A Complete Hotel Management System Developed In C++ As A Project of IUBAT - CSC284
Watch The Video Below For The Demo:
A complete solution to manage your hotel with multiple admins and a super admin. Where only the super admin can add new admins. All admins can manage the rooms, book a room for the customers, check all rooms, edit the price of the rooms, add new customers, and vacate a room when customers leave!
We tried to keep it as easy as possible for our juniors so that they can understand and get ideas about the project. Don't forget to follow us for more projects!
Room Number Format: Character Representing Floor + Floor Extension + 00 or 0 + Room Number
We Made the UI look Clean and modern with colors where it is needed (such as options, warnings, and success). Here are some other Features:
- Welcome Screen
- First Time Setup
- One Super Admin
- Login To Access The Admin Panel
- Auto Generate Room Numbers Based on floors and Rooms on each floor
- Get the All Rooms list colored by green and red accordingly if the room is available to book and not available
- View All registered customers list
- Get Room Details By Room Number
- Edit Room Price By Room Number
- Book A Room By Room Number
- Use Existing Customer using customer ID and Book the room
- Create A New Customer And Book the room
- Vacate A Room to make it available for others when the customer leaves
- Add New Admin (This option is only visible and executable to Super Admins)
- Logout
- Hotel
- Rooms
- Customers
- Admins
For any kind of help or support you can contact me via support@zealtyro.com or keep an eye on our:
- Mahedi Zaman Zaber
- Afsana Meem
- Shanjida Afrin
- Sumayia Akter
- Sumiaya Afrin