Releases: z-------------/CPod
Releases · z-------------/CPod
- Fix: Fix episodes that appear when user scrolls to bottom of Home being unplayable
- Feature: Support YouTube channels as podcasts (addresses #11) — paste channel URL in Explore box to preview and subscribe
- Improvement: Add error message for when viewing podcast by URL fails
- Fix: Fix podcast name and image not showing when listening to non-subscribed podcast
- Improvement: Show more episodes when user scrolls to bottom of Home
- Translation: Add Korean translation (thanks, @Eddy119), update Chinese and Portuguese translations, internationalization improvements and fixes
- Fix: Fix updating podcast images
- Fix: Remove spaces appearing before podcast and episode descriptions in per-podcast view
- Fix: Remove redundant OPML file replacement confirmation
- Translation: Improvements and updates to Portuguese translation
- Fix: Fix network error when downloading from some HTTPS sources
- Fix: Fix episode description not scrollable in very small windows
- Improvement: Add setting to change display language
- Improvement: Slightly improve performance of audio waveform visualization
- Improvement: Notify user upon media error
- Improvement: Improvement to layout for very small windows
- Translation: Internationalization system; Spanish, Portuguese (thanks, @smarquespt), Chinese (Simp./Trad.) translations (contributions welcome!)
- Fix: Hide first run message in very small layout to avoid obscuring all controls
- Improvement: Improve layout for smaller window sizes (partially addresses #20)
- Improvement: Some small performance improvements
- Fix: Fix some episode descriptions having way-too-large line breaks (addresses #31)
- Fix: Fix app icon not showing in welcome message
- Fix: Fix a bug involving empty descriptions
- Caveat: Updated version of Electron seems to have introduced "insecure response" errors which sometimes prevent some resources loaded over HTTPS (e.g. some podcasts' audio files, podcast art) from being loaded.