A template repository used for building cli. Feature include:
- An argument parser with samples for common functions such as:
- help
- verbose
- quiet
- mandatory and optional arguments
- arguments with multiple values
- Logging
- to console and to file
- custom formatting options
This is a GitHub template repository which you can use as a base by clicking "use this template"
To install with pip, you first need to upload to pypi. Instruction on how to do that are available at https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/.
Included is the setup.py
needed for pypi and pip and various other files required such as __init__.py
required according to the packaging projects tutorial mentioned above and a __main__.py
which is where the cli code lives
you can use pip install -e /path/to/package/
to test how the package would install.
You will have to modify all the included .py
files. Instructions on how to are mentioned in the files themselves