Words guessing game influenced by Codenames.
To run the game just call
docker compose up --build
Note: --build
is required in case of code changes to rebuild docker image for the service,
otherwise Docker would use cache version
At first, run Redis
docker compose up -d redis
Then enable auto-builds for frontend
cd ./frontend && pnpm run watch
And the last step is to run backend (which will also serve frontend as static files)
cd ./backend && ./gradlew bootRun
Note: use this command (or enable it in IDE as action) to refresh frontend files in the classpath
./gradlew reload
The code for frontend/src/api
is generated from swagger definition which generated from backend.
Swagger to TypeScript relies on swagger-codegen tool (do not forget to install it).
docker compose up -d redis
(cd backend && ./gradlew clean generateOpenApiDocs)
(cd frontend && npm run generate-rest-client)
Server is running on rootless containers via podman. The pod definition can be found
in deployment/prod
Helpful links: