Auto-tuned Iterative Closest Point (AICP) is a module for laser-based localization and mapping (Nobili et al., ICRA 2017). The implementation of AICP includes a module for localization failure prediction (Nobili et al., ICRA 2018). The registration strategy is based on the libpointmatcher framework (Pomerleau et al., AR 2012).
Demonstration Video with ANYMal:
AICP has been tested on:
- Carnegie Robotics Multisense SL data from:
- NASA Valkyrie humanoid
- Boston Dynamics Atlas humanoid
- IIT HyQ quadruped
- Clearpath Husky mobile platform
- Velodyne HDL-64 data from
- KITTI dataset (mobile platform)
- Velodyne VLP-16 data from
- ANYbotics ANYmal quadruped
For inter-process communication, the package includes wrappers for:
The core AICP strategy is compiled in aicp_core. The default steps perform frame-to-reference localization and mapping, and include:
- On a thread, AICP accumulates laser scans, i.e. each 3D point cloud processed for registration is constituted of
scans - On a second thread, it stores the first point cloud as the reference cloud
- Prior to registration, AICP computes an octree-based overlap parameter (Nobili et al., ICRA 2018) between the current and reference point clouds, and uses it to auto-tune online the outlier rejection filter of the registration strategy
- A reference point cloud update can be trigger either in a windowed fashion (
) or based on the risk of alignment failure prediction (failure_prediction_mode
) - AICP registers each new point cloud to the reference point cloud
- Finally, AICP publishes a corrected body pose estimate at the frequency of the state estimator
- Localization only mode -- This localizes against a fixed input map
TODO: add complete list of apt install packages
sudo apt-get install libpointmatcher-dev libpointmatcher1
The code is cloned and built in the standard manner for a ROS package.
- We currently support ROS Melodic / Ubuntu 18.04. The code is also compatiable with ROS Kinetic / Ubuntu 16.04.
- Configure your workspace to be in Release mode:
catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- User Interface:
rosrun rviz rviz -d [PATH_TO]/drs_base/git/aicp/aicp_ros/config/rviz/simple_aicp.rviz
- OR
roslaunch aicp_ros view_recorded_rosbag_aicp_simple.launch
- AICP launch:
- AICP mapping -- frame-to-reference:
roslaunch aicp_ros aicp_mapping.launch
- AICP localization only -- frame-to-map:
roslaunch aicp_ros aicp_localization_only.launch
- AICP mapping -- frame-to-reference:
- Log:
rosbag play --clock --pause yourbagfile.bag
- You can download the bag file from the experiment in the video here:
LCM (discontinued)
Help: rosrun aicp_lcm aicp_lcm_node -h
Example: rosrun aicp_lcm aicp_lcm_node -s debug -b 80 -f 5
- Option "-s robot" is meant to be used if the corrected pose from AICP is fed back into the state estimator. Each corrected pose is published only once as soon as computed.
- Option "-s debug" is meant to be used during debug. The corrected pose message is published at the same frequency as the pose estimate from the state estimator (for visualization purposes).
Required Topics (ROS):
- Point Cloud from a 3D Lidar, ideally transformed into the base frame
- Relative odometry estimate. This is the estimate of the LIDAR frame in a fixed frame. This should have low drift
To filter an ANYmal rosbag to contain only the required topics
- rosbag filter in.bag out.bag "topic=='/tf' or topic=='/state_estimator/pose_in_odom' or topic=='/point_cloud_filter/velodyne/point_cloud_filtered' or topic=='/tf_static'"
libpointmatcher, a modular library implementing the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm for aligning point clouds.
Point Cloud Library (PCL) revision pcl-1.7.0, a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing.
Octomap, a probabilistic 3D mapping framework based on octrees.
OpenCV -- Open Source Computer Vision Library.
Eigen, a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
title = {Overlap-based {ICP} Tuning for Robust Localization of a Humanoid Robot},
author = {S. Nobili and R. Scona and M. Caravagna and M. Fallon},
booktitle = {{IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}},
location = {Singapore},
month = {May},
year = {2017},
title = {Heterogeneous Sensor Fusion for Accurate State Estimation of Dynamic Legged Robots},
author = {S. Nobili and M. Camurri and V. Barasuol and M. Focchi and D. Caldwell and C. Semini and M. Fallon},
booktitle = {{Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS)}},
location = {Boston, MA, USA},
month = {July},
year = {2017},
title = {Predicting Alignment Risk to Prevent Localization Failure},
author = {S. Nobili and G. Tinchev and M. Fallon},
booktitle = {{IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}},
location = {Brisbane, Australia},
month = {May},
year = {2018},
The License information is available in the LICENSE file contained in this project repository.
Author: Simona Nobili, March 2019. Email:,