rest will be flagged as "unknown runic" when you've used them for long enough. In any case, a Scroll of Identify will instantly reveal the item's runic enhancement, if it has one.
Weapons and armor have strength requirements, which are specified as "" after the item name. You can equip an item even if you don't exceed the strength requirement, but your combat prowess or defense will suffer proportionally. The strength requirement can be lowered by enchanting the weapon or armor with a scroll of enchantment. The only way to raise your own strength is by drinking a potion of strength.
Some weapons have different attack patterns. Spears and war pikes hit an adjacent enemy and the one behind it. Axes and war axes hit all adjacent enemies. Maces and war hammers inflict very high damage but require an extra turn afterward to recover after a successful attack. Rapiers hit half as hard but twice as fast, and provide a free lunge attack (triple damage, never misses) when you directly approach an enemy. Whips automatically attack from up to five spaces away horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Flails automatically attack any adjacent enemy when you step between two spaces that are adjacent to the enemy.
Weapons and armor may be protected from corrosion with a Scroll of Protect Weapon or Armor. Unless protected, striking an acid mound will weaken a weapon, and being struck by an acid mound or a projectile from an acid turret will weaken a suit of armor. Protection status is indicated with a curly brace ('}') following the inventory letter instead of a closing parenthesis, and is described in the item description screen. Positive runics will be permanently lost from an item if the item is corroded to an enchantment level of zero.
The monsters of the dungeon do not reserve all of their aggression for you: from time to time, they are known to capture and torture other monsters. Once freed, these captives will follow you and fight by your side through thick and thin. Staves of Healing, Haste and Protection can be put to good use on your allies. Wands of Empowerment will make them more powerful, and enable them to learn a new ability from a fallen opponent.
Potions of incineration can spell the untimely end of an unprepared character. It's best to try unidentified potions near a body of water to extinguish any resulting flames -- but be careful, because if the burning liquid touches deep water, the cavern may quickly fill with scalding steam.
When aiming a projectile or magical bolt, it is often possible to hit targets that at first seem out of reach. Try adjusting the targeting reticule to a position behind them.
Physically attacking a monster that has not noticed the player -- that is asleep or wandering, or that is paralyzed -- makes for a very powerful attack: the attack will never miss, it will deal triple damage, and the monster will take a turn to recover before it can counterattack. Monsters have a 25% chance per turn to notice the player if they are closer than your "stealth range," which is displayed in the side bar; your stealth range can also be displayed on the map by pressing ']'. It can be effective to lurk just behind a door that you know a monster is approaching and ambush it when it opens the door. Your stealth range is affected by your armor, invisibility, the local light level, rings of stealth and whether you spent the previous turn resting.
Mud-filled bogs will gradually accumulate a layer of swamp gas. Beware: the gas is highly explosive when exposed to an open flame, and an immunity to fire will not protect you from its percussive blast. Any creature, no matter how powerful, will lose at least half of its maximum health from a single explosion.
It is generally optimal to eat a ration of food as soon as your character becomes hungry. No nutrition will be wasted with this approach. Eating an item of food is the only way to recover nutrition, and there is no way around the requirement. Do not spend too much time in familiar territory or you may find yourself without sufficient food to survive.
The only purpose of gold is to establish a character's score upon death or victory.
Deeper levels contain pit traps, fire traps, gas traps, net traps and flood traps. If you know where they are, you can trigger them from a distance by tossing an item onto their pressure plates.
Levels can generally be explored fully without venturing into or over lava, chasms, traps or deep water. If no path presents itself, search along likely walls with the search command.
Scrolls are flammable and will be lost to brushfires if lying on the ground.