An addon that introduces a method to resurrect dead kerbals for Kerbal Space Program.
By zer0Kerbal
, originally by NepalRAWR
Preamble by NepalRAWR
This mod allows you to resurrect dead Kerbals instead of hiring a new Kerbal. It costs the same anmount of Funds as hiring a new Kerbal so you have no advantages. It is useful if you are playing Career and dont want to revert, but also don't want to loose the veteran Kerbals if something goes wrong.
This is my first addon for KSP so I hope everything works and I did the licensing right.
- Resurrect Kerbals with the status K.I.A for Funds
- Resurrection costs
- as much as hiring a new Kerbal
- but you can also set it to a custom value
- For more images, see our Marketing Slicks
- Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums
- Changelog Summary for more details of changes: See ChangeLog
- Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues
- GitHub Pages : See Pages
- Compatibility patches
- Marketing Images and Videos such as hero shots, animated gifs, short highlight
- Have a request? Glad to have them, kindly submit through GitHub.
HELP WANTED - See the README in the Localization folder or the Quickstart Guide for instructions for adding or improving translations. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!
Installation Directions 1
Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies)
Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to.
- [MoarKerbals (MOAR)][MOAR]
- On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC)
- GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO)
- TweakScale (TWK)
- Either 3
red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date
- NepalRAWR for creating this glorious parts addon!
- Lisias for the stock toolbar button code and implementing it!
- see for more comprehensive list
Current (1) - zer0Kerbal
Forum: Thread - Source: GitHub
All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses
All art assets (textures, models, animations, sounds) are distributed under their own licenses
see for more legal mumbo jumbo
Original (0) - Author: NepalRAWR
Forum: Thread - Download: SpaceDock - Source: GitHub
How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal
Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List