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The algorithm is designed for sensor data processing, employing various combining techniques for robust VLC communication.


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Libraries and Constants

  • Libraries: Includes the necessary libraries for the HTS221 sensor and standard C++ algorithms.
  • Constants: Defines pin assignments (sensorPin1, sensorPin2, sensorPin3), LED pin (LED), and threshold values (HB, SB, EP).
  • Global Variables: Initializes variables for sensor readings (v_R1, v_R2, v_R3), thresholds (Th_voltages, Th_voltage), and communication parameters.

Setup Function (setup())

  • Begins serial communication and initializes the HTS221 temperature and humidity sensor.
  • Halts program execution with an error message if sensor initialization fails.

Loop Function (loop())

  • Calls DiversityGainEngineInit() repeatedly to initiate the diversity gain engine process.

Diversity Gain Engine (DiversityGainEngineInit())

  • Iterates through a loop (BITLENGTH times) to read sensor values (v_R1, v_R2, v_R3) and estimate threshold voltages (Th_voltages) using ThresholdVoltageEstimator().
  • Calculates an average threshold voltage (Th_voltage) from the collected data.
  • Calls CombiningTEchniqueSelection() to determine and execute a combining technique (EGC, MLC, or SC) based on the highest detected signal strength.

Threshold Voltage Estimation (ThresholdVoltageEstimator())

  • Determines the maximum value among three sensor readings (v1, v2, v3) to estimate the threshold voltage.

Combining Technique Selection (CombiningTEchniqueSelection())

  • Evaluates the effectiveness of different combining techniques (EGC, MLC, SC) based on sensor readings.
  • Selects the technique with the highest signal strength (CT_ID_EGC, CT_ID_MLC, CT_ID_SC) and calls the corresponding function (EGC_machine(), MLC_machine(), SC_machine()).

Communication and Machine Functions

  • EGC Machine (EGC_machine()): Implements error correction and detection using the EGC (Exclusive-OR Gate Combination) technique.
  • MLC Machine (MLC_machine()): Implements majority logic combining technique.
  • SC Machine (SC_machine()): Implements selection combining technique.
  • Data Processing: Each machine function processes sensor data to determine communication modes and handles data transmission.

Utility Functions

  • Write Byte (writeByte()): Converts a decimal value to binary and sends it bit-by-bit to output pins.
  • Pulse Mapping (PulseMapping()): Controls LED to indicate data transmission status based on temperature data.

Supporting Functions

  • EGC_Engine(), MLC_Engine(), SC_Engine(): Functions implementing respective combining techniques with different bit processing logic.
  • inRange(): Checks if a value falls within a specified range.

Overall Purpose

  • The sketch is designed for sensor data processing, employing various combining techniques for robust communication.
  • It likely serves as part of a larger system for data transmission or control in an embedded environment like Arduino.
  • Modifications can be made to tailor the code to specific application requirements.
  • Application Context: Designed for robust sensor data processing and communication in an Arduino, stm32 or any other environment.
  • Functionality: Implements diverse combining techniques (EGC, MLC, SC) to ensure reliable data transmission or control.
  • Feedback: Provides visual feedback through an LED to indicate transmission status based on temperature data.

STM32 Diversity Gain Engine Communication: Implementation Process

Purpose and Overview

This code implements a sophisticated signal processing system on an STM32 microcontroller, designed to optimize signal reception and communication through advanced combining techniques.

Step-by-Step Implementation Process

1. System Initialization πŸ–₯️

void SystemInit() {

Key Actions:

  • Initialize Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
  • Configure system clock
  • Set up GPIO pins
  • Initialize Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
  • Configure UART communication

2. ADC Configuration πŸ“Š

static void MX_ADC1_Init(void) {
    hadc1.Init.Resolution = ADC_RESOLUTION_12B;
    hadc1.Init.NbrOfConversion = 3;
    // Additional configuration parameters

Configuration Details:

  • 12-bit resolution for precise measurements
  • 3 channels for multi-sensor input
  • Non-continuous conversion mode
  • Configures clock prescaler and data alignment

3. Threshold Voltage Estimation πŸ”

uint16_t ThresholdVoltageEstimator(uint16_t v1, uint16_t v2, uint16_t v3) {
    return std::max({v1, v2, v3});


  • Selects the maximum voltage from three sensor inputs
  • Determines signal strength and quality
  • Provides a basis for subsequent processing

4. Diversity Gain Engine Initialization πŸš€

void DiversityGainEngineInit() {
    for(int j = 0; j < BITLENGTH; j++) {
        // Trigger ADC conversions
        // Calculate threshold voltages
    // Compute average threshold voltage
    Th_voltage = (/* sum of threshold voltages */) / 8;

Main Responsibilities:

  • Perform multiple ADC conversions
  • Calculate threshold voltages for different bit lengths
  • Compute average threshold voltage
  • Initiate combining technique selection

5. Combining Technique Selection πŸ”€

void CombiningTechniqueSelection() {
    for (uint8_t j = 0; j < BITLENGTH; j++) {
        CT_ID_EGC = EGC_Engine(v_R1, v_R2, v_R3, HIGH, j);
        CT_ID_MLC = MLC_Engine(v_R1, v_R2, v_R3, HIGH, j);
        CT_ID_SC = SC_Engine(v_R1, v_R2, v_R3, j);

Combining Techniques:

  1. EGC (Equal Gain Combining)
  2. MLC (Maximum Likelihood Combining)
  3. SC (Selection Combining)

6. Signal Transmission πŸ“‘

void writeByte(char decimal) {
    for(int i = 0; i < BITLENGTH; i++) {
        // Convert decimal to binary
        // Transmit bits via GPIO

Transmission Process:

  • Convert decimal to binary representation
  • Use GPIO pins to represent binary states
  • Implement bit-level transmission

7. Continuous Operation ♾️

int main(void) {
    while(1) {

Operation Flow:

  • Continuous initialization of Diversity Gain Engine
  • 500ms delay between iterations

Potential Applications 🌐

  • Wireless communication systems
  • Signal processing in noisy environments
  • Adaptive sensor fusion
  • Advanced communication protocols

Limitations and Considerations ⚠️

  • Placeholder implementations for some engine functions
  • Requires specific STM32 hardware configuration
  • Needs customization for specific use cases

Conclusion 🎯

The code represents a complex signal processing approach, leveraging multiple sensors and advanced combining techniques to potentially improve communication reliability and performance.


Explore More! πŸš€


The algorithm is designed for sensor data processing, employing various combining techniques for robust VLC communication.








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