[Download] 版本 5.9.4 [安装教程]
- MinGW (使用 MinGW 编译)
- 所有以 QT 开头的组件
- Tools 下的 Qt Creater 和 MinGW
注意:QT 也支持 Python 作为开发语言,PyQt
[Tutorial] [Qt Designer Manual] [Qt Documentation]
The Qt Widgets Application wizard creates a project that contains a main source file and a set of files that specify a user interface (Notepad widget):
- notepad.pro - the project file.
- main.cpp - the main source file for the application.
- notepad.cpp - the source file of the notepad class of the Notepad widget.
- notepad.h - the header file of the notepad class for the Notepad widget.
- notepad.ui - the UI form for the Notepad widget.
UI 文件实际上是一个 xml 文件。
When you build the application, Qt Creator launches the Qt User Interface Compiler (uic) that reads the .ui file and creates a corresponding C++ header file, ui_notepad.h.