This is Express Example (Sample topic Demo) Web repositories
- Jquery.i18n is used in the project for internationalization, and it is necessary to simulate the server environment to read the configuration file. You can use a vscode plug-in Live Server to simulate.
Check out this article to learn how to use
- Need to fill in appID and Server and tokenUrl in
└── src # Source folder
├── Examples # Examples code
│ ├── AdvancedAudioProcessing # Audio advanced functions
│ │ ├── AEC_ANS_AGC # Audio 3A processing
│ │ ├── AudioMixing # Audio Mixing
│ │ ├── CustomAudioCaptureAndRendering # Custom audio capture and rendering
│ │ ├── EarReturnAndChannelSettings # Ear return and channel settings
│ │ └── SoundLevelAndAudioSpectrum # Volume change
│ ├── AdvancedStreaming # Push-pull streaming advanced
│ │ ├── LowLatencyLive # Low Latency Live
│ │ ├── PublishingMultipleStreams # Simultaneously push multiple streams
│ │ ├── StreamByCDN # Push and pull streams through CND
│ │ └── StreamMonitoring # Push stream, pull stream information monitoring
│ ├── AdvancedVideoProcessing # Video advanced functions
│ │ ├── CustomVideoCapture # Set video encoding properties
│ │ └── EncodingAndDecoding # Custom video capture
│ ├── CommonFeatures # Common features
│ │ ├── CommonVideoConfig # Common video configuration
│ │ └── RoomMessage # Room real-time message
│ ├── DebugAndConfig # Debug and configure
│ │ ├── InitSettings # Initialize settings
│ │ └── LogAndVersionAndDebug # log, version number, debugging information
│ ├── Framework # Best practices/framework related
│ │ ├── Angular # Use Angular to implement audio and video functions
│ │ ├── React # Use React to implement audio and video functions
│ │ └── Vue # Use Vue to implement audio and video functions
│ ├── Others # Other functions
│ │ ├── DeviceDetection # Device detection
│ │ ├── EffectsBeauty # Basic Beauty
│ │ ├── MediaTrackReplacement # Audio and video track replacement
│ │ ├── NetworkDetection # Network detection
│ │ ├── RangeAudio # Range audio
│ │ ├── ScreenSharing # Screen sharing
│ │ └── StreamMixing # Mixing streams
│ ├── QuickStart # Quick start
│ │ ├── CommonUsage # Implementation process
│ │ ├── Playing # Pull flow
│ │ ├── Publishing # Push stream
│ │ └── VideoTalk # Video call
│ └── Scenes # Best practices/scenario related
│ └── VideoForMultipleUsers # Multi-person video call
├── assets # Resource folder, storing resource files shared by the project
│ ├── css # CSS file shared by the project
│ ├── images # Static image resources
│ ├── js # js files shared by the project, including sdk, various dependent libraries, etc.
│ └── translate # translate related configuration files
└── KeyCenter.js # Configure related files, you can configure appID, server address, etc.