Author: Langyan Zang
This is a repository holding all my practice of algorithm and data structure. Issues and PRs are welcome!
This project is based on CMake. (If you are looking for Python, Lua, Go, Rust codes, OFC you can run those code directly. But using CMake to manage this repo's organization is highly recommended)
To generate this project, simply run the following command
cmake -B build
To run a specfic file, run cmake --build build --target <file/dir name>_<language>
For example, if you want to run the union_find C++ version, run
cmake --build build --target union_find_cpp
or if you want to run the union_find Lua version, run
cmake --build build --target union_find_lua
or if you want to run the dijkstra algo Python version run
cmake --build build --target dijkstra_py
Check the source file for the main program defined in it. Edit it as you like to practice, and use the above commands to see the results.
- C++
- Python
- Fortran
- Lua
- Go
- Rust
The above languages version will update from time to time...