The project is e-commerce ποΈπ website aims to make two interfaces one for admin and another for user.
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Features
- final screen of projects
- Contributing
- License
- Acknowledgments
- Contact
- Node.js - Download and install the latest version of Node.js, which includes
npm (Node Package Manager)
. - Angular CLI - Install the Angular Command Line Interface globally by running
npm install -g @angular/cli
Clone this repository to your local machine using:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd solution
Install the project dependencies:
npm install
After completing the installation, you can run the project locally with the following command:
ng serve
- This will start a local development server, and you can access the application by opening your web browser and navigating to
. Run JSON server from here
npx json-server ./src/app/server/db.json
- This will start a local development server, and you can access the application by opening your web browser and navigating to
To get the user view login with :
- username:user
- password:user
To get the admin view login with :
- username:admin
- password:admin
- Authentication : Login page that sure you are admin or user and based on your role you will get user or admin interface
- LazyLoading : the project consist of Three modules one for user , one for admin and the other one for app
- Validation : each form has validation using reactive form validators (login, add product ,edit ptoduct) forms
- Authorization: using guard in angular i check the user authorized to see routes or not
- services and observables: using angular httpclient module I make requests to FakeAPISTore
- JSON Server: using json server with fake store api to make crud operations in new products
- forms: using reactive form as it has super power in handling form and validation of it
- ErrorHandling : using error handler in angular , i implement general error handler class
- impresive UI: using dribble and freepik to make inspiration for ui
- dashboard page : admin can see overview about products
- crud operations as admin can edit , remove oand add product
- pagination for product table (bonus feature)
- Home page : after login user see home page with details about us
- products page : user can see products to page with interacive card
- filteration : user can filter products based on category
- product details page : more details about product
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to the project, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m "Add my feature"
- Push your changes to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request.
Please ensure your pull request follows the project's coding conventions and includes relevant tests.
- angular frame work - sass preprocessor - json server - fake store api If you have any questions or feedback regarding this project, feel free to get in touch:- Email:
- linkedin: @zienabmuhammad
- GitHub: @zenab12
Feel free to modify this README file to suit your project's specific needs. Happy coding! π