Releases: zendesk/copenhagen_theme
Releases · zendesk/copenhagen_theme
4.0.0 (2024-07-03)
Bug Fixes
- add aria-hidden to text area (13966b1)
- add change to assets (275cb8f)
- added empty option for priority and type fields (da36b7a)
- allow datepicker field to be cleared (1030722)
- allow empty credit card value (d695b78)
- allow multiselect height to grow dynamically (776ea0f)
- always redirect to the new request page when a ticket form is selected (9353600)
- avoid errors when there are no files matching the pattern (8144437)
- avoid global styles / Garden styles clash (b5b33c1)
- cc-field: a11y fixes (3b43c8d)
- cc-field: fixed tag insertion on mobile browsers (59863d7)
- cc-field: visual error indication (ff49a98)
- check in build files (b5f9ed9)
- clearing date field when it is hidden (93d6df2)
- configure rtl when setting up garden's theme (22cb917)
- fix 'required' state and prefilling of multiselect fields (74ba03d)
- fix form submission when there are no ticket forms (745ff41)
- fixed input type for text fields (e68849b)
- fixed organization dropdown and ticket prefilling (e71774f)
- fixed request form dropdowns and conditional fields (c650475)
- hide required field info from screen readers (042bcc7)
- improved styling of CC field input (3103fb8)
- re-add missing bradcrumbs (4819ced)
- readding styled.d.ts lost in rebase (3ebda24)
- rendering integer and decimal fields as number (72af3b0)
- request_form has been renamed to new_request_form (a041ec3)
- return focus to the ticket form dropdown after the page reloads (6a19df1)
- set aria-required to combobox component (530cc93)
- show * when tagger field is required (53ecfed)
- text reflow a11y issue in the Answer Bot modal (4169ca4)
- ui fixes for WYSIWYG and Datepicker error states (26eb043)
- use 'required' value from end user conditon (4740c72)
- use the public deflection endpoint URL instead of the internal one (f660073)
- use the public sessions endpoint URL instead of the internal one (95d5139)
- add follow-up string to request form header (efbae3c)
- add parent id hidden input field (7260c53)
- added a global notification system (934965e)
- added AnswerBotModal (8562914)
- added attachment field (beb1a88)
- added CC Field (2efd64f)
- added CreditCard field (ca94bd4)
- added custom date field (e1afffa)
- added Due Date field (72d295c)
- added form submission and global form errors handling (3c1fe7d)
- added Garden subject field in new request form (bcf52e2)
- added Garden theme customization (9f5c8d8)
- added suggested articles (aa22c18)
- added Tagger field (c0929db)
- added ticket form selector (30020e1)
- added useSubmitHandler hook (0d57633)
- added WYSIWYG editor (b1f3159)
- adding support for 'regexp' fields (aecbd3f)
- adding support for 'type' fields (ad8979d)
- adding support for conditional fields (13cf088)
- adding support for the organization field (321945b)
- adds multi-select component with support to nested options (9b588e4)
- build request form using data helpers (8586290)
- handling anonymous_requester_email field (cf3fa82)
- handling priority field (1502ed1)
- handling textarea fields (18bf18e)
- implement pre-filled ticket forms (f8ac58b)
- improved Ticket Form selector (1888b92)
- increase textarea size and make it resizable (d2b93fb)
- mark fields as required (67cc9c9)
- render links in fields description in the new request form (4fea70d)
- rendering missing custom fields (0ad8eed)
- request form using field data helpers (864c5f8)
- require only 4 digits for the credit card field ([36db267](36db...