linux-4.4.38-for-tiny4412 made by FriendlyARM Corp.
how to boot and flash the uboot
use the uboot modified by myself
do sign manually if you modify the uboot before flash it to gen bl2.bin cd sd_fuse/tiny4412 ../mkbl2 ../../u-boot.bin bl2.bin 14336
follow this article to flash uboot.bin to emmc
how to build the linux-4.4.38-for-tiny4412
download the correct version of arm-linux-gcc I use arm-linux-gcc version 4.9.4 download from Linaro
cp tiny4412_linux_4_4_defconfig .config
make LOADADDR=0x40008000 uImage
make dtbs
how to flash the linux kernel and dtb image
use uboot fastboot run fastboot in uboot
fastboot flash kernel-4-4 arch/arm/boot/uImage
fastboot flash dtb arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos4412-tiny4412.dtb
run reset in uboot
set your user partition and flash your rootfs to your emmc