ztr (git clone cmd : git clone https://gitlab.com/zava810/ztr.git)
a simple webextension to transliterate webpages from indic script (malayalam, hindi, kannada, tamil, telugu, punzabi, guzrati, marathi, bengali/baNgla/oriya) to zabc (hscii810).
- in cmd prompt run belou git clone command. it vill zenerate ztr folder vith .git folder inside.
git clone https://gitlab.com/zava810/ztr.git
- install nvm->node->npm & run npm install command. it vill zenerate ztr/node_modules folder.
npm install
- build firefox extension by running belou build command. it vill zenerate ztr/extension/[firefox , firefox.xpi] folder tree.
npm run build:firefox 4: open firefox & type url about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
- click load temporary add-on button & select
- ztr/extension/firefox/manifest.json file.
- in firefox open zee hindi in neu table
- in firefox extension bar click ztr(z icon)
- click transliterate button & check/test if translierated in zabc properply. pliiz ping phur changes needed in libindik-transliteration library.
- install u5cdot in your system(android/windows/linux/firefox)
- in firefox open about:preferences -&--> search fonts
- set default font u5cdot & size 12
- in advanced do same for :
- other vriting systems
- latin
- hindi , malayalam , tamil , telugu etc ...
- uncheck "Allow pages to select" checkbox
- belou is list phur good sites to test phur languages:
- hinDi_mrathi_punzabi_guzraTi
- Tmil_niyuz
- mlyalm niyuz
- hindi food recepies
- bbc hindi
- pnzabi_gurumukhi niyuz
- Telugu niyuz
- kannada niyuz
- bNgali_baNgla
- guzraTi niyuz
- urriya niyuz
made with help of the awesome web-extension-starter.
install the extension and you'll see ztr icon on your browser toolbar. click on it and simply click "transliterate".
- supports :
- mlyalm
- hinDi/Devanagri
- knrra/Tullu
- Tmil
- Telugu
- mrathi
- guzraTi
- pnzabi/gurumukhi
- bNgali/baNgla ztr
- auto transliterate page on load
- offline [requires no internet to transliterate]
- options page has a transliterator tool for manual text
- clone
npm install
npm run dev:firefox
to start the development server for firefox addonnpm run build:firefox
to build.xpi
this ekstension is actually developed by subin|akshay. in ztr , i ekstended it to 7 other indian languages as listed above. also it needs u5cdot phont to vieu transliterated tekst to read. as in betveen vord caps ADHNT does not look good. so unicase. in unicase all are oph same height.
in indian languages ve use only 1 case . so only unicase phont is needed to read transliterated page. please install u5cdot phont phrom hao to install u5cdot phont. u5cdot unicase phonts
are derived/customized phrom actual delius unicase phonts vhich
are designed (by natalia raices .
my dev setup :
- os :
linux mint 19 [ubuntu 18.04 lts]
- node :
& npm :6.14.13
- node :
& npm :7.14.0
but it'll work on majority others too.