Please note that this module is currently under development.
The overall flow for this module is pretty simple:
- Create IBM object storage account to store Terraform state
- Create IBM IKS configuration in a modular manner
- Deploy the infrastructure incrementally
The following security controls can be met through configuration of this template:
- None
- Your account must have VRF and Service Endpoints enabled. See the support documentation for more information.
- Terraform 0.11 or older (Terraform 0.12 is not yet supported by the IBM provider)
- IBM Terraform Provider
Create terraform.tfvars based on example template provider.
Generate HMAC credentials for your Object Storage account:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret>
- Initialize and set the Terraform backend configuration parameters for the AzureRM provider.
terraform init \
-backend-config="" \
-backend-config="region=tor01" \
-backend-config="bucket=tfstate" \
(note, if you are using a region other than tor01, update the endpoint and region config)
- Create an execution plan and save the generated plan to a file.
terraform plan -out plan
- Apply the plan to deploy/update the cluster.
terraform plan -out plan
terraform apply plan
- KubeConfig
ibmcloud ks cluster-config --cluster ${prefix}
Date | Release | Change |
20190930 | 20190930.1 | 1st release |