A web app for helping you prepare for an adventure, holiday, or trip. Select the categories needed for your trip and tick off the items as you pack. Download lists and share them when organising multiple people on the same trip.
Enjoy it at Kitlist
You need Node.js installed on your machine. Simply download the installer from nodejs.org and go through the installation steps.
Once Node.js is installed, open your command prompt or terminal and navigate into this project folder. The you can install the dependencies using:
npm install
Once all the dependencies are successfully installed, run:
npm start
This launches both the dev version of the app. You can visit localhost:3000 to see the running application.
This project uses the jest testing framework and the enzyme utility to make it easier to test the React components' output.
To run tests on the front end code that has changed since the last commit, run:
npm test
To run all of the front end tests, use:
npm test -- --watchAll
To compile the app, run:
npm run build
This can be copied to the production server and run as is.
- Zak Warren - Initial work