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Best soundbot in whole North Korea! Supporting hotkeys and a web interface!


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~ Yuri ~

If you believe or not, the best discord soundboard in whole north korea!
And it can be controlled with HOTKEYS or over the WEBINTERFACE!



Branch Status
Master @ HotkeyClient


Command Aliases Description
<sound> -/- Play a sound
bind <sound>/r/reset -/- bind a sound or random sounds to the fast key, "reset" to reset
disable enable disable or enable the soundboatd [OWNER ONLY]
help -/- Display this help message
info -/- Display some info about this bot
list [s] ls List all sounds (add argument "s" for time-sorted list)
log logs, history display guilds sound history
quit -/- Quit current voice channel
random r, rand Play a random sound
search <query/regexp> s search for sounds by query or regexp
stop -/- Stop currently playing sound (does not quit channel)
summon -/- Summons the bot in the voice channel without playing a sound

What you need

  • Node.JS and npm


  • docker


Register a Discord Bot and its OAuth2 here. In OAuth2 add a redirect to <serveraddress>/authorize (i.e. where <serveraddress> is the same one in config.json!

There are 2 options for self-hosting yuri:

  1. With the supplied Docker image
  2. With manual node.js setup configuration (way more complex)

1 - Using the supplied Docker image

Go to Releases and download the latest Docker image of yuri.
The image contains:
- an image of node.js LTS (8.12.0) on Debian Jessie
- the source code of yuri
- a FFMPEG installation

i) load the image to docker with

$ sudo docker load -i yuri.dockerimage.tar

ii) create a directory expose with the folder sounds in it with

$ mkdir -p expose/sounds

iii) start the Docker container once to create the config file in the expose folder

$ sudo docker run -v $PWD/expose:/usr/src/app/expose yuri

iv) a config.json should have been created in the expose directory. Open the config and enter your Bot application token from here. Also enter your preffered prefix the bot will listen to, your ID to identify you as the bot owner and the websocket password/token. Set the sound files directory to "./expose/sounds".

v) you can put all your sounds into the expose/sounds directory.

vi) run the Docker container as deamon with the prefered port of the websocket expose:

$ sudo docker run -p 8080:6612 -v $PWD/expose:/usr/src/app/expose -d yuri

8080 is just an example. You can expose the web interface to whatever port you want. Keep in mind, that the paths on the left side of the : behind the -v tag always needs to be an absolute path!

Now, you can check the status of the container with

sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
1bdf62abc781        yuri                "bash"    19 hours ago        Up 19 hours>6612/tcp   fervent_carson

To stop the container, use the stop command with the container ID:

$ sudo docker stop 1bdf62abc781

2 - Manual configuration of your node.js setup

Why you need to do all this stuff? Simply, the sound library of yuri has some problems with later versions of node.js than 9.4.0. So, you need to install all dependencies on this version and run the bot with it.

i) Clone the repository

$ git clone && cd yuri

ii) Install ffmpeg on your system by following the steps described in this blog post.

iii) Install npm package n, which will be used to manage multiple node.js versions

$ sudo npm i -g n

iv) Install node 9.4.0 and check that the version has changed

$ sudo n 9.4.0
$ node -v

v) Install all node modules

$ npm i

vi) Open the package.json file and change the "start" command to "n use 9.4.0 src/main.js"

"scripts": {
  "start": "n use 9.4.0 src/main.js"

vii) Start the bot once to create the config.json located in the expose folder.

$ npm start

viii) Open the config and enter your Bot application token from here. Also enter your preffered prefix the bot will listen to, your ID to identify you as the bot owner and the websocket password/token. Set the sound files directory where you want to store your sound files. Attention: This directory will not be created automatically by bot, so you will need to create the directory manually!

ix) start the bot with the script to ensure that the bot restarts after using the restart function. In the best case, run all of this in a screen session

$ screen -dmLS yuri bash

If you do not want to log the output of the screen, omit the L argument.

x) change back to your latest version of node

$ sudo n latest

...or enter the version you prefer to use normally.

Web Interface

If you set a valid token in the config, you can log in to the web interface accessed through http://<ipoftheserver>:6612 or with the port you set to if you changed it.

Then, join a voice channel in a guild the bot is connected to and enter your token and user ID. More information can be found in the info field.

After logging in, you can play sounds by clicking the tiles, search for sounds, or manage the bot.

Hotkey Client

Here you will find more information about setting up the websocket and getting the hotkey client.

To Do

Here you can find current tasks to do and ideas to implement.

Used 3rd party dependencies

© 2018 zekro Development (Ringo Hoffmann) | contact[at]