You can find most of my projects under my profile and the QuantixWorld organization.
During one of my BSc courses, my colleague and I were required to create a grid-based game using a provided Scala library.
My colleague and I decided to create a Bomberman-like game. We further enhanced it by making it playable over LAN and by implementing a small algorithm to simulate light obstruction.
This project, which works with the Spotify API, aims to provide Spotify’s features along with additional tools such as a playlist comparer/synchronizer.
I created this project because I wanted to synchronize my playlists and check for duplicates.
I chose NodeJS for the backend and VueJS for the frontend because I wanted to improve my web development skills and work with a robust framework compatible with both JavaScript and TypeScript.
I wanted to better understand how programming languages work, so I thought the best approach was to create one.
The first compiler is made in Rust but the real goal is to be able to make it in QuantixScript. For now, I aim to develop QuantixScript into an object-oriented programming language.
It’s a fun challenge because it requires me to learn Rust and Assembly, as well as understand and replicate how programming languages work.
Calculates when you can get back home after work and a small converter of hours to days.
I initially developed this project as a desktop application in C# but later reworked it as a web app using ScalaJS.
Repository - WebApp