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Golang opentracing example with gin (WORKING!!)

this project is example of opentracing-go with gin, jagger


Suppose that we have 5 services like below tree.

Service to service calls

             [Span A (Service1)]  
         |                       |  
 [Span B (Service2)]      [Span C (Service 3)] >>> [Span D (Service 4)]  
 [Span E (Service5)]

Getting started

Run with docker compose

// jaeger ui with `:16686`
// service1 with `:3100`
// service2 with `:3200`
// service3 with `:3300`
// service4 with `:3400`
// service5 with `:3500`
$ docker-compose up

// if u want to build image again, use --build tag
$ docker-compose up --build

Call /service1/trace

$ curl -XGET http://localhost:3100/service1/trace

Check span from jaeger ui (http://localhost:16686/)

jaeger ui result
