$ npm install @zzwing/react-table
import { Table, HorizontalScrollBar } from '@zzwing/react-table'
Props | Type | Default | Desc |
dataSource | Array | [] | dataSource |
colums | columnsProps[] | [] | columns props |
rowKey | string | none |
row key, unique, eg: id /a.b.c |
className | string | '' | table classname |
style | object | {} |
table style |
multiLine | boolean | false | if row is multiline, need to set true |
offsetTop | number | 0 |
thead fixed-top offset |
scrollBarOffset | number | 5 | scrollbar fixed-bottom offset |
onRow | (record: T) => TableRowProp | -- | a function return table row props |
type PlainObject = {
[key: string]: any
interface TableProp<T extends PlainObject = PlainObject> {
columns?: ColumnProps<T>[]
dataSource?: T[]
rowKey?: string
className?: string
style?: React.CSSProperties
offsetTop?: number
multiLine?: boolean
scrollBarOffset?: number
onRow?: (record: T) => TableRowProp
Props | Type | Default | Desc |
title | any | none |
column title |
key | string | none |
column key, default is dataIndex |
dataIndex | string | '' | data field in each record, support chain eg: a.b.c.d |
render | (text, record, index) => any | () => {} | column render function |
align | left | right | center |
center |
text align |
className | string | '' | -- |
fixed | left | right | right |
false |
fixed flag |
interface ColumnProps<T> {
title?: React.ReactNode
key?: React.Key
dataIndex?: keyof T | string
render?: (text: any, record: T, index: number) => React.ReactNode
align?: 'left' | 'right' | 'center'
className?: string
fixed?: boolean | ('left' | 'right')
like Table
, but not fixed left
and `right
export interface BaseTableProp<T extends PlainObject = PlainObject> {
columns?: ColumnProps<T>[]
dataSource?: T[]
rowKey?: string
maxTop?: number
getRef?: React.RefObject<HTMLTableElement>
className?: string
multiLine?: boolean
style?: React.CSSProperties
offsetTop?: number
onRow?: (record: T) => TableRowProp
Props | Type | Default | Desc |
className | string | '' | scrollbar className |
scrollTarget | string | HTMLElement | window | native scroll container |
offsetBottom | number | 5 | scrollbar bottom offset |
interface HorizontalScrollBarProp {
className?: string
scrollTarget?: string | HTMLElement
offsetBottom?: number