Last Modified by Yoonyoung Cho @ June 11th, 2018
This project implements Online/Offline Graph Slam in 3-Dimensions, including rotations.
The implementation is independent from, but follows the theory as described in A Tutorial on Graph-Based Slam by Giorgio Grisetti.
Adaptation from its original version to the online (incremental) variant closely followed Sebastian Thrun's method introduced in CS373 Udacity Course, Artificial Intelligence for Robotics. namely, the the new information matrix and the coefficients are computed through the block-matrix inverse.
Each Landmark is identified by its fully qualified pose, such as would be the case for april tags, for instance.
Orientations are represented by quaternions in the state-form, and are treated with minimal parametrization with T(q) = h v
To run, simply type the following in the terminal:
Which would produce an output such as:
======== Ground Truth ========
final pose
(array([-60.5253, -63.891 , 12.3384]), array([-0.7555, 0.379 , 0.1496, 0.513 ]))
[[array([ 17.4111, -16.5466, -10.9947])
array([-0.2441, -0.1224, 0.0396, 0.9612])]
[array([ 1.7009, -23.3336, -1.7232])
array([-0.0876, -0.0553, 0.3559, 0.9288])]
[array([10.3241, -7.3791, 13.1882])
array([0.3553, 0.8674, 0.2175, 0.272 ])]
[array([ 6.2393, -10.2777, 15.8645])
array([ 0.2804, -0.1007, -0.4581, 0.8375])]]
-------- --------
======== Raw Results ========
final pose
[-44.1774 -71.2953 2.4658 -0.756 0.1418 0.3163 0.5552]
[Not available at this time]
-------- --------
======== Online ========
final pose
[-67.3803 -64.57 8.5176 -0.7206 0.3921 0.1738 0.5448]
[[ 17.3581 -16.3457 -12.3706 -0.2125 -0.1368 -0.0331 0.967 ]
[ 1.7459 -22.9052 -3.2887 -0.0831 -0.1383 0.2638 0.951 ]
[ 11.0464 -8.0334 13.4041 0.4288 0.7506 0.3377 0.3725]
[ 7.2658 -11.3247 14.3272 0.3098 -0.1079 -0.4167 0.8478]]
-------- --------
======== Offline ========
final pose
[-58.7092 -65.6913 12.2601 -0.7402 0.3844 0.1879 0.5187]
[[ 16.8471 -15.723 -13.4576 -0.2169 -0.0942 0.0511 0.9703]
[ 1.849 -23.2313 -3.5829 -0.054 -0.0349 0.365 0.9288]
[ 11.1996 -7.926 11.5698 0.3628 0.8719 0.2306 0.2345]
[ 7.338 -11.013 14.3555 0.2871 -0.06 -0.4634 0.8362]]
-------- --------
Visualization in ROS with RViz had been supported in the past, and will be revived in the future.