- Puppeteer.js
- Typescript
- No API tokens, subscriptions, or sign up
- Free and Open Source
- Simple JSON object format for posts
- Create one post object, post to everywhere in one place.
- Runs only on your computer;
is not a centralized service or database. - Hopefully an awesome scheduler. Uses your computer's clock.
- Posting to LinkedIn
- Posting simple title + text to Reddit
- Posting images + video to Reddit ( WIP )
- Add cronjob and check for posts that are scheduled
- Prepare frontend for desktop app with tauri ( Chakra UI )
- Posting to Instagram
- Add support for multiple media files
- Posting to Instagram Stories
- Posting to Youtube
- Posting to Youtube Shorts
- Posting to Youtube Stories
- Posting to TikTok
This little automated posting app depends on a settings.json
and posts.json
# Clone this repo
cd zacs_pants/application
# install the dependencies
yarn install
# Install the chromium browser for puppeteer
yarn setup
# Setup your credentials
cp settings.json.example settings.json
vim settings.json
# Add your media videos or images
mkdir media
mv yourImageOrVideo.png media/
# Setup your posts
cp posts.json.example posts.json
vim posts.json
# Start the app.
yarn start
"datesToPost": ["2022-04-24T20:11:10.193Z"], // doesn't work yet
"description": "the description of this post.",
"hashtags": [
"mediaSource": "nameOfFileInMediaFolder.jpg", // file name in application/media/ folder
"meta": {
"subreddits": [ // for reddit posts
"platforms": [
"reddit" // you can now post only text/desription to reddit!
"title": "title for this post. linkedin doesn't have titles, but other social medias do ( like youtube )"