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Buffer overflow in Zephyr USB DFU DNLOAD

d3zd3z published GHSA-c3gr-hgvr-f363 Oct 5, 2021


zephyr (west)

Affected versions


Patched versions




Looking at the implementation of usb_dfu.c in Zephyr’s github repository I believe that the implementation is not fully secure.

Tracing code execution path in usb_device.c usb_handle_control_transfer function when one sends a control transfer read request (bmRequestType direction set to 1, device to host transfer) the wLength size exceeding CONFIG_USB_REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE will be permitted (usb_device.c: 310) and a installed handler will be used to further process the request (usb_device.c: 332). Next in dfu_class_handle_req (usb_dfu.c) for bRequest set to DFU_DNLOAD for both dfuIDLE and dfuDNLOAD_IDLE states memcopy of wLenght bytes will occur. Since wLength value was provided in the frame and might have a value significantly larger than CONFIG_USB_REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE – i.e. 0xffff, data will be copied violating buffer boundaries from both dfu_data_worker.buf and *data perspective. Depending on memory layout and possibility to populate memory past end of data buffer this might allow one to modify memory past dfu_data_worker.buf to either corrupt data structures or achieve arbitrary code execution.

Furthermore since the supplies wLength is assigned to dfu_data_worker.worker_len it looks like that the dfu worker will write memory copied past dfu_data_worker to flash, effectively leaking information, since one can readout the flash contents (i.e. using UPLOAD command with valid wLength).

Finally back in usb_device.c. line 344 – wLength bytes of data will be sent to the host. Again this value can be significantly larger then the actual buffer size resulting in readout past buffer boundaries (usb_dev.data_buf_residue was set to MIN(usb_dev.data_buf_len, setup->wLength) which equals to setup->wLength as usb_dev.data_buf_len = setup->wLength in usb_handle_control_transfer, line 341). Looks like a serious memory readout problem.

I might be wrong but a similar issue with readout just as above seems to be lurking also for other commands when issues as reads with a fairly large value of wLength and *data_len is not altered by the command handler i.e. DFU_ABORT, DFU_CLRSTATUS or DFU_DETACH. My understanding after reading the code is that again wLength bytes of data will be sent back to the host passing the CONFIG_USB_REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE Buffer boundary.

Looking at other device classes like cdc_acm the cdc_acm_class_handle_req again seems to permit behavior similar to described above. For requests such as SET_LINE_CODING or SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE the response to host (bmRequestType direction again set to 1) will not update the response length value allowing readout past memory buffer boundaries. So the problem might be a bit more wide-spread than only DFU.

Hope the above description makes sense. I added code snippets with comments below to make the description a bit clearer.

Unfortunately I don’t have the hardware to verify the issue.

In case I’m wrong please provide some explanation why you consider the implementation secure as is so I can better understand the case.

usb_dfu.c : 455

    case DFU_DNLOAD:

           LOG_DBG("DFU_DNLOAD block %d, len %d, state %d",

                   pSetup->wValue, pSetup->wLength, dfu_data.state);

           if (dfu_check_app_state()) {

                   return -EINVAL;


           switch (dfu_data.state) {

           case dfuIDLE:

                   LOG_DBG("DFU_DNLOAD start");



                   if (dfu_data.flash_area_id !=

                       UPLOAD_FLASH_AREA_ID) {

                          dfu_data.status = errWRITE;

                          dfu_data.state = dfuERROR;

                          LOG_ERR("This area can not be overwritten");



                   dfu_data.state = dfuDNBUSY;

                   dfu_data_worker.worker_state = dfuIDLE;

                   dfu_data_worker.worker_len  = pSetup->wLength;       // SH: data past buffer bounds will be written to flash

                   memcpy(dfu_data_worker.buf, *data, pSetup->wLength); // SH: memcopy past buffer bound

                   k_work_submit_to_queue(&USB_WORK_Q, &dfu_work);


           case dfuDNLOAD_IDLE:

                   dfu_data.state = dfuDNBUSY;

                   dfu_data_worker.worker_state = dfuDNLOAD_IDLE;

                   dfu_data_worker.worker_len  = pSetup->wLength;       // SH: data past buffer bounds will be written to flash

                   memcpy(dfu_data_worker.buf, *data, pSetup->wLength); // SH: memcopy past buffer bound

                   k_work_submit_to_queue(&USB_WORK_Q, &dfu_work);


usb_device.c: 282

static void usb_handle_control_transfer(uint8_t ep,

                                                                       enum usb_dc_ep_cb_status_code ep_status)


           uint32_t chunk = 0U;

           struct usb_setup_packet *setup = &usb_dev.setup;

           struct usb_setup_packet_packed setup_raw;

           LOG_DBG(“ep 0x%02x, status 0x%02x”, ep, ep_status);

           if (ep == USB_CONTROL_OUT_EP0 && ep_status == USB_DC_EP_SETUP) {


                          * OUT transfer, Setup packet,

                          * reset request message state machine


                          if (usb_dc_ep_read(ep, (uint8_t *)&setup_raw,

                                                           sizeof(setup_raw), NULL) < 0) {

                                         LOG_DBG(“Read Setup Packet failed”);




                          /* Take care of endianness */

                          setup->bmRequestType = setup_raw.bmRequestType;

                          setup->bRequest = setup_raw.bRequest;

                          setup->wValue = sys_le16_to_cpu(setup_raw.wValue);

                          setup->wIndex = sys_le16_to_cpu(setup_raw.wIndex);

                          setup->wLength = sys_le16_to_cpu(setup_raw.wLength);                // SH: wLength is extracted from incoming usb frame

                          if (setup->wLength > CONFIG_USB_REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE) {

                                         if (REQTYPE_GET_DIR(setup->bmRequestType)

                                             != REQTYPE_DIR_TO_HOST) {                                                 // SH: bmRequestType dir set to TO_HOST to proceed

                                                        LOG_ERR("Request buffer too small");






                          usb_dev.data_buf = usb_dev.req_data;

                          usb_dev.data_buf_residue = setup->wLength;

                          usb_dev.data_buf_len = setup->wLength;

                          usb_dev.zlp_flag = false;

                          if (setup->wLength &&


                              == REQTYPE_DIR_TO_DEVICE) {



                          /* Ask installed handler to process request */

                          if (!usb_handle_request(setup,


                                                                       &usb_dev.data_buf)) {

                                         LOG_DBG("usb_handle_request failed");




                          /* Send smallest of requested and offered length */

                          usb_dev.data_buf_residue = MIN(usb_dev.data_buf_len,        // SH: if usb_dev.data_buf_len if not altered in handler (like in DFU_ABORT etc.) both values are the same


                          /* Send first part (possibly a zero-length status message) */

                          usb_data_to_host(setup->wLength);                                             // SH: wLength > CONFIG_USB_REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE Will be returned to host leaking memory contents


This has been fixed in:

  • main #36694 (2.7.0)
  • v1.14: TBD

For more information

If you have any questions or comments about this advisory:

embargo: 2021-09-21



CVSS overall score

This score calculates overall vulnerability severity from 0 to 10 and is based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS).
/ 10

CVSS v3 base metrics

Attack vector
Attack complexity
Privileges required
User interaction

CVSS v3 base metrics

Attack vector: More severe the more the remote (logically and physically) an attacker can be in order to exploit the vulnerability.
Attack complexity: More severe for the least complex attacks.
Privileges required: More severe if no privileges are required.
User interaction: More severe when no user interaction is required.
Scope: More severe when a scope change occurs, e.g. one vulnerable component impacts resources in components beyond its security scope.
Confidentiality: More severe when loss of data confidentiality is highest, measuring the level of data access available to an unauthorized user.
Integrity: More severe when loss of data integrity is the highest, measuring the consequence of data modification possible by an unauthorized user.
Availability: More severe when the loss of impacted component availability is highest.



