After COVID-19 people are going back to the offices, so do the old problem to find a free meeting room. This is a simple app that trys to address it by providing an overview over free and busy meeting rooms available in Google Calendar.
One can try it on It is available only for testers, so drop me a message to
This is a Flutter application for Web, so you need to have Flutter SDK installed on your machine (more here: Install instructions)
This application is using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs. Necessary setup actions:
- Create new OAuth 2.0 Client in
- Add
for Authorized JavaScript origins and Authorized redirect URIs
- Add
- Create Consent App here
Then run the app
flutter run web --web-port=3000 --dart-define=OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=${OAUTH_CLIENT_ID} --target lib/main_production.dart