- Introduction
- About Meraki Action Batches
- Installation
- Use
- Warning!
- Action Batcher Operations Overview
- Action Batcher Operations: Create Action Batch
- Action Batcher Operations: Update Action Batch
- Action Batcher Operations: GetOrg Action Batch
- Action Batcher Operations: Get Action Batch
- Action Batcher Operations: Action Batch Status
- Action Batcher Operations: Delete Action Batches
- Action Batcher Operations: Check Until Complete
- Creating Actions
- Using Default Config File
- Changelog
- License
Meraki Action Batcher is a Python-based GUI tool for creating, updating, verifying, deleting, and monitoring Meraki Action Batches. Action Batcher simplifies interaction with the Meraki Action Batch API so that you can focus on individual actions. This project is part of the Meraki ActionBatch Tools parent repo and can be used with the Meraki Action Composer complimentary tool.
In June 2019, Meraki announced Action Batches as a new way for making changes in bulk via the Meraki Dashboard API. The obvious benefit of Action Batches is a way to navigate the Dashboard API rate limit of 5 calls per second (per individual Dashboard Org). Depending on the requirements, authors of a given script or app sometimes had to navigate API with respective code (e.g. exponential backoff).
With Action Batches we now have a way to scale changes to many devices (and/or networks) with fewer API caveats.
From the Action Batch documentation:
- Action batches allow an API client to define a batch of write actions (create, update, destroy, etc.).
- Batches are run atomically (all or nothing, no partial success).
- Batches are run asynchronously by default. Smaller batches can be run synchronously.
- You can run up to 20 resources synchronously in a single batch.
- A batch can consists of up to 100 resources.
- Limit of 5 concurrent running batches at a time.
- A batch should be completed within 10 minutes from confirmation.
- Different types of resources and operations can be combined in a batch.
- The actions in a batch will be executed in the same order they are defined.
- Batches will not be executed until the confirmed property is set. Once a batch is confirmed it cannot be deleted. If a batch is defined but not confirmed it will be automatically deleted after one week.
Please review the Action Batch API documentation to understand Action Batches.
Meraki ActionBatcher requires Python 3.5 or greater. In addition to modules distributed with ActionBatcher, ActionBatcher depends on the Gooey and JSONMerge external packages. Both can be installed via the included requirements.txt file
Note: For Mac OSX, replace "python" with "python3" and for both platforms, make sure the output of python -v (or python3 -v) is 3.5 or greater.
1. Clone this repository locally
git clone https://github.com/zabrewer/Meraki-ActionBatcher.git
2. Create the virtual environment
python3 -m venv Meraki-ActionBatcher
3. Change to the Meraki-ActionBatcher directory
cd Meraki-ActionBatcher
4. Activate the virtual environment
For Windows
For Mac
source bin/activate
5. Satisfy dependencies by installing external packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
6. Launch ActionBatcher while in virtual environment
python actionbatcher.py
To exit, close the ActionBatcher GUI window or cntrl+C at the command prompt. To deactivate the virtual environment:
For Windows
For Mac
(Coming Soon)
After an Action Batch has been confirmed, it CANNOT BE DELETED.
This tool can make mass changes to a production environment. Please make sure you understand the Meraki Dashboard and Meraki Action Batch APIs well before using this application. The license file provided with this software absolves all parties of issues, accidental or otherwise.
If you want to test most functions (except for create and update), you can do so in the Meraki developer sandbox which is Read-Only.
- Sign up for a Cisco DevNet Account
- Login through this link
- Scroll to the bottom left for the Read-Only Dashboard API key.
Before working with action batches, you must have an API Key and know the OrgID.
- Documentation for enabling the API key for an account
- The OrgID(s), NetworkIDs, and other relative information can be retrieved using Python, cURL, the Meraki Dashboard Postman Collection, and many other ways
- Cisco Devnet is a good place to start if you are new to the Meraki Dashboard API.
Most of the Action Batcher operations mirror the Action Batch API.
Operation | Description | Screenshot |
Create Action Batch | Creates a new Action Batch for the given org | ![]() |
Update Action Batch | Updates an existing Action Batch | ![]() |
GetOrg Action Batch | Get all Action Batches for a given Org | ![]() |
Get Action Batch | Get the details of a single action batch | ![]() |
Action Batch Status | Get Action Batches that match a given criteria (Confirmed/Unconfirmed, Complete/Incomplete, Failed) | ![]() |
Delete Action Batches | Deletes an Action Batch (Unconfirmed status only) | ![]() |
Check Until Complete | Keep checking a given Action Batch until it is complete | ![]() |
Creates a new Action Batch for the given org
- Required Arguments
- API Key: Your Meraki API Key
- Org ID: The Org ID in which you wish to create the new Action Batch
- JSON Action(s): One or more JSON actions to submit to the ActionBatch API
- One or MORE JSON files can be selected using CNTRL+Click (CMD+Click on Mac OSX)
- All files are checked for valid JSON - if the JSON is invalid, ActionBatcher notes which files are invalid and tells the user
- If all files are valid, they will be merged in the order that they are clicked. Order of operation is important often when committing multiple actions to an Action Batch via the API (i.e. you can't update a switchport on an unclaimed switch)
- See (Creating Action Batch JSON)[#Creating-Action-Batch-JSON] for information on how ActionBatcher expects the JSON to be formatted
- Optional Arguments
- Confirm Action Batch: Whether or not to confirm the Action Batch when it is first submitted
- Action Batches are not executed until they are marked as confirmed
- It is possible to use the UpdateActionBatch operation (outlined in the next section) to confirm an Action Batch
- Once confirmed Action Batch cannot be deleted!
- As Per Meraki Documentation, Action Batches that have been submitted but not confirmed will be deleted by the API after one week
- Synchronous: Whether or not the Action Batch will be executed Synchronously or Asynchronously
- Note that this setting can be updated/changed per Action Batch until the Action Batch has been confirmed
- Only 20 resources (individual actions) can be run synchronously in a single batch
- Indent JSON Output: Whether or not to indent the JSON output to screen
- Export File: If defined, all actions are combined and written to this file. Basically this is a dump of exactly what is sent to the Action Batch API
- Confirm Action Batch: Whether or not to confirm the Action Batch when it is first submitted
Back To Index | Back To Operations Overview
Updates an existing Action Batch
- Required Arguments
- API Key: Your Meraki API Key
- Org ID: The Org ID for the Action Batch to be updated
- Batch ID: The Batch ID for the Action Batch to be updated (can get from GetOrgActionBatch operation or ActionBatchStatus)
- Optional Arguments
- Confirm Action Batch: Whether or not to confirm the Action Batch when it is as part of the update
- Synchronous: Whether or not the Action Batch will be executed Synchronously or Asynchronously
- Note that this setting can be updated/changed per Action Batch until the Action Batch has been confirmed
- Only 20 resources (individual actions) can be run synchronously in a single batch
- Indent JSON Output: Whether or not to indent the JSON output to screen
Back To Index | Back To Operations Overview
JSON output for all Action Batches for a given Dashboard Organization (Org ID)
- Required Arguments
- API Key: Your Meraki API Key
- Org ID: The Org ID
- Optional Arguments
- Indent JSON Output: Whether or not to indent the JSON output to screen
Back To Index | Back To Operations Overview
Detailed JSON output for an individual Action Batch
- Required Arguments
- API Key: Your Meraki API Key
- Org ID: The Org ID
- Batch ID: The Batch ID to to retrieve (can get from GetOrgActionBatch operation or ActionBatchStatus)
- Optional Arguments
- Indent JSON Output: Whether or not to indent the JSON output to screen
Back To Index | Back To Operations Overview
Print a list of BatchIDs that match a given condition.
- Required Arguments
- API Key: Your Meraki API Key
- Org ID: The Org ID
- Action Batch Status Condition to Check: Retrieve Action Batches that match one of the following:
- Confirmed/Unconfirmed Action Batches
- Completed/Incomplete Action Batches
- Failed Action Batches
- Optional Arguments
- Indent JSON Output: Whether or not to indent the JSON output to screen
Back To Index | Back To Operations Overview
Delete an unconfirmed Action Batch
- Required Arguments
- API Key: Your Meraki API Key
- Org ID: The Org ID
- Batch ID: The Batch ID delete
Back To Index | Back To Operations Overview
Check a confirmed Action Batch until it is complete
- Required Arguments
- API Key: Your Meraki API Key
- Org ID: The Org ID
- Batch ID: The Batch ID to check status
- Optional Arguments
- Maximum Number of Tries: The maximum # of API calls to make before stopping
- Default is 10 API Calls
- Maximum Number of Tries: The maximum # of API calls to make before stopping
Back To Index | Back To Operations Overview
Note: I'm working on a tool to greatly reduce creating Action Batch JSON. I will post to this repo and the parent repo as soon as I have a version ready for testing.
Note 2: There are sample JSON actions that can be customized and used with Action Batcher in the /actions directory of this repo.. See the Actions README file for more details.
Note 3: Action Batcher checks for valid JSON files when creating an Action Batch - In addition to testing and working with JSON in code, there are multiple resources for linting (validating) JSON online including https://jsonviewer.io/tree, https://jsonlint.com/, and https://beautifier.io/.
The basic format for a Meraki Action Batch API request is as follows (where resource is the relative path to the URI resource and the ACTION BODY are the actions to be performed using the resource). Remember you can have multiple actions in a single action batch (up to 100 for asynchronous Action Batches and 20 for synchronous batches).
Note that the following is an example for demonstration and is not valid JSON.
"confirmed": true,
"synchronous": true,
"actions": [{
"resource": "/path/to/resource",
"operation": "operation",
"body": {
The Action Batcher tool only expects the actions themselves. So a basic template JSON file for Action Batcher would be as follows (again, this is an example and not valid JSON):
"actions": [{
"resource": "/path/to/resource",
"operation": "update",
"body": {
Let's take a basic example that adds a tag for a basic network device (this is valid JSON and would be accepted by Action Batcher once the {{NetworkID}} and {{DeviceID}} variables were changed to one that exists within the given Org):
"actions": [{
"resource": "/networks/{{NetworkID}}/devices/{{DeviceID}}",
"operation": "update",
"body": {
"tags": "CoreSwitch"
A more complete example - the JSON for the actions used in the actionBatch-VlanUpdate.py example script on Cisco Devnet's documentation for Action Batches.
As per the documentation for the script: This will create a new VLAN on a Meraki MX Security Appliance. It will then update multiple switches with new tags. Finally, several ports will be updated to leverage the new VLAN settings.
You would need to replace the following with values for your vlan#, networkID, switchIDs, etc (the template engine I am working on will simplify this process):
vlan - vlan number net_id - NetworkID for the network of both switches switch_a - device ID for switch_a switch_b - device ID for switch_b tags - any tags to update the switches with
"actions": [{
"resource": "/networks/{{net_id}}/vlans",
"operation": "create",
"body": {
"id": "{{vlan}}",
"name": "API-VLAN",
"applianceIp": "172.16.{{vlan}}.1",
"subnet": "172.16.{{vlan}}.0/24"
"resource": "/networks/{{net_id}}/devices/{{switch_a}}”,
"operation": "update",
"body": {
"tags": "{{tags}}"
"resource": "/networks/{{net_id}}/devices/{{switch_b}}”,
"operation": "update",
"body": {
"tags": "{{tags}}"
"resource": "/devices/{{switch_a}}/switchPorts/1",
"operation": "update",
"body": {
"tags": "{{tags}}",
"type": "access",
"vlan": "{{vlan}}"
"resource": "/devices/{{switch_b}}/switchPorts/1",
"operation": "update",
"body": {
"tags": "{{tags}}",
"type": "access",
"vlan": "{{vlan}}"
There is an empty config file called "defaults.json" in this repo. Config files take the following form:
"common": {
"apikey": "",
"orgid": "",
"batchid": "",
"prettyprint": ""
"other": {
"createactionbatch": {
"json_actionfile_path": "",
"confirm": false,
"synchronous": false,
"exportfile_path": ""
"updateactionbatch": {
"json_actionfile_path": "",
"confirm": false,
"synchronous": false,
"exportfile_path": ""
The sections should be self explanatory - "common" are common to all Action Batcher operations, while the "other" section is specific to specific operations.
If the config file is present, Action Batcher starts with the values pre-filled as defaults in the respective fields and checkboxes. They can always be overwritten while ActionBatcher is open but any new instances of ActionBatcher will use the defaults.json values when opened.