A no_GUI tuner using .wav files
Created on Mon Mar 11 2019 11:15:24
Utility_Belt Designs, Tacoma, WA
@author: ZennDogg
Nothing to see here, folks. There is no visual interface.
- Start the program
- Press the key for the note to be tuned
- Press the next key, etc.
- Press any other key to stop
I use AutoHotkey for a 3 key combination to run BassGuitarTuner.py.
The wave files were made in Audacity using its tone generator to create
a 30 second sine wave at the specified frequency. The frequencies are
based on the A=440hz spectrum. The frequencies used to generate the
tones can be found at: http://pages.mtu.edu/~suits/notefreqs.html
They are:
- E = 82.41 hz
- A = 110 hz
- D = 146.83 hz
- G = 196.00 hz
(all in lower case)
HINT: You may find tuning easier if you use the twelfth harmonic.