An abstract class represents an interface. —— Bjarne Stroustrup Creator of C++
11,12,13 章都在讨论 Python 的接口和继承,比较晦涩,就算看懂了,到了用的时候也忘了,所以这几章暂时不学了,等用到的时候再看。
Python 有两种接口(协议),一种是隐式的:魔法方法协议(鸭子类型),一种是显式的:ABCs。
Python 可以和 Java 一样,实现多继承(Java 实现多个接口)。
class Struggle:
def __len__(self): return 23
isinstance(Struggle(), abc.Sized)
只要实现了 __len__
的魔法方法,那么其就是 abc.sized
和 issubclass
这两个个方法在 Python 中是一个比较鸡肋的存在。
实际上,Python 很多的协议都是根据魔法方法来体现的。我实现了某个魔法方法,就相当于继承了某个类,拥有了该类的特性。
Monkey-Patching 用于在运行时修改类或者模块,其并不会改变源码。
对于一个自定义的 Sequence,只有实现了 __setitem__()
方法,才能实现 shuffle,有时候我们在源码中可能会忘记加这一方法,在交互式 Console 中执行时,我们意识到了需要实现该方法时,我们可以不需要改动源码,通过动态加入该方法的方式,完成补丁。
>>> from random import shuffle
>>> from frenchdeck import FrenchDeck
>>> deck = FrenchDeck()
>>> shuffle(deck)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File ".../python3.3/", line 265, in shuffle
x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i]
TypeError: 'FrenchDeck' object does not support item assignment
>>> def set_card(deck, position, card): # 动态的创建出一个 function
... deck._cards[position] = card
>>> FrenchDeck.__setitem__ = set_card # 将补丁赋值给该类
>>> shuffle(deck)
>>> deck[:5]
protected and private attributes
By definition, protected and private attributes are not part of an interface, even if “protected” is merely a naming convention (the single leading underscore) and private attributes are easily accessed.
Python 对 Interface 的理解
Python 的接口,其侧重点在:像不像(鸭子类型),而 Java 的接口,则遵循严格的协议。
A useful complementary definition of interface is: the subset of an object’s public methods that enable it to play a specific role in the system. That’s what is implied when the Python documentation mentions “a file-like object” or “an iterable”, without specifying a class. An interface seen as a set of methods to fulfill a role is what Smalltalkers called a procotol, and the term spread to other dynamic language communities. Protocols are independent of inheritance. A class may implement several protocols, enabling its instances to fulfill several roles.
Protocols are interfaces, but because they are informal — defined only by documentation and conventions — protocols cannot be enforced like formal interfaces can (we’ll see how ABCs enforce interface conformance later in this chapter). A protocol may be partially implemented in a particular class, and that’s OK. I point this out to emphasize that “X-like object”, “X protocol” and “X interface” are synonyms in the minds of Pythonistas.
当 ABCs(Abstract Base Classes) 被引入 Python(Python2.6) 的时候,Python 已经 15 岁了。
Python 内置的 ABCs 主要分布在两个 module 中:
- ……
- numbers
- Complex
- Real
- Integral
- ……
from import Sequence
import numbers
isinstance(3, numbers.Real) # True
isinstance(3.3, numbers.Real) # True
isinstance(True, numbers.Real) # True
isinstance(3, numbers.Integral) # True
继承 abc.ABC,然后抽象函数用装饰器:@abstractmethod
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Promotion(ABC): # The Strategy: an abstract base class,抽象基类
def discount(self, order):
class FidelityPromotion(Promotion): # concrete strategy
"""5% discount for customers with 1000 or more fidelity points"""
def discount(self, order):
return 0 if < 1000 else * .05
class BulkItemPromotion(Promotion): # concrete strategy
"""10% discount for each LineItem with 20 or more units"""
def discount(self, order):
discount = 0
for item in order.cart:
if item.quantity >= 20:
discount += * .1 # Python 的小数可以不写 0
return discount
注意:abc.ABC 是 Python3.4 以后才引入的,Python3.4 之前要创建 ABCs,应该使用 metaclass