This package is inspired by Laravel Vouchers by Marcel Pociot.
Apply discounts to your Eloquent Models on Laravel, It can be used when we need to associate discounts with a certain amount to an eloquent model.
Any model
use Zaratedev\Discounts\Traits\Discountable;
class Item extends Model
use Discountable;
$item = Item::find(1);
The Laravel Discounts package requires PHP >= 7.2 and Laravel >= 5.8.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require zaratedev/laravel-discounts
The package will automatically register itself.
You can publish the migrations
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Zaratedev\Discounts\DiscountsServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
Execute the command
php artisan migrate
The basic concept of this package is to create discounts, associated with a specific model. For example, you have a subscription application where the first three months must apply a discount to the subscription price.
Add the Zaratedev\Discounts\Traits\Discountable
trait to your eloquent model that you want to use with discounts.
El trait Zaratedev\Discounts\Traits\Discountable
can redeem discounts in the database.
You can create one or many discounts using Discounts
$subscription = Subscription::find(1);
$discounts = Discounts::create($subscription, 3, 100);
$subscription = Subscription::find(1);
// Returns an array of Discounts
$discounts = $subscription->createDiscounts(3, 100);
// Return a Discount model
$discount = $subscription->createDiscount(100);
You can create discounts with expiration date.
$subscription = Subscription::find(1);
$subscription->createDiscounts(3, 100, today()->addMonths(4))
You can redeem the discount when it has been used.
After redeeming a discount, this package initializes two observable events redeeming
, redeemed
so you can implement the events and listeners according to the bussines logic of your application.
If a discount tries to redeem an expired discount, the package will throw the following exception: Zaratedev\Discounts\Exceptions\DiscountExpired
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
If you find a problem with this package, please send email to