All search fields must be configured in the Model::$filterArgs
property as an array.
Each filter record should contain an array with several keys:
- name: The parameter stored in
. The "name" used to search in a field (can be ommited if the key is the name). - type: One of supported search types described below.
- field: Real field name used for search should be used.
- method: Model method name or behavior used to generate expression, subquery or query.
- allowEmpty: Optional parameter used to allow generating conditions even if the filter field value is empty. It is often used when you specifically allow a lookup for an empty string or if conditions need to be generated based on several other fields.
- like: Type of search used when you need to search using the "LIKE" SQL keyword.
- value: Useful when you need to perform exact comparisons. For example, when using a select box as your filter.
- expression: Useful if you want to add condition that will generate by some method, and condition field contain several parameter like in previous sample used for 'range'. Field here contains 'Article.views BETWEEN ? AND ?' and Article::makeRangeCondition returns array of two values.
- subquery: Useful if you want to add condition that looks like "FIELD IN (SUBQUERY)", where "SUBQUERY" is generated by the method declared in this filter configuration.
- query: Most universal type of search. In this case method should return array (that contains condition of any complexity). Returned condition will be merged with the search conditions.
The Prg component can be configured to start in the startup or initialize callback of the component.
- callback: Must be
, by default it isinitialize
. Choosestartup
if you need to initialize model related settings in another component in the initialize callback.
All search fields parameters need to be configured in the Controller::$presetVars
array - if you didn't yet in the model.
Each preset variable is an array that that contains some of the following keys:
- field: Field that defined in the view search form.
- type: One of the search types described above
- value: Should be used for values that don't require any processing,
- checkbox: Used for checkbox fields in the view (Prg component packs and unpacks checkbox values when it is passed through the get named action).
- lookup: This type should be used when you have for example an auto-complete lookup field implemented in your view. This lookup field is a text field, and also you'll have a hidden field for the id value. In this case the component will fill both, text and id values.
- model: Parameter that specifies what model is used in
for this field. - formField: Field in the form that contains text and will be populated using Model.modelField based on field value.
- modelField: Field in the model that contains text and will be used to fill the formField in the view.
- encode: Boolean, by default false. If you want to use search strings in URL's with special characters like % or / you need to use encoding.
- empty: Boolean, by default false. If you want to omit this field in the PRG url if no value has been given (shorter urls).
Note: Those can also be configured in the model itself (to keep it DRY). You can then set public $presetVar = true;
then in the controller to use the model ones (see the example above). You can still use define the keys here where you want to overwrite certain settings. When using named params instead of query strings it is recommended to always use encode => true
in combination with search strings (custom text input) to avoid url-breaking.